Ukrainian Media Reported ‘cleansing operation’ against ‘Russian collaborators in Bucha’ on April 2


FULL DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media – The question of who murdered the people in Butscha is becoming clearer. There are very interesting clues in Ukrainian media.

Ukrainian portal is one of the leading news portals in Ukraine, publishing articles in English, Russian and Ukrainian. In the English section, an article titled “The SAFARI Regiment of Special Forces Begins Purge in Butcha of Saboteurs and Accomplices of Russia National Police” appeared on April 2. The article itself is quite vacuous and contains little information, but it is interesting to note that it speaks of a “purge of accomplices of Russia.”

The Russian army left Butcha on March 30, which the mayor of the city confirmed in a video message on March 31. So the question arises, by whom the city had to be cleaned if the Russian army was no longer there at all?

The answer should be given by this revealing video on

In the video, a soldier asks his commander if he can shoot at anyone not wearing blue armbands and the commander allows it. The blue armbands are identifying marks of the Ukrainian army and its sympathizers, the white armbands are identifying marks of the Russian army and its sympathizers. Therefore, the fact that the corpses in Butcha wear white armbands indicates anyway that they were victims of Ukrainian forces. Why would Russian soldiers shoot their sympathizers?

Ukrainian media is generally an interesting source. For example, when I looked around, I found this very recent article headlined “Andriy Kryshchenko: “You can kill occupiers and nothing will happen. You can use a gun, a pitchfork or a Molotov cocktail. As you like” and is written in Ukrainian. Such phrases are many in Ukrainian media and they reflect the mood in which people should be put. When radical fighters read such things, of course, it falls on particularly fertile ground and when they then hit civilians wearing white armbands, anything can happen.

For the people of Butcha, the days between March 30 and April 2 must have been difficult, because during those days the Russian army had already left and the Ukrainian army had not yet arrived. There must have been a lot of uncertainty in the town as to who would take over in the end. This could explain why there were people wearing both white and blue armbands at the time.

When the regiment appropriately named “Safari” moved in to “cleanse the city of Russia’s accomplices” there may have been casualties. And they are now presented to us as victims of the Russian army, who, according to alleged satellite photos, have been lying in the streets for two weeks.

However, if you inform yourself about the decomposition process, you will notice that such exposed corpses should have decomposed to a large extent after two weeks, especially since the temperatures in Butscha in the second half of March were 10 to 15 degrees. But this is not the case, the corpses on the pictures all look fresh, which also suggests that the people were shot only after the Russian withdrawal.

On April 2 was the “cleansing operation” and on April 3 Kiev presented the bodies to the world public as victims of the Russian army…



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  1. Same thing was done in Libya, mass public killings and dismemberment of innocent civilians by any of the 250,000 AlQueda headchopper mercenaries imported into Libya by USA, UK, NATO, CIA etc. were simply blamed on Ghaddafi

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