Ukraine War: Russian Army Attacks Day 47


FULL DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media

Key events, news, statements April 11 Kyiv is preparing actions with “massive ruthless destruction of civilians” in the LPR in order to blame the republic and the Russian military for this. This was stated by the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.

According to him, in the village of Ragovka, Kiev region, the Ukrainian side intends to organize staged filming of “the search and opening of mass graves of civilians allegedly killed by Russian servicemen.” To increase the “reliability” of the provocation, it is planned to involve the employees of the national police and forensic experts.

In other locations in the east of Ukraine (in the city of Kremyannaya and the village of Belogorovka), the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing a “provocation with shelling” of ambulances; Western media journalists have already settled in the Kremyannaya district hospital to film it.

With the support of the West, in order to accuse the RF Armed Forces, actions are being prepared with the mass destruction of civilians in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR).

The nationalists set up firing positions in schools, a hospital and residential buildings in Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk district, and mined chlorine tanks in the Popasnyansky district, which they plan to blow up when the LPR troops approach. The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also equipped a strong point, and placed armored vehicles and anti-aircraft installations in the building of the Lysychansk Pedagogical College.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that soon Mariupol would be 100% liberated. According to him, the main tasks there have already been completed, and only “a handful of Bandera” remained in the city itself.

Fighters of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the RF Armed Forces evacuated 47 crew members from Russia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Ukraine from two foreign ships blocked by Ukrainian militants in the port of Mariupol.

As of April 10, since the beginning of the conflict, more than 714,000 Ukrainian refugees, including almost 138,000 children, have crossed the border of the Russian Federation, over 19,000 people in the last 24 hours alone.

US national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the United States still does not support the idea of ​​transferring Soviet-made fighter jets to Ukraine through a base in Germany. According to him, if a country in Eastern Europe expresses a desire to send MiG-29 or other Soviet-made aircraft to Kiev, it will be their own decision.

The Minister of National Defense of South Korea said that Seoul considers the supply of lethal weapons to Kiev difficult.

May 19 Governor of the Krasnodar Territory: A yellow level of the terrorist threat has been introduced in two regions of the region bordering Ukraine by sea.

19.00 First Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN: Evidence that the events in Bucha were staged is only multiplying, Russia has transmitted information to the UN about Kiev’s impending provocations.

18.55 Belarusian border service: The Polish military tried to blind the Belarusian border guards with a flashlight, and then fired at their post with a slingshot (!).

18.50 Chinese Deputy Ambassador to the UN: The circumstances of the strike on the Kramatorsk railway station must be investigated, any statements must be based on facts.

18.45 Head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev: More than 17 thousand people, including 2,560 thousand children, were evacuated to Russia from dangerous regions of Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR in a day

18.40 Pentagon, main evening on April 11:

– Kyiv is not able to use the S-400;

– weapons are delivered to Ukraine by 8-10 flights per day and an “almost constant” flow of ground convoys;

– The United States intends to supply Ukraine not only with machine guns, armored vehicles, or even air defense systems, but also tactical short-range ground-based missiles MGM-140 ATACMS, which can theoretically carry a nuclear charge.

18.30 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the main thing for the evening of April 11:

– Kyiv, under the leadership of the British special services, is preparing new staged provocations to accuse the RF Armed Forces of cruel treatment of the population of Ukraine;

– Ukrainian militants torture the inhabitants of Slavyansk, and also threaten them with reprisals against their relatives for pro-Russian views;

– a network of foreign specialists in information and psychological impact operates in Ukraine;

– a group of French military and gendarmes will try to cover up Kyiv’s crimes against the DPR and LPR, as well as fabricate accusations against the RF Armed Forces;

– the Kiev authorities evade the solution to the issue of ensuring the safe exit of foreign ships from the ports of Ukraine;

– The Russian Armed Forces left Nizhnyaya Syrovatka, where a provocation against the Russian army is being filmed, on March 20th.

18.20 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with the American CBS channel:

– we should meet with Vladimir Putin earlier;

– our people believed that NATO would protect us, but they were not going to do it behind the scenes;

– now many countries are ready to accept us into the EU, but the price, in my opinion, is too high;

– it is still impossible to say that we won the battle for Kyiv, the speed of the transfer of weapons to the United States depends on whether we survived or not [in the battle for Donbass].

18.10 The Pentagon said that a number of states handed over tanks to Ukraine, several more are considering such a possibility – RIA Novosti.

18.05 Operational information from the official representative of the NM DPR on the situation at 18.00 April 11:

– units of the troops of the Russian Federation and the DPR continue to successfully advance in the area of ​​​​the industrial zone of the Mariupol plant “Azovstal”;

– assault units were trained for operations in complex industrial buildings, which use rocket-propelled infantry flamethrowers to destroy Nazi positions, earlier these assault groups showed their effectiveness during the assault on the ground and underground structures of the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.

17.55 Operational situation in Mariupol: Approximately half of the group of militants who tried to break through from Azovmash in the northern direction have been destroyed, the survivors have fled along with the building, a sweep is underway. All equipment of the group is either destroyed or trophied.

17.53 The President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, called on the population and political parties to unite around the idea of ​​joining the European Union and to achieve the goal through joint efforts.

17.50 Josep Borrell: EU Foreign Ministers have decided to send a mission to Ukraine “to collect evidence of war crimes” and will provide financial assistance for this work.

17.45 German Foreign Minister: EU intensifies arms supplies to Ukraine

17.40 Austrian Press Agency: After the talks with Putin, the Austrian Chancellor announced a very tough and open conversation.

17.36 Governor of the Bryansk region: An increased level of the terrorist threat has been introduced in the region.

17.33 Ukrainian militants blew up a dam in the Donetsk region, houses were flooded.

17.30 Operational report from Mariupol: according to the testimony of the senior assistant to the captain of the ship “Azov Concorde” Alexei Izhevsky, the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine mined the exit from the port of Mariupol and flooded the floating cranes

17.25 Eduard Basurin: The centers of resistance of the Ukrainian militants remained only on the territory of the Mariupol factories.

17.20 Vilnius authorities intend to fire teachers who support the policy of the Russian Federation, according to the website of the city administration

17.10 Denis Pushilin: The port of Mariupol came under the control of the DPR forces.

17.05 A high level of the terrorist threat has been established in the Bryansk region from 11 to 25 April.

17.00 Vladimir Putin was instructed to submit by April 20 proposals for additional indexation of pensions, social benefits, wages, the minimum wage, and the subsistence minimum. The President also instructed to ensure 2022 a reduction in the level of poverty and income inequality and to submit a report on this issue by June 15.

16.55 Russian Ambassador to Switzerland Sergei Garmonin: Employees of the Russian embassy, ​​as well as Russians living in Switzerland, receive threats against them.

16.50 Headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR: 185 people were taken from Mariupol to Bezymennoe by the forces of the republic in eight hours.

16.45 Two days after the publication of the serial number of the Tochka U rocket, the topic of Kramatorsk completely disappeared from the field of view of foreign journalists. For some reason, none of them writes about the number of victims of the missile attack, or about the investigation, or punishing the perpetrators.

16.35 Military expert Viktor Litovkin: German Leopard 1 tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles will face the same fate as the Slovak S-300s, decommissioned weapons are sold to Ukraine, which is disposed of here free of charge by the Russian army, the more weapons are destroyed, the more can be sold, driving thus the country is in debt for decades.

16.25 Roskomnadzor demanded that Google immediately take measures to exclude threats against Russian users from its services.

16.15 Rosgvardia: Special forces of the department discovered and neutralized more than 400 kg of TNT in the Kharkiv region.

16.10 Central Bank of the Russian Federation: The international reserves of the Russian Federation in March decreased by 1.74%, to 606.409 billion dollars, but Russia has a sufficient amount of reserves in gold and yuan.

16.00 Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation will initiate a case against a Ukrainian actress who called for violence against Russian officers.

15.50 Ukrainians living in Italy find natives of Russia and Donbass on social networks, who post symbols of the special operation on their pages, then print posters with photographs of the “guilty” and urge “spit in the face of the killers of children and rapists.” These posters are put up in the area where the victims are supposed to live. At the same time, “activists” are not even embarrassed by their own legislation – the publication of a person’s personal data without consent is a criminal offense.

15.45 The Russian Embassy sent a note of protest to the Polish Foreign Ministry due to the illegal actions of the authorities to seize the building of a diplomatic property in Warsaw.

15.40 Eduard Basurin: there is no point in storming the underground fortifications of Azovstal in Mariupol, there are underground floors and you can put a large number of your soldiers, and the enemy will not suffer losses as such, so at the moment we need to deal with the blocking of this plant, find all the exits and entrances, and after that, turn to the chemical troops, who will find a way to smoke the moles out of their holes.

15.38 Vatican Cardinal Pietro Parolin in an interview with Vatican News: The international community wants to avoid escalation, but in reality, it can turn out exactly the opposite, I see that many are sending weapons [to Ukraine], this can cause an uncontrollable escalation, the Holy See has always insisted on the implementation of the Minsk agreements, which seemed to be the main way to avoid what happened, but Kiev did not follow them.

15.35 Operational information from the NM of the DPR: The fighters of the republic took the base of the Azov regiment *** in Mariupol, the assault lasted three days, the enemy fought desperately and professionally, but suffered heavy losses and retreated to the Ilyich plant, the number of killed nationalists exceeds 50 people, wounded retreated took with them.

15.25 In general educational institutions of Germany, manuals for teaching children in schools have appeared in which schoolchildren are explained that the special operation of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine is not intended to liberate the country from Nazism, but rather to enslave the “peaceful” Ukrainian people. The training manuals indicate that Russians only look like people, but in fact, they are bloodthirsty, hate-filled monsters – Readovka.

15.15 Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia will give an appropriate response to Croatia after its demand to reduce the number of embassy staff in Zagreb.

15.13 Eduard Basurin described the situation in Donetsk and nearby settlements, which are being shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as a “war for survival.”

15.10 Radio station RMF: Representatives of the authorities of the Polish capital entered the Russian-owned residential complex on Jan III Sobieski Street, which is planned to accommodate refugees from Ukraine.

15.05 Correspondents of the press service of the NM DPR: Ukrainian military personnel continue to methodically destroy the abandoned village of Nikolskoye, about 300 civilians of the settlement and its environs take refuge in the Holy Assumption Nikolo-Vasilyevsky Monastery, but the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop this, and they continue shelling the shrine.

15.00 A video flash mob is being distributed on Ukrainian social networks, during which the wives, mothers, sisters and girls of the National Battalion demand that Volodymyr Zelensky either de-blockade Mariupol, or give them weapons in order to independently break into Mariupol to their relatives

14.50 Greek government spokesman Ioannis Ikonomou: Events in Ukraine are causing serious economic and social consequences around the world and especially in Europe, inflation has already reached its highest level in several decades, high prices are undermining household incomes, and economic growth is under very strong pressure, at the national level In April, we already allocated 1.2 billion euros to overcome the crisis.

14.40 Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger: First Leopard 1 can be delivered from Germany to Ukraine in six weeks

14.35 Governor of the Voronezh region: The level of terrorist threat in two regions of the region bordering Ukraine has been increased.

14.33 According to the operational information of the military correspondents working on the territory of Mariupol, another 160 soldiers and officers of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in the Azovstal area.

14.30 The American television channel CNN published a story about the allegedly raging famine in Russia. Journalist Erin Barnett said that the Russians were fighting over food, citing photos of several cans of stew with anti-theft tags and a line for sugar in Saratov as evidence. The authors of the story claim that the famine in Russia was provoked by the sanctions imposed by Biden. Interviewed as an expert by a certain Matthew Chance, who also works for CNN, promised a complete collapse of the Russian economy soon.

14.25 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:

– Poland, Denmark, and the Baltic countries will not allow the European Union to somehow separate from NATO, but on the contrary, they will “push it into NATO networks”;

– Russia is in favor of negotiations with Ukraine, there are no reasons for their completion;

– the Ukrainian side will continue provocations against the Russian Federation, Moscow will respond to them with facts;

– The Russian Foreign Ministry recommends that Russian diplomats working abroad not go out into the city alone.

14.20 The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced sanctions against 33 enterprises in the Russian defense sector.

14.15 Handelsblatt: The German defense concern Rheinmetall is ready to supply Ukraine with up to 50 Leopard 1 tanks and up to 60 Marder infantry fighting vehicles.

14.05 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov :

– Russia’s special operation is designed to put an end to the US course of dominance in the world;

– Josep Borrell’s latest statements about Ukraine indicate that the European Union sees Kyiv as a springboard for suppressing Russia;

Russia will never submit to pressure.

14.00 Russian Ambassador to Japan Mikhail Galuzin: A number of Japanese automakers have announced the suspension of their activities in Russia due to pressure from the Japanese authorities.

13.55 Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov: We are faced with a choice: either we will have the Russian world with all its values ​​and great history, or we will again be forced into Americanism.

13.50 The European Union blacklisted two dozen Russian airlines, explaining that their aircraft “do not meet international safety standards.” These carriers, including Aeroflot, Pobeda, UTair, S7, and Russia, are prohibited from flying within the EU.

13.45 Operational summary of the situation in Ukraine: Right now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are firing at Yasinovataya, according to preliminary data, 7 houses in the private sector have been damaged, and at least one person has died.

13.40 The Croatian Foreign Ministry demanded to reduce the number of employees of the Russian Embassy in the country.

13.35 Josep Borrell: EU member states must urgently provide Ukraine with the weapons it asks for.

13.30 Meta** extended until April 30 exceptions allowing Ukrainians to call for violence and make statements “degrading to human dignity” – Reuters, citing company documents

13.25 German Cabinet: The German government condemns any manifestations of Russophobia in the light of the conflict in Ukraine.

13.20 Crews of T-72B3-M tanks were awarded for the liberation of the village of Kamenka near Kharkov.

13.18 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: The Russian Armed Forces captured the village of Kamenka, one of the most fortified defense lines in the Izyum district of the Kharkov region

13.15 Voenkor VGTRK Yevgeny Poddubny: The RF Armed Forces continue to conduct offensive operations in the Slavyansk direction, breaking into the enemy’s defenses, the Ukrainian military suffers huge losses, loses people and equipment, retreats to Slavyansk.

13.10 The European Union has expanded restrictions on the supply of equipment for oil production and LNG production to the Russian Federation.

13.05 German Cabinet: Berlin welcomes the visit of the Austrian Chancellor to Moscow and is in favor of any contact with the Russian leadership.

13.00 French Ambassador to Ukraine Etienne de Ponsin: A detachment of French technical and scientific gendarmes arrived in Lvov “to assist in the investigation of war crimes committed around Kiev.”

12.55 Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar: mines in the Black Sea could be placed deliberately, including with the aim of putting pressure on Ankara to let NATO warships through the straits.

12.50 The 36th brigade of Ukrainian marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under Azovmash addressed the Ukrainian people today: “We talked with the Guarantor, who guaranteed us either a political or military solution to the situation. For more than a month, the Marines fought without replenishment of ammunition, without food, without water, almost lapping from a puddle and dying in batches. The mountain of the wounded makes up almost half of the brigade.”

Also, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that Kyiv had “written off” them for a long time, and statements about support by Arestovich and Zelensky were made as a distraction.

12.40 Briefing by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, main points:

– The Kremlin considers Western sanctions against representatives of the Russian media inadmissible;

– further expansion of NATO will not contribute to security in Europe;

— there are no objective reasons for S&P to announce a “selective default” of the Russian Federation.

Also, Dmitry Peskov did not comment on Kadyrov’s words about an imminent attack on all cities of Ukraine, recalling that the Ministry of Defense holds briefings twice a day on the topic of the special operation.

12.35 Operational situation in Mariupol:

– the northern coast of Kalmius is completely under the control of the allied forces;

– on the territory of Azovmash and the plant of Ilyich, fighting and cleansing continue;

– the berth opposite the Azovstal port is occupied, the actual control over the area means full control over the city center, including Liberation Square.

12.30 Ukrainian refugees in Germany began to paint sewer manholes in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

12.20 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Russian special forces, 5 km south of Izyum, liquidated Taras Bobanich, one of the odious leaders of the “Volunteer Ukrainian Corps” Right Sector “*, guilty of hundreds of deaths of civilians in Donbass, including children, an ideologist of the superiority of the Ukrainian race, who directly participated in killings of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will continue the search and destruction of the leaders of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations.

12.15 Denis Pushilin: There are up to 3,000 Ukrainian nationalists in the Azovstal area.

12.10 Government of Norway: The country will extend the stay of its additional forces in Lithuania, previously sent there to be part of the NATO contingent.

12.07 The DPR is preparing to hold exams in schools in the liberated regions according to the standard of the republic.

12.05 Denis Pushilin: The number of victims among the civilian population of Mariupol may exceed 5 thousand

12.00 Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin: The operation to liberate the territory of the DPR will be intensified.

11.55 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky asked South Korea to provide military assistance

11.50 Adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich: “ Here is the new Israel. Only the scale is steeper and scarier. I don’t know if five will be needed, but we are guaranteed several military clashes by 2035. This means a collision every two, and possibly five years. And big clashes every seven or eight years.”

For those Ukrainians who are not ready to live in a state of war for so many years, Arestovich advised them “to leave the country.”

11.45 Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation: The volume of the National Wealth Fund in March increased by 117.2 billion rubles and as of April 1, 2022, amounted to more than 13 trillion rubles.

11.40 Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipovsky: The Czech Republic will support the maximum tightening of EU anti-Russian sanctions.

11.35 Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg: Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer wants to take every chance to end the humanitarian hell in Ukraine, so he is going to Moscow with clear messages of a humanitarian and political nature, his conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected without the participation of the media and other representatives.

11.25 Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn on the consequences of refusing Russian gas for the EU: The blow will be delivered primarily to the industry of Germany, the largest economy in the European Union, but this will have consequences not only for Germany, we must understand that this will spread to the whole of Europe.

11.20 Operational report from Mariupol: An attempt was made to break through the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the territory of the Ilyich plant in the north direction, the Volnovakha-Mariupol highway was blocked for traffic.

11.07 NM DPR took control of the asphalt plant in Mariupol

11.05 Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili: Georgia does not intend to open a “second front” against Russia

11:00 Chinese MFA: All parties must remain calm and avoid unfounded accusations until the end of the investigation into the strike on Kramatorsk.

10.56 Lithuanian Foreign Minister: The EU has begun work on the sixth package of sanctions against Russia, which will include the “oil option”.

10.53 German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock: Ukraine needs heavy weapons, and partners have no time for excuses, they need to “show creativity.”

10.50 Political scientist Ruslan Balbek supported the proposal of State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fedorov to establish on May 2 an annual non-working day in memory of the victims of the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists: “The torture of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, without a doubt, should not be forgotten. So that “alternative” opinions do not start to appear in 30-40 years” (Russia Today)

10.45 Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to extend the state program for the development of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2027. Promsvyazbank was also instructed to ensure the opening of its branches in Crimea and Sevastopol by October 1.

10.40 Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister for Reintegration of Uncontrolled Territories Iryna Vereshchuk: The Ukrainian authorities are planning to evacuate civilians along nine humanitarian corridors.

10.35 Operational situation in Mariupol: Ukrainian troops are completely divided into at least 2 groups, and all communication between them is blocked. The grouping of nationalists and the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Azovstal industrial zone is completely isolated from the one that occupies part of the port of Mariupol and some residential buildings in the southwest of the city. This will allow the DPR troops and Chechen battalions to finish off one group, and then focus on another

10.30 Operational situation in the Popasnyansky direction: Experiencing acute problems with food supply, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying with all their might to hold their positions, most of the military personnel of 24 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are out of order, the military command of Ukraine is throwing them to replace even reservists unsuitable for service, there are no officers among them

10.20 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the main thing for the morning of April 11:

– operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 78 military facilities of Ukraine, in total, since the beginning of the special operation, the RF Armed Forces have destroyed 441 drones, 239 MLRS installations, and 2,079 tanks and armored vehicles;

– in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Velikaya Novoselovka, the repair base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile systems, was destroyed;

– Russian air defense systems shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft in the air near the village of Izyum;

– 9 tanks, 5 self-propelled gun mounts “Acacia”, 5 MLRS “Grad” and more than 60 nationalists were destroyed by a strike of high-precision weapons in the Donbass.

10.15 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: The Russian Army, using Kalibr missiles on the southern outskirts of Dnepropetrovsk, destroyed the equipment of the S-300 division, which was delivered to Kiev from Europe, and up to 25 military personnel hidden in the hangar, in addition, a Ukrainian military helicopter Mi- 24 in the Kherson region.

10.12 Operational report from WarGonzo: People’s Militia of the LPR took control of the forward ledge of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and stormed Severodonetsk, Ukrainian artillery fired on the Kirovsky district of Donetsk (an electrical substation was destroyed), there is a threat of an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the supply routes of the Russian group north of Kharkov.

10.08 The dollar exchange rate at the opening of the Moscow Exchange increased by 7.65%, to 81.9 rubles, the euro exchange rate – by 6.25%, to 87.87 rubles.

10.05 Statement by the official representative of the NM of the LPR, Captain Filiponenko I.M. As of April 11th:

– the enemy lost 35 personnel, 2 tanks, 6 armored personnel carriers, 3 vehicles;

– the armed formations of Ukraine fired 48 shells from artillery pieces of 152-mm and 122-mm caliber, MLRS BM-21 “Grad”, mortars of 120-mm caliber, as well as using the Tochka U tactical missile system;

– the settlements of Novoaydar, Donetsk, Pervomaisk, Zolote-5 were shelled.

– as a result of shelling in N. p. Novoaydar, a woman, born in 1981, died in the settlement. Pervomaisk, a man born in 1975 was injured, 2 residential buildings and Pervomaiskaya school No. 8 were damaged, in the village of Pervomaisk. Donetsk damaged 6 houses;

– The NM of the LPR, together with the volunteers of the public organization “Food for Life Donbass”, delivered hot meals to the residents of the liberated territories, and humanitarian aid was delivered by residents of the settlement. Kryakovka together with the military prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation.

10.00 Headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR: Over the past day, from 08:00 on April 10 to 08:00 on April 11, 415 people, including 76 children, were evacuated from Mariupol to the Bezymennoye Novoazovsky district.

9.50 The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, reaffirmed the EU’s desire to seek a settlement of the conflict in Ukraine by force and to expand military assistance.

9.45 EMERCOM of the LPR: As a result of fires from artillery shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using the Tochka U rocket in the urban-type settlement of Novoaidar, seven residential, two non-residential housing constructions, a bathhouse, a utility building and a car were destroyed.

9.40 Ramzan Kadyrov in a video message: “Our work will be offensive. Not only in Mariupol, but also in all other settlements, cities, and villages. Lugansk and Donetsk will be fully liberated first of all.”

He also explained that the goal is not to “take the cities”, but to destroy the Bandera people, emphasizing that “not a single step will be taken back”, and a number of points in the military strategy “have not been misunderstood by the so-called “friends”.

9.35 The Times, citing its own sources: The authorities of Sweden and Finland, which now have the status of NATO partner states, are ready to join the alliance this summer.

9.33 People’s Militia of the LPR: Ukrainian militants use prohibited types of weapons in the settlement. popasnaya

9.30 Press service of the RF Ministry of Defense: Servicemen of the RF Armed Forces have cleared the territory of a kindergarten in one of the settlements in the Kherson region, where a Marine Corps unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was previously located.

9.25 Mayor of Melitopol Galina Danilchenko: “We are repairing the memorial at the fraternal cemetery, we have restored our Eternal Flame, which the Ukrainian authorities turned off. We are now restoring our Victory Arch, we always had the Order of Victory on it, and for the glory of the winners, we had the St. George Ribbon. Our [Victory] arc will be the same as it was before 2014, which was a disaster for us. And before the so-called decommunization, which was carried out by the Kyiv authorities.”

9.20 Ukrainian actress Andrianna Kurilets starred in a propaganda video, in a folk costume, symbolically “cutting” the throat of a Russian soldier with a sickle and openly declaring hatred for the Russians, wishing them death.

“And now we are reaping our bloody harvest. Now death awaits you all. For Buchu. Irpin. Kyiv. Kharkov. Odessa. Mariupol. You will all be killed. Your corpses, like the worst carrion, will lie in fields, forest belts, and along roads. They will be torn apart by dogs and animals. Your mothers will be waiting for you in Tver, Pskov, Ryazan. But you fucking bastards are not coming home. Never! Welcome to hell,  ” she said, in particular.

9.15 The Russian Ministry of Defense published footage of the work of tank crews of the Western Military District during the liberation of the settlement of Topolskoye, Kharkov Region, during a special military operation. Also published footage of the launch of the Iskander missile at the facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Rockets with precise strikes disable and destroy command posts, warehouses with weapons, ammunition and fuel and lubricants, communication centers, air defense and other important targets.

9.10 DPR official representative Eduard Basurin: the port in Mariupol is 80% empty.

9.05 National Guard of Ukraine: The military-political leadership of Ukraine purposefully wanted to shoot the residents of Rubizhne.

9.00 New Zealand will send a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft to Europe, as well as 50 military personnel who will be involved in the transport and distribution of military assistance to Ukraine, and will allocate $ 8.8 million in assistance to Kiev in various areas, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

6.00 Ukrainian troops shelled the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, the DPR representative office in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) said. Also, nine shells of 122 mm caliber were fired at the village of the Trudovskaya mine in Donetsk

4.00 The authorities of Qatar will send 5 million dollars for humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees and temporarily displaced persons.

1.00 The issue of forming an international group in the UN format to investigate the events in Bucha is not being considered at the moment, Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, said.

* By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2014, the Ukrainian association of radical nationalist organizations “Right Sector” was recognized as extremist, its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

** By the decision of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, Meta Platforms Inc. is recognized as an extremist, its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

*** Images of chevrons of the Azov battalion were recognized as extremist by the decision of the Frunzensky District Court of Vladimir on November 30, 2015, and included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials under item 3269.


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