Russian special operation in Ukraine. Online streaming. Day 56

Key events, news, statements April 20


SVPressa: After the exit of 120 civilians who found themselves in residential buildings near the checkpoint of the Azovstal plant, the military continued cleaning up the industrial area. Leaflets with the terms of surrender are dropped into the territory, corridors are set up for the exit of the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalists. The additional cleansing of the Primorsky district is also continuing.

Sergei Lavrov announced the start of the 2nd phase of the special operation, the purpose of which will be the liberation of Donbass. Confirmed the capture of Kremennoy in the LPR. Troops are advancing towards Slavyansk and Kramatorsk from the north and northwest. The enemy retreats, suffering heavy losses. Powerful strikes against the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Nikolaev, but there is no active attack on the city.

Demarches of representatives of culture continue, criticizing the special operation and opposing themselves to the country and people. This led to a proposal from the left to reorganize Russia’s cultural policy. In addition, a bill was submitted to the State Duma to change the flag of the Russian Federation from the tricolor to red, which is massively used by the advancing forces of the DPR.

16.40 A short humanitarian corridor from Azovstal today made it possible to rescue 28 civilians, including 7 children. The assault on Azovstal continues.

16.35 Chinese Defense Chief: If the Taiwan issue is resolved in an unacceptable way, it will have a devastating effect on China-US relations.

16.30 In response to Tinkoff’s statement, the Russians make the symbols “Z” and “V” from Tinkoff cards – in this way, citizens protest the businessman’s statement and support Russian soldiers participating in a special operation in Ukraine.

16.20 Putin supported the introduction of classes on historical education in schools to combat fakes that schoolchildren faced after the start of the special operation.

16.10 The incitement of hatred and enmity on the Internet after the start of the special operation in Ukraine comes not from Russian citizens, but from abroad – Dmitry Petrov, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

16.00 After the start of the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, a flurry of fakes about Russia hit Russian schoolchildren – Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov.

15.50 Natalya Poklonskaya may be deprived of state awards because of her statements about the symbols Z and V – Kommersant with reference to the head of the Committee on Legislation of the Crimean Parliament Sergei Trofimov .

15.40 WWII veteran Mikhail Sukach from Melitopol told RIA Novosti how in recent years Ukrainian nationalists have banned the celebration of Victory Day on May 9: “The last time I put on a tunic was three years ago, then everything was forbidden.”

15.30 The Kyrgyz diaspora of Moscow and the Moscow region sent a humanitarian cargo in the amount of 1.2 million rubles for residents of the DPR and LPR.

15.20 British Prime Minister Johnson called on the Russian authorities to “treat with mercy” the British captured mercenaries Sean Pinner and Aiden Eslin in Mariupol. However, he did not talk about the possibility of their exchange.

15.10 The General Council of the FNPR addressed the country’s President Vladimir Putin with a request to nationalize the property of companies from unfriendly countries.

15.00 Carter Center China Focus: In China, 75% of respondents agree that China’s support for Russia in the Ukrainian crisis is China’s national interest.

14.50 Putin urged businesses to get more actively involved in joint projects with China.

14.40 According to operational data, the settlement was released. Staraya Krasnyanka between Kremennaya and Rubezhnoye – Commissar Kitten.

14.30 Tinkoff Bank shares fell, despite the fact that he denied the statements of his founder. Oleg Tinkov the day before spoke out against the Russian special operation and called those who support it morons. After that, the Russians staged a flash mob, destroying their bank cards.

14.20 The State Duma adopted a law on the free supply of gas for Eternal Lights.

14.10 The neutrality of Switzerland, after the country joined the restrictions against Russia, remained only in words – Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Evgeny Ivanov .

14.00 Volodin instructed the relevant committees of the chamber to study the advisability of Russia’s presence in the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Health Organization.

13.55 Voenkor Kotenok: “According to the reports, Warsaw is intensively preparing for the introduction of troops into the western (perhaps not only) regions of Ukraine. We are talking about the creation of “peacekeeping” groups. They were created on the basis of mechanized units, reinforced with artillery and armored vehicles. Already, the sky over western Ukraine is covered by the collective west plus Zhytomyr and Vinnitsa, where ours also do not fly, except for Kalibr… Partition of Ukraine is being prepared with the preservation of formal “independence” and an empty sham government headed by a cocaine clown. In any case, our readiness to become, at a minimum, along the Dnieper should be realized with the preservation of the corridor to the Crimea. And yes, Nikolaev, Odessa – do not forget.

13.50 Material damage caused by shelling from Ukraine exceeded 57.5 billion rubles, more than 14 thousand private households and 2.5 thousand apartment buildings, 314 kindergartens and schools, 213 healthcare facilities, some of which cannot be restored – were affected evidence of war crimes of the LPR.

13.45 Lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky : we must turn more resolutely to the left and rehabilitate the USSR. This is what the whole reasonable world and the whole anti-colonial agenda expects from us. But this will hit the personal capital of a number of people.

13.40 Putin expressed confidence that thanks to Russia, peace will come to Donbass: “It will be so!”

13.35 The tragedy in Donbas forced Russia to start a special military operation in Ukraine – Putin.

13.30 Germany delivered a large number of weapons to Ukraine, which were not mentioned publicly, but the supply of weapons does not make Germany a participant in the war – German Foreign Minister.

13.20 According to The Times, on the morning of April 13, an American Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft with the code AE681B followed the Moskva cruiser from a distance of 70 km before it was sunk.

13.10 The police of Estonia during the Victory Day banned gatherings with St. George ribbons and flags of the Russian Federation and the USSR.

13.00 The Kremlin has not ruled out that Putin will visit one of the hospitals, where he will meet with Russian servicemen who have visited Ukraine.

12.55 Political scientist Igor Shishkin : no agreements signed by the Kiev regime, beneficial to Russia and not beneficial to Ukraine, that do not provide for surrender, will be implemented.

12.50 Russia handed over to Ukraine a draft document with clear wordings worked out, the ball is on the side of Kiev – Peskov.

12.45 Ramzan Kadyrov: “The situation with the equipment of our fighters is very good. Regular deliveries of weapons from the United States and Europe come in very handy. Our guys are asking for a couple more Abrams units to be handed over to them. They really can’t wait to drive Bandera on foreign cars.”

12.40 According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, people who took part in hostilities in Ukraine are trying to penetrate Russia under the guise of refugees. Earlier it was reported that Russia has no plans to introduce a visa regime for citizens of Ukraine.

12.35 Germany does not see an opportunity to continue supplying weapons to Ukraine from the available stocks of the Bundeswehr – this may affect the defense capability of the armed forces of Germany itself – German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht .

12.30 The State Duma adopted a law prohibiting Russian banks from sending information about clients and their transactions to unfriendly countries.

12.25 Rossotrudnichestvo will draw conclusions after Natalia Poklonskaya ‘s public speech on the letter Z, promised the head of the department Yevgeny Primakov . Poklonskaya said that this symbol “symbolizes tragedy and grief for both Russia and Ukraine,” because both Ukrainians and Russians are dying. Primakov explained that the symbols Z and V have become popular symbols of support for our army, as well as symbols of the liberation of Ukraine.

12.20 Tagansky Court of Moscow on Wednesday dismissed the claim of Ekho Moskvy, which challenged the restriction of access to its resources.

12.10 Russia is not going to introduce visas for citizens of Ukraine – a source of RIA Novosti in the Foreign Ministry.

12.05 The Consulate General of Russia in Klaipeda was closed. Earlier it was reported that it was this diplomatic mission that dealt with the issues of overland Russian transit through the territory of Lithuania to the Kaliningrad region.

12.00 Ukrainian troops leave the “triangle” – the area of ​​Rubizhne, Severodonetsk and Lysichansk – agency Luganskinformtsentr. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are thus trying to avoid encirclement in a triangle of three settlements of the former Luhansk region.

11.55 Readers of the German newspaper Die Welt with the nickname ADE about after Ukraine in Germany: Please, Mr. Scholz , finally put Mr. Melnik in a tank and send him to Ukraine. I can’t hear him anymore. This man mistook the Bundeswehr for a convenience store.

At 11:50 a.m. , the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired five rockets from the Grad at the Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

11.40 Sergeant Oleg “Makarevich” Mironov , commander of the People’s Militia of the DPR : NATO instructors taught the Armed Forces of Ukraine how to fight in the urban areas of Mariupol ( interview ).

11.35 Norwegian media, citing the Ministry of Defense, confirmed the transfer to Ukraine of one hundred units of the French Mistral air defense systems, which are designed to destroy air targets at low altitude.

11.30 Deputy Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Markus Laubenthal spoke out against the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine by the German Armed Forces.

11.25 Pyongyang considers the events in Bucha a provocation by the West, aimed at denigrating the Russian Federation and its isolation – the embassy of the DPRK.

11.20 Russia has lost confidence in the Ukrainian negotiators – the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Zakharova.

11.15 The Parliament of Crimea deprived 7 people of state awards of the republic. Among them are Kravchuk , Kuchma , Kunitsyn , Usyk .

11.10 Russia through bilateral channels warned Finland and Sweden about the consequences of joining NATO – Zakharov.

11.05 Israel will never give up the celebration of May 9 – the country’s ambassador to the Russian Federation. The diplomat also confirmed his readiness to accept a possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky in Jerusalem .

11.00 Over the past day, our DPR servicemen destroyed 86 Ukrainian nationalists, one infantry fighting vehicle, two armored personnel carriers, three firing positions of 122-millimeter D-30 howitzers and one cargo vehicle. One tank, one armored personnel carrier and two cargo vehicles were captured – Basurin.

10.55 Hungarian nuclear power plant “Paks” received from Russia another batch of fuel, bypassing Ukraine – Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto .

At 10:50 a.m., up to 40 Ukrainian soldiers and seven units of military equipment were destroyed by high-precision missiles in the areas of Novovorontsovka and Kiselevka in the Kherson region – Russian Defense Ministry.

10.45 Following the Belgorod region, the Metalloinvest company (its largest shareholder is the oligarch Alisher Usmanov ) transferred 1 billion rubles to the Kursk region. Both regions border Ukraine and are regularly shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

10.40 Ministry of Defense: Russian air defense systems shot down two “Tochka-U” in the areas of Donetsk and Skilevatoe and six Ukrainian drones over the settlements of Podvysokoye, Chistovodovka, Yakovenkovo, Pokrovskoye.

At 10:35 a.m., Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft hit 73 Ukrainian military facilities during the night. Among them are four command posts, 57 places of accumulation of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment, seven strongholds and four ammunition depots, Konashenkov said.

10.30 Military commissar Sladkov : another 35 enemy soldiers surrendered at Azovstal today.

10.25 Former head of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan : SWIFT international financial transaction system is not indispensable.

At 10:20 a.m. , the RF Ministry of Defense published video footage of objective monitoring of the destruction of the control center of a motorized infantry unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Krasnopol high-precision munition.

At 10:15 a.m. , the Armed Forces of Ukraine evacuated by helicopter the general and the administration of the city of Zolote, who were involved in criminal schemes — NM LPR.

10.10 Gazprom regularly supplies gas for transit through Ukraine – 56 million cubic meters on April 20.

10.05 European countries will have to compensate in any case for the harm caused to the Russian economy by sanctions – Volodin .

10.00 The head of the DPR Pushilin called the proposal of UN Secretary General Guterres on a humanitarian truce potentially dangerous.

9.55 am In Moscow, a protest action by the Russian Officers organization against the anti-Russian policy of the European authorities, which expelled 18 Russian diplomats, took place near the building of the EU representation. One of the reasons was also the militaristic statements of the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell .

9:50 a.m. Five Ukrainian servicemen from Azovstal voluntarily laid down their arms and left the territory of the plant towards the forces of Russia and the DPR — People’s Militia of the DPR.

9.40 Residents of the recently controlled by Kiev part of the LPR from among Ukrainian nationalists had lists of unreliable, in their opinion, neighbors, Natalia Lebedeva , a resident of the village of Chervony Zhovten, Stanichno-Lugansk district, told RIA Novosti . According to her, one of their victims was her husband, who was shot dead by a neighbor, a Maidan supporter.

9.30 Maria Zakharova : Citizens of their country, who are taken prisoner there, are abandoned with unprecedented ease – I mean Ukraine and British subjects.

9.20 U.S. unequivocally set a course for a military escalation of the conflict in Ukraine by pumping Kiev with weapons – RIA Novosti diplomatic source.

9.10 First Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bezsonov : more than 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered in Donbass since the beginning of the special operation.

9.00 German tire manufacturer Continental has temporarily resumed production at its plant in Kaluga, fearing sanctions for non-fulfillment of previously accepted orders.

8.50 More than 200 refugees from Ukraine, who are now in the Rostov region, wanted to come to live in the Khabarovsk Territory – Governor Degtyarev .

At 8.40 a.m., at 8.00 a.m., the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 5 rockets from the Grad multiple launch rocket system at the settlement. Yasinovataya in the DPR.

8.30 Lump sum payments in the amount of 10 thousand rubles were received from Russia by more than 5.5 thousand residents in the liberated Ukrainian territories.

8.20 State Duma deputy Sheremet : Zelensky can exchange himself for Ukrainian Nazis and militants who have settled on Azovstal. This will probably be the first time he acts like a man and with dignity.

7.50 Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Georgy Muradov : There are disturbing reports from friends in Odessa. They say that people fear that the Kyiv regime is preparing a bloody massacre for Odessa. According to local residents, a scenario is possible when brutalized nationalists and mercenaries in the form of the Russian army begin to massively shoot, blow up, rob and bomb civilians in Odessa, in order to blame the Russian military for this.

7.00 Leader of the Nykhas party Alan Gagloev on Tskhinvali’s foreign policy: The change of the head of state [in South Ossetia] does not play any role. Loyalty to allied duty is at the genetic level.

6.00 Russian security forces found documents of the Kherson border detachment of Ukraine, proving Kiev’s failure to fulfill its international obligations to extradite criminals, including those who participated in the punitive operation in Donbas and are on the international wanted list.

5.00 Slovak political scientist Eduard Chmelar : The Pentagon itself admits that it sends Ukrainians eight to ten planes a day with weapons and ammunition. This means that the United States is participating in hostilities, albeit indirectly, that is, they are deliberately prolonging the bloodshed by proxy!

4.00 Ramzan Kadyrov : In Mariupol, work on cleaning up the buildings of the industrial zone does not stop … Warriors from the Chechen Republic, like fearless wolves, are combing every square of the once powerful enterprise, which the Azov ghouls have turned into a decent fortified area.

3.00 Head of the International Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky : Do you think the fate of those living in Ukraine is important to any of them? Absolutely not. The “anti-Russia” project is still important and dear to them. Moreover, even at the cost of the interests of ordinary citizens in their own countries.

2.00 US President Joe Biden said he did not know if he would go to Kiev. Earlier, he expressed readiness to pay a visit to the capital of Ukraine.

1.00 General Shamanov : Mariupol and some other fortified areas are holding back units. As soon as we cut this Gordian knot, it will become much easier, and then we will take on the grouping that between the Dnieper and Izyum is already, in essence, surrounded and in a cauldron. Odessa is next. While the advance is going on in the Nikolaev region, Odessa, like appendicitis, is blocked, but I think it will come to its turn.


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