By Claudio Resta of VT Italia
And the chance of cutting off Ukraine from its Black Sea coast as a realistically minimum acceptable target for Russia to stop
By the way just to begin with formal US war misconduct I believe that all US wars since the end of World War II have never been formally declared in violation of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 Kellogg–Briand Pact of 1928.
About the present what annoys me most about the Atlantic mainstream narrative about the war in Ukraine is the biased and mendacious cowardice of the accusations being leveled at Russia.
In addition to the guilty because of deliberate and willing ignorance of its prodromes and the double standards with which the ways in which Russia wages this war are not compared with the ways in which the US conducted the war in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, against Serbia, against Iraq and against Afghanistan.
It is not only a quantitative question in terms of the number of victims but it is above all a qualitative question in the way post-WWII wars were conducted.
With no regard for the lives of civilians on the part of the Americans, no matter how great the number of casualties; and, on the contrary, with great sensitivity towards the lives of civilians guilty only of being on the wrong side by the Russians. Too much. So much so that unfortunately it will backfire in the cowardice of the Atlantic mainstream narrative on the war in Ukraine.
Because if the Russians had employed the weapons employed by the Americans in the same way that the Americans used them in the liberation of Ukraine, but even if it was called an invasion, why did the Americans not invade Iraq and Afghanistan?
Let it be said once and for all. I was saying Why if the Russians had used the weapons employed by the Americans in the same way that the Americans used them in the liberation of Ukraine: atomic (already in Hiroshima and Nagasaki), in Viet-Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan: high potential conventional bombs, phosphorus bombs, Napalm bombs, Cbu-72 Fae bombs, Blue-82 bombs, A10 tank killers (Highway of Death), fast bulldozers used as improper weapons to bury thousands of soldiers alive in the trenches in a single run …
The list of horrors seems to me to be sufficient.
Indeed, no, it seems fair to mention even the crudest and most primitive non-technological weapons as it was in Afghanistan to close thousands of rebels by packing them into containers where they will die by asphyxiation in Mazar I Sharif.
These methods were even more atrocious than those used by the Nazis in the Second World War with the gas chambers where the Zyklon B gas, accelerating death, minimized the suffering of the victims.
Please excuse me if I repeat the initial proposition but this preamble was necessary to show the weapons employed by the Americans in the same way that the Americans have used them against their enemies and never by the Russians, at least until now.
What I wanted to emphasize is that the only limited and relative success of this Russian military action in the liberation/invasion of Ukraine (whatever it is called it does not matter with respect to the importance of these things) is only due to their particular sensitivity and respect for the human life of civilians (a respect Americans never had!).
And that, therefore, it seems to me a particularly vile and unjust accusation against the Russians as well as mendacious that of emphasizing their apparently unsuccessful “slowness” and “indecision” in advancing into Ukrainian territory when this “inability” is nothing more than a consequence of particular selective attention, sensitivity and Christian mercy towards civilians.
Because if the Russians had employed the weapons employed by the Americans in the ways employed by the Americans I have just described and had not done what has been at its beginning just mainly an attempted armed intimidation apparently unsuccessful and counterproductive followed by limited actions given all the weapons of the arsenal at their disposal, perhaps the Russians would not have been able to successfully occupy the whole of Ukraine given its vastness but certainly the entire Ukrainian (?!) Black Sea coast.
As it has always been since 1790 in Imperial Russian history since Potemkin, Suvorov, and De Ribas’s victory against Turkey under Catherine the Great reign and all her successors and successively under the Soviet Union regime.
And this would have already been (or already would be) a great success for Russia for at least two reasons.
The first, if you like, is a patriotic politician, which would make it possible to reach (and protect) the Russian-speaking minority in Transnistria and a severe warning against the enemies of the Russian minorities.
But the second is of great strategic and economic importance, which consists simply in cutting Ukraine off an outlet to the sea.
In this way, weakening it strategically and economically and exposing it (eventually, possibly, and potentially in the future, maybe) to a new subordination of Ukraine to Russia as it already was in the past before its Secession after the end of the Soviet Union. Exactly in a moment of particular weakness for Russia, its historical perigee.

Claudio Resta was born in Genoa, Italy in 1958, he is a citizen of the world (Spinoza), a maverick philosopher, an interdisciplinary expert, oh, and an artist, too.
Grew up in a family of scientists where many sciences were represented by philosophy to psychoanalysis, from economics to history, from mathematics to physics, and where these sciences were subject to public display by their subject experts family members, and all those who they were part of could participate in a public family dialogue/debate on these subjects if they so wished. Read Full Bio
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VT has spring break started or what? Some kind of silence here for the second day ☕
VT must be under attack by our government. I try and post truth on Yahoo and my comment get “blocked or removed in a short time. Putin called the US Government a Lie of a country. Hard to dispute by those searching for truth. VT has been attacked many times for providing what other do not.
I believe. Yesterday, a couple of times i couldn’t load the site. Now i see low activity. Just worry about Jim and Gordon. Hope they’ll inform us about the situation later. Let’s hope for the best.
Under attack from within…suspect Biden’s boys got to one of ours.
Hard to believe that sweet Uncle Joe has a nasty bone in his doddering carcass. Gordon, thanks for your service. Really.
be strong Gordon… truth always triumphs!
The most inhumane and cruel with zero compassion for the soldiers, families
and children of the enemy (and their own people!) are the ones who are “victorious” in wars.
Bleeding heart liberals dont win wars but they might help stop them (Vietnam)
Russia hopes world sees that they are being compassionate to civilians and dont just level cities with artillery and airstrikes (Mosul Yemen etc) but send instead ground troops to keep it not so indiscriminate of a slaughter.
But really world does not care what Russia says (or the USA as well) , as look at photos of Mariupol, that is not compassionate, it is destruction of a million peoples homes and lives.
Russia ineeds to rebuild the entire city if they want any good karma coming their way.
Meantime USA plan counter-attack to take back Mariupol, Crimea, the Donbass so Russia must prepare for this rather than begin a rebuild.
Horrible immediate and long term future if the USA succeed in winning back all that territory with hundred thousand mercenaries and no flyzone needed maybe amphibious invasion from Black Sea, now that the Moskva went down, that route viewed as possible.
Vietnam war was last time the people really said fuck you to their government and got a war ended.
“They” have taken measures so that doesnt happen again, Through 100% control of narratives in media except for online sites like VT.
On taking down We war stoppers…
Yes, they have spent 50 years defunding US.
The American MSM is another zionist criminal enterprise. Now that the first American mercenary “hero” has died in Ukraine, the pimps at DoD will use him as a poster boy for future recruits. Of course, his body is still missing. He could be dead or holed up in Zelenskys mansion in Miami. Theatre of the absurd.
“These methods were even more atrocious than those used by the Nazis in the Second World War with the gas chambers where the Ziklon B gas, accelerating death, minimized the suffering of the victims.”
Quote above makes good article literally lousy, because Ziklon B was used against lice. Here is only one argument (and there are many).
Dr.Charles P. Larsen
One of America’s leading forensic pathologists. who was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Department in 1945. As part of US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larsen performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses.
Dr. Larsen confirmed that none of the autopsies he performed at the liberated camps shoved any evidence of death by poison gas. but his conclusion that death had occured by the disease typhus and mass starvation.
We are NOT the good guys, never have been, never will be. In 1845, John L. O’Sullivan referred in his magazine to America’s “manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” The idea that America had a special destiny to stretch across the continent motivated many Americans to dream big dreams and migrate West. “We Americans,” wrote the Herman Melville, “are the peculiar, chosen people–the Israel of our time.”
Manifest Destiny morphed into Zionism and the rest is history. If you don’t understand this, just ask any Native American or any Palestinian.
Every single person ever born is a unique creation of God. Every one has been given his own unique existence to allow God’s omnipotence to manifest itself in the unique experience of each unique life.
No person has any control over the uniqueness of his existence.
We are all, including the evil, and including the good, what we are by the will of God.
We all are learning what life is; how good and evil, and love and hate figure into the very essence of existence. And we all learn it uniquely, to every uniquely different degree, depending on each unique individual in his Divinely unique circumstances.
So, “judge not, and you shall not be judged.”
So, “judge not, and you shall not be judged.” True enough. But, we are able to discern a tree by its fruit and when that fruit is violence and racism it is our duty is to call it out for what it is. Manifest Destiny equals Zionism equals racism, pure and simple. We are NOT the good guys, Elvin, never have been, never will be.
grazie Claudio Resta il tuo
l’articolo è semplicemente perfetto.
Grazie, sono molto lusingato.
Claudio Resta
“About the present what annoys me most about the Atlantic mainstream narrative about the war in Ukraine is the biased and mendacious cowardice of the accusations being leveled at Russia”. in complete agreement with this, and it only works because of the ignorance, laziness, and apathy of American people.
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