There is a reason why this article is headlined with a question. So far there is no hard evidence that NATO and its puppet Zelensky ordered that the NATO officers directing UkroNazi forces in Azovstal be murdered, and their corpses mutilated to prevent the Russians from identifying the remains.
So sure, it’s a question…but it’s a good question. The man asking it, International Relations professor Michael Brenner (University of Pittsburgh) is one of the few American academicians brave enough to contemplate such things. He will appear tomorrow night, Friday, on my live radio show.
Western Fighters in Azovstal?
by Michael Brenner
There is reason to doubt whether the question of foreigners participating in the fighting in Ukraine will be answered by the surrender at the AZOVSTAL works.. It is not their numbers that is significant. They have had no bearing on the outcome of the conflict. Indeed, if any such persons are individual volunteers, even the issue of provenance means little. Only were whole units organized and dispatched by the Western powers would they take on a diplomatic dimension of consequence. Consequential insofar as the terms of settlement and future political dealings both within Ukraine and between Russia and the West are concerned.
Another conceivable circumstance is one where Western military presence entails the provision of teams of specialized advisers and/ or experienced commanders (perhaps officially retired). Confirmation of any of these conjectures would be grist for Moscow’s mill. The larger the number of personnel, their seniority, and the higher their status in NATO military establishments the greater the potential impact.
The greater prospect of Western embarrassment, the less likely that the sifting of those now surrendering will definitively identify individuals or definitive evidence of their activities. The simple reason: whatever Western military personnel were holed up in the AZOVSTAL industrial complex are likely dead. Killed by the Azov Brigade and other associated neo-Nazi groups, and disposed of in ways that ensure that their bodies could not be uncovered or identified. The motive? To spare Western governments the political costs that would ensue were it documented that they had been belligerents in the conflict – and to avoid diminishing the glory of the heroic defenders.
The Ukrainian leadership would escape sone of that embarrassment since any and all material backing from the West has been celebrated and of its increase a high priority. However, a negative popular reaction among the Western publics directly concerned could weaken support for the Ukrainian cause. Of course, the fate of Westerns at AZOVSTAL can be obscured by claiming that they died in combat – were other evidence to surface (e.g. electronic communications intercepts) that they had been in Mariupol. Anyway, a decision to eliminate awkward Western ‘helpers’ probably would be taken by the ruthless Fascist leaders who ran things at AZOVSTAL without regard to the wishes of Zelensky’s cast of characters in Kiev.
Is there a chance that the Russians might sift through the rubble seeking clues that could prove the presence of some notable Western military man? Improbable. Any candidate corpse would have had its identifying features obliterated and Moscow doesn’t have access to the DNA data bases of Western military institutions. Besides, it’s not clear that the stakes would be worth the bother.
Is all this too cynical to have any plausibility? The presence of Western military people is not at all inconceivable. But their expedient killing?
We can’t set odds. What we do know is that the Banderistas who provide the backbone and passion that has fired the Kiev hardliners since 2014 are anything but sentimentalists – no more than are the Biden bunch who cold-bloodily have been using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder in their war against Putin.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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The thought crossed my mind but considering the fate facing the Azov louts how many of them would be prepared to disclose any and all secrets of the steel plant to save themselves a guaranteed bleak future? Also, consider the underground maze at the plant how it is possible to build subterranean hide-outs and re-emerge in time when security is lax? The priest holes of reformation England are a case in point where Nicholas Owen built elaborate hide-outs so priests could hole up for days on end from gangs of pursuivants.
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In the portugues news paper, there ia a report about Vadim Chichimarine a conscript arrested and adjudged by ukranians, the currious from it is that they report about the admission of the concript of killing an anarmed civilian, he showed sincere regret for killing the 62 year old civilian. The villanie of the news paper is that they denounce every ukranian soldier showed by Russia as an tortured and forced to speak, the proof of their villanie is that the lawyer of the conscript states that he believe in the conscript innocence, that any real proof have been showed and those showed make him believe in he´s innosence. The prosecution asks for 21 years but the news paper doesn´t explain how can a prosecuted assume he´s guilt right when he´s lawyer is defending the contrary without the kid being tortured.
They might have disappeared low level ‘mercenaries’, but if there were NATO officers there running the show as has been suggested, I seriously doubt they would allow themselves to be sacrificed. Since there have been western officers, likely ‘retired’ or otherwise, already taken, what would this really accomplish? Russia has yet to go public is any real manner, so they are playing the game…they will let the west tell all manner of lies, then hopefully parade these captives and ask, if they were not here, how is it we have them? Of course there are the ‘200 in the freezer’. Sooner or later…
Likely went more like this:
No mutilated bodies. Nothing to speak of. The 50 or more Nato Officers and trainers were long gone. They abandoned the Azovstal plant weeks ago. The helicopters that crashed with low-level Nazi retards on board was a decoy. They projected the image that they had no more sense than to fly helicopters directly over Russian positions with the world’s best radar and missile defense systems.
Oh no, that’s not how things truly went. The Dardenelles is 300 ft. deep in the middle. 180 feet on average on the sides. They have silent subs, the Satanists do. They have all kinds of facilities only accessed underwater. They have subs built by Krupp and others not even on the official record anywhere. If Krupp could build nuclear tunnel borers starting in the 70s, they can easily send in subs through the Dardanelles to pick up their Nato golden boys.
My guess is, cannibalism. Hungry Nazis have to eat. These western officers were no doubt well-fed and tender from inactivity. Bones? What bones?
The folks down in the basements were not going hungry. The videos of the People surendering and they and their belongings being searched show some of these guys with canned food items in their satchel as well as bottled water. They had corpses stored in freezers. Avostal was not in total darkness. And very few of the captives looked like they were going hungry. Most, although looking dirty/un-showered, looked rather healthy. Also the Azov guys wouldn’t take that upon themselves to eliminate NATO associated folks. That would cause friction between them and their sponsors. If they did kill the Westerners it was after getting the directives from the West.
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