by Glenn Kirshner, with Justice Matters
[ Editor’s Note: Now we know there is an open criminal investigation on Trump. I had always felt Mr. Cocky Self Assured Navarro might be an early target, due to his crazy admissions on MSNBC telling us all about the “Green Bay sweep”.
That was my first exposure to the self centered man that loved himself so much and thought he was smarter than everybody. Then there was his position that inventing a scenario for overthrowing an election was a citizen’s right, if he ‘felt’ the election had been stolen.
Now to the timing. Why now? The DoJ could have hit him up a month or two ago, but we don’t know for sure how long the grand jury has been sitting and who has already testified, as it is secret testimony.
So here we have the January 6th committee public hearings beginning on the 9th, and the Navarro grand jury appearance a week before, letting the entire country know that Trump is under a criminal investigation.
You can rest assured that many higher up Trump Steal Team members might be thinking of going for a long fishing trip in Canada somewhere, or seeking “best places for political asylum, or getting their attorneys lined up to begin reviewing their legal options… Jim W. Dean ]
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First aired May 31, 2022
In a dramatic new development, a federal grand jury investigation the insurrection subpoenas Peter Navarro, a former aide to Donald Trump.
The subpoena requests evidence of all communications Navarro had with Donald Trump involving what happened on January 6. This news, reported by Kyle Cheney of Politico, makes clear that the Department of Justice is directly investigating the crimes of Donald Trump.
Trump is evidently feeling the squeeze, including in connection with the criminal investigation of his Georgia state election crimes, as was set out in a tweet my Representative Adam Kinzinger.
These and other recent revelation make clear that the investigative circle continues to tighten about Donald Trump.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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The focus on Trump may well be justified, but not if it is at the expense of ignoring what has been happening for many years. Thinking there has been no problems with the elections is idiocy. Ignoring the lock downs and where the loss of freedom of speech is heading is also idiocy. Thinking that abortion of a fetus is not the killing of a human is also idiocy. All of this is demoralizing, and we will soon end up under a dictatorship. Guns kill? Cars and knives kill more people.
As I’ve been saying all along, both the Congress and the Justice Department are sitting on their hands waiting for the next shoe to drop. That of course would be a catastrophic war with Russia that would be the end of the USA as we know it. Biden has been giving free rein to Ashkenazi neocons like Victoria “f-uck the EU” Nuland and our rock-star negotiator, Antony Blinken, to conjure up nuclear war with Russia with pronouncements like, “The only way to end this [Ukraine] war is if the enemy offers an unconditional surrender.” What kind of negotiating position it that, Jim? WWIII, here we come!
Maybe Biden wants to have his October 1962 moment and at the end disappoint a lot of likudniks …
Sorry, Newt, Biden is no John Kennedy and Antony Blinken is no Dean Rusk. This will not end well for the USA.
You leave out one important fact. Trump has a history of using the tactic of “running out the clock” in legal matters. This clock has been ticking for far too long. Trump is counting on a republican take back of the House and maintaining the Senate as well. You only got a few more months until that happens, if it happens. This way the republicans can just dissolve the Jan. 6th Committee altogether and poof, he’s off scot free. That’s what he’s aiming for and there’s a good chance that will possibly happen.
Not left out because it is commonly known, for decades now. He has always done this and it has forced a lot of settlements. But these are criminal cases versus civil ones, and that said, with a Repub Supreme Court in the bag I can see them overturning convictions for ‘some reason’. The wild card here is the Supreme Court’s standing in terms of respect has taken a dive, which will be on its history now. A DC judge went public that it needs a code of conduct, and this is what was needed, pressure from below, and this was a Repub apppointed judge in DC.
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