…by Stu Littlewood, VT Scotland
[ Editor’s Note: Stu revisits a lost cause that has disappeared down the rabbit hold while new ones, including a potential WWIII are on the horizon. The UnUnited Nations seems to have lost its Palestinian file, and world media seems to have lost interest.
The last story that got any exposure was the female Palestinian journalist that took a bullet through the head while covering an Israeli ‘security’ operation in the West Bank.
Stu has focused his beef today not on the UN or the media, but the World Council of Churches which has contributed only at the lowest possible level, calls for others to do something about the plight of the Palestinians.

The WCC has a huge bully pulpit which it appears to save for other issues that are more easily fixed, while taking a pass on the Palestinian/Israeli Gordian Knot that remains unmolested to this day with no sanctions placed on Israel which would get its attention very quickly.
I remember the quote I got from an interview with the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem two decades ago in Atlanta with Jim Clancy, a good closing statement from Patriarch Michel Sabbah, “The Palestinians, they are not crying for nothing,” a plain but concise description of their tragedy.
At the time, he and I agreed that Jerusalem should have been an international city administered by the UN, with access to all under its protection. But such practical solutions are often dismissed out of hand by the pretenders at the UN… Jim W. Dean ]
First published June 25, 2022
Exactly 5 years ago the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine (NCCOP) issued a final plea for help in an open letter to the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement. It was signed by over 30 organisations in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.
It summed up the cruel and lawless situation in the Holy Land.
“We are still suffering from 100 years of injustice and oppression that were inflicted on the Palestinian people beginning with the unlawful Balfour declaration, intensified through the Nakba [Palestinian ‘catastrophe’] and the influx of refugees, followed by the Israeli occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza and the fragmentation of our people and our land through policies of isolation and confiscation, and the building of Jewish-only settlements and the Apartheid Wall.
” A hundred years later and there is still no justice! Discrimination and inequality, military occupation and systematic oppression are the rule…. Despite all the promises, endless summits, UN resolutions, religious and lay leader’s callings – Palestinians are still yearning for their freedom and independence, and seeking justice and equality”.
The message ended with these ominous words:
“Things are beyond urgent. We are on the verge of a catastrophic collapse. The current status-quo is unsustainable. This could be our last chance to achieve a just peace. As a Palestinian Christian community, this could be our last opportunity to save the Christian presence in this land.”
‘Absence of all hope’
Ten years previously we’d had the ‘Amman Call’ at the WCC’s international peace conference Churches together for Peace and Justice in the Middle East held in Jordan. It contained a number of imperatives. They boiled down to this: “Enough is enough. No more words without deeds. It is time for action.”
This was followed in 2009 by the Kairos Document calling itself a “cry of hope in the absence of all hope”. It said they had “reached a dead end” in the tragedy of the Palestinian people and that decision-makers “content themselves with managing the crisis rather than committing themselves to the serious task of finding a way to resolve it”.
The faithful were asking: What is the international community doing? What are the political leaders in Palestine, in Israel and in the Arab world doing? What is the Church doing?
“The problem is not just a political one. It is a policy in which human beings are destroyed, and this must be of concern to the Church.”
Kairos told the international community bluntly to stop practising “double standards” and start implementing international resolutions. “Selective application of international law threatens to leave us vulnerable to a law of the jungle. It legitimizes the claims by certain armed groups and states that the international community only understands the logic of force.”
What’s more, Kairos called for a system of economic sanctions and boycott to be applied against Israel – not as a revenge tactic but action to reach a just and definitive peace.
It also urged churches to revisit the fundamentalist positions being used to support the evil policies imposed on the Palestinian people, and to stop providing theological cover for the injustices they suffer.
What has the WCC actually achieved since then? It is great at making statements and little else. They just issued one. It’s the usual woffle in which the WCC “profoundly regrets” and does a lot of urging and appealing to other bodies (such as governments), but there’s little action beyond a warm tub of soppy words.
Don’t they realise that the two-state solution – which unbelievably is still “established WCC policy” – has been dead for 20 years? And that interfaith dialogue which they treasure so much is a cynical ploy?
Britain is still officially a Christian country. You wouldn’t think that 26 bishops of the Church of England sit in the Upper Chamber of our Parliament – the House of Lords – and…. do what?
Meanwhile the Holy Land, the wellspring of their faith, is being stolen from under their sniffy noses.
Stuart Littlewood
25 June 2022

After working on jet fighters in the RAF Stuart became an industrial marketing specialist with manufacturing companies and consultancy firms. He also “indulged himself” as a newspaper columnist. In politics, he served as a Cambridgeshire county councilor and member of the Police Authority. Now retired he campaigns on various issues and contributes to several online news & opinion sites. An Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, he has produced two photo-documentary books – Paperturn-view.com.
Also, check out Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper. It tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation.
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THE most event in church history, after Christ’s resurrection, is the destruction of Jerusalem (Babylon the Harlot) and her temple in A.D.70.
It was ridiculed by the Judaizers during the canonization of the New Testament as a non-event.
It’s not acknowledged or taught in the RCC, the Orthodox or the mainline Protestant churches or their seminaries.
The Jews revolted against Rome in A.D.66. It took Rome 3 1/2 years to prepare for its retaliation. In A.D.70 the Roman army, under the command of General Titus, began its retaliatory attack on the city and the temple.
Judea was a parcel of land within Palestine that was home to the Jews. After the war the Jews had no homeland. Judea was wiped off the map that year and the land was only known as Palestine.
It was Palestine for 1,878 years until 1948 when it became Israel.
There are those of us who know that the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.70 was Biblical Armageddon and Christ’s Second Coming in judgment, not of the entire world, but of the twelve tribes of Israel.
The most IMPORTANT event…
We say Moscow is the Third Rome and there will never be the 4th. Idk how it will look like in this century.
The participants in the WCC either don’t know who their enemy is or are allied with them for financial gain. Very few churches, maybe just a handful, point to the real chief enemy of both God and of the human race (cf. 1 Thes. 2.15), i.e., the Judeo-Masonic powers serving their “god” Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan. The one true church founded by Christ still exists, however, and its members and leaders are by and large unafraid to point out this “dangerous” fact, and that is the traditional Catholic Church independent of apostate, NWO-serving Rome. In 1846, the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed in La Salette, France that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The Church will be in eclipse. The world will be in dismay.” At Fatima, Portugal in 1917 She said that “many nations will be annihilated” if men did not cease offending God so grievously. She also asked in every apparition from May thru October (when a great “Miracle of the Sun” was witnessed by about 70,000 people, including many sceptics who became believers) that we pray the Rosary.
Our “leaders” actually dance to the devil’s tune. Shamelessly or Intimidated-ly? (Ask JFK)
What was the year when Il Papa bestowed 5 chosenites with their very-own Holy Order in the RC Church? The Jesuits have run that operation for centuries now. It’s acts as a counterweight in the DC, CoL ‘franchise’
The Talmudic-taught KM’rs are in it for the long-game. “Crypsis” is their favored method for infiltration and assimilation.
What d’ya call 8-Billion surrounded 15-Million? US! (i.e.,Thee & Me)
Did Gandhi say: “We are the leaders we’ve been looking-for!”
The Jesuits certainly deserve condemnation now, being mostly gay and serving the NWO Globalists, but until the mid-20th C. they were a great force for good, which was why the Masonic govts. of Europe pressured the pope to suppress them in the late 1700s. They did immeasurable good, esp. in the areas of education and missionary work, and because of that they have been slandered from all sides: Jews, Freemason, Protestants. Even in the late 1800s the semi-official Vatican publication, the Jesuit “Civilta’ Cattolica” published a series of articles which examined the evils caused by Judeo-Masonry, called “The Jewish Question in Europe: The Causes, The Effects, The Remedies.” catholicapologetics.info/apologetics/judaism/jewrope.htm
Churches are very useful, but to those who know how to use it. For example Catholic church was among instrumental setpieces for bringing down communism but also for conquering lands. But it is hard to find true Christians or true priests who actually live what they confess or confess what they live. Usually they don’t make it high up the ranks or hierarchy. Also I believe this works for other faiths, usually imams calling for Arab or Muslim unity are not exactly marketing materijal, but fake imams conscripting for “islamic terrorism” quickly make the headlines. Many Jews around the world don’t support occupation of Palestine but they are not organized, they are not militant Zionists, they don’t have mandates from Jewish Leagues or World Zionist organization, or any meaningful political international support. Violent radicalization of faith quickly escalates in bad terms for the people that use it, that’s why Israel bring about so many enemies around them. Radical militant Jewish Israel has no chance of survival in moderate world and Israeli politicians and influencers realize this, sooner or later they know they have to get back to realpolitik and well-done relations with immediate neighbors. Also many US Christians call for an independent Palestinian country but are ok with war profits coming from Middle East from “protecting” Israel.
The main problem with Churches is tied to the fact that the Christians supporting them are not Christian. Get a bunch of Christian Bibles and see if they support Pastor John Haggle’s doctrines for and example.
Vern, the Bible that US Christian Zionists use is the Scofield Reference Bible. It came into being thanks to Wall Street lawyer and ardent Zionist, Samuel Untermeyer in 1909. It is Scofield’s annotated commentary that more than any other factor has induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel. Fully 80% of these so-called Christians voted for Trump in 2020. They are the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
The only real historical followers of the teachings of Christ were the Essenes. They were exterminated by the Jewish rabbis that colluded with the Romans. It’s all in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Why do we want to keep Christianity alive? Ask the Popes and Kings that used it for centuries to justify wars and terrorism.
Rapture me up. Schofield fools are being deceived to think that our man-made hell, after a MAD nuke exchange is a predicted biblical event where GOD will send another Messiah for the few remaining souls to live in bliss here on earth….kinda a quid pro quo….Rapture… for the faithful. Fools….false prophets that will make life Hell….literally all over the world with all out nuke wars by man….not God. God gives us the wisdom to stop this madness but he doesn’t make us NOT fools.
“When 50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American [Ashkenazim] standing together on behalf of Israel, it is a match made in heaven.” – Pastor John Hagee
Correction: match made in hell for sure!
This is sad🥲
Due to how quickly the terrorism card can be played, even the churches know that a bombing campaign could be pumped up very quickly if they were to get to ‘uppidty’. This is the monster that has been unleashed against us all with endless numbers of people willing to do the dirty work, including veterans that like to run with the bad boys for the big money and the rush they get standing outside the normal rules. Iraq and Syria provided endless examples of their nastiness, including US helicopters dropping flares at night in NE Syrian grain fields during a light wind to burn they out. And yes, they did video this, post it on line, and there was no investigation or punishment. Later the US troops oversaw the tall grain storage facilities being robbed by the truck load and driven into Iraq.
and we wonder why vet suicides are happening, shame being felt down the line.
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