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Tag: international law

How UK Cheats International Law to Protect Favored War Criminals

VT's attache in the UK Stuart Littlewood reports on the ICC and how it only goes after Western political enemies and not the real war criminals

Palestine-Israel: We tell the same old lies, time after time

VT's Stuart Littlewood digs deep into the new Israeli government assault on its indigenous peoples in another attempt to erase them from the state

Israel’s Illegal Occupation: When ‘De-Escalate’ Means ‘Ramp Up’

VT's Stuart Littlewood Reports on Israel's newly energized push for Eretz-Israel and the elimination of the indigenous peoples.

Law says Israeli Occupation and Use of Force Illegal, Peace Agreements...

VT's Stuart Littlewood exposes the continuing Illegal Occupation of Indigenous Peoples and the Deliberate Mission Creep that is Erasing Palestine

The Utter Uselessness of World Churches

What has the WCC actually achieved since 2009? There's little action beyond a warm tub of soppy words.

Are US war criminal invaders of Syria legitimate targets?

US forces occupying Syria have come under attack. And why shouldn't they?

The Hideous Injustice to the Holy Land caused by Britain’s élite

It was Lord Sydenham remarked: “What we have done, by concessions not to the Jewish people but to a Zionist extreme section, is to start a running sore in the East.

14 May 1948: the Zionists’ day of infamy

Israel’s ongoing military occupation and annexation mean that countless Christian and Muslim Palestinians – even those living just outside the city – have been unable to visit their holy places for many years in Jerusalem.