…from ADVT, Tehran
[ Editor Emeritus Note: The ADVT in Iran has been hosting this annual historical symposium for their own terror victims, a topic that gets close to zero coverage in the West because few are interested.
Maybe more would be interested, if they knew that their respective countries had been using proxy terrorism for decades, which many Cold War old hands say has always been done.
They use people as cannon fodder, from hoodlums to those just wanting to make some money, to create chaos for destabilization and regime change operations. I might add, such activities are breaches of the UN Charter, which left out any remedies on how to deal with malelovent countries that engaged in this kind of conduct.
So here we are, after decades of this going on, where it is common for Western soldiers to be trained by their respective taxpayers, who can retire out of the military and put themselves on the open market ‘security operatives’, a cover for a large number of nefarious activities.

We hear nothing from the 9-11 families about the horrendous crime of the fake investigation of what happened on September 11. They got their money, and it seems they moved on, wanting to forget, or not wanting to take the risk of being visible targets.
None ever contacted VT over the many years of stories that we ran covering a long list of topics, even including the sealed official Sandia National Labs report.
But the families have some cover, as no one in government, media, the military or academia ever showed any curiousity over what really happened, even after our publishing our material for years.
So hurrah for the Iranians who honor their dead, killed in a dirty attempted subversion war by the US and its fellow travelers, who claimed to be among the bastions of freedom and democracy.
When I was attending one of the New Horizon Conferences in Iran before they were shut down, they had an afternoon where the young children of terror victim marytrs visited for a few hours to mix with the attendees.
It seemed a bit overwhelming for them, but I knew they would look back on it when they got older as honoring their fathers. But more orphans continue to be manufactured, a big tally in Yemen, with no shame suicides in the West in protest. Thus ends my not too cheery missive for today… Jim W. Dean ]
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ADVT – 7th Conference of Examples of Patience – 2022
Public Relations of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism (ADVT) – 7th conference of Examples of Patience organized by the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism in cooperation with the Islamic Consultative Assembly Human Rights Committee, the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) and the Human Rights, Peace and Democracy Chair of Shahid Beheshti University on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism.
It was held in the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, attended by UN representatives, members of parliament, academics, personalities, human rights activists and families of martyrs and terror veterans.
At the beginning of the conference, Ms. Zohreh Hagh Panahi, a member of the board of directors of ADVT, said; “One of the strategic programs of the association in countering the roots of terrorism and effectively supporting the victims of terrorism is the project of rehabilitation of survivors of terrorist attacks under the title of Examples of Patience.”
She added, “So far, six sessions of Examples of Patience conferences have been held in the different provinces in the past years, and today we are holding the seventh session of this conference in the parliament of Iran.”
She continued, “In these programs, we sought to strengthen the motivation of the survivors of terrorist attacks, and our slogan is “By commemorating the victims of terrorism, let’s restrain terrorism.” I hope that with the help of national and international institutions, this project will be implemented all over the world and the human society will benefit from its great achievements.”
Then, Ms. Inger Marie Vennize, the director of the United Nations Information Center, appreciating holding this event, read the message of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the occasion of the International Day.
In this message, we read “The International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is a day of reflection, recognition, and action. We reflect on the pain and suffering of those who lost loved ones.
We commit to support survivors scarred by heinous acts of terrorism by amplifying their voices, protecting their rights, and seeking justice. I look forward to learning and hearing directly from survivors about their needs and challenges, at the Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism next month And let us do everything we can to prevent more victims in the future.”
Dr. Zohreh Elahian, head of the human rights committee of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, while congratulating this International Day, said that this is the first official program of the parliament in support of the victims of terrorism of Iran.
We in the Parliament’s Human Rights Committee tried to make the voice of victims of terrorism heard by the world. In this regard, we have corresponded with various international bodies, including the United Nations and the Secretary-General.
She added that the parliaments, as the people’s representatives in the countries, should be more active in the field of supporting the survivors of terrorist attacks and with the help of civil societies, they should consider the problems of these people in different aspects and a comprehensive plan for the material and spiritual support of the victims of terrorism.
She continued to say, “Parliamentary friendship groups can play a special role in supporting victims of terrorism. In addition, it is important to use the capacity of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and effective defense of the victims of terrorism should be on the agenda. The families of victims of terrorism in Iran have a high morale and there is a kind of determination in them to fight terrorism and they continue the path of their martyrs.”
In another part of the conference, Dr. Fattah Ahmadi, Vice President of International Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice stated, “Terrorism involves and affects all aspects of the society, and our celebration should include the whole society, for this reason. It must be said that the states that have sheltered terrorists have acted against the whole society and should be held accountable for this act.”
Then Mr. Qanei, the representative of the General Department of Human and Women’s Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said; “Various resolutions on terrorism have been issued in the Human Rights Council. In 2011, the resolution proclaiming the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism was adopted, according to which, in 2017, 21 August was proclaimed as the International Day by the United Nations General Assembly. In that resolution, the issue of support for victims of terrorism and promotion of support for survivors is addressed. We are facing a lack of international cooperation as well as national legislation of states to counter terrorism.”
The next speaker Dr. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, university professor and chair of Human Rights, Peace and Democracy of Shahid Beheshti University, said; “Terrorism violates many basic human rights. Humans should be safe from fear and this is one of the values emphasized by Islam.
Our problem with terrorism is the double standard policy that governments should have a single vision and condemn terrorism anywhere and by anyone. Relatives and families of victims of terrorism are indirect victims of terrorism in a wider social scope, and we hope to take more effective steps in upholding the rights of these indirect victims and to honor them as well.
In another part of the conference, several families of martyrs and terror veterans told their stories about terrorism.
Ms. Zohreh Ranjkesh, daughter of martyr Abdul-Hossein Ranjkesh, said; “At the dawn of the one of the days of summer 1982, my father, while leaving for the carpentry, encountered terrorists who wanted to seize his motorbike, but when he refused, they resorted to force and shot him the face.
And then they attacked his lifeless and bloody body by firing several bullets and stole his motorcycle. This tragedy is an example of hundreds of crimes committed by Hypocrites (MEK) against Iranian people.
On behalf of all the children who have lost their fathers by terrorists, I call on the national and international authorities to prosecute this brutal act as a crime against humanity.
Ms. Zeinab Sabzalizadeh, daughter of Martyr Maziar Sabzalizadeh, stated, “My father was born on 21 September 1972 in a religious family in Gilan province. My father was the seventh child in the family and also the youngest member of the family. He married my mother in 1376, and they had two children named Mohammad Hossein and Zeinab.”
She continued, “At dawn on 7 June 2017, my mother asked my father not to go to work today, but he refused and said goodbye to me and my brother in a strange situation and left, but my mother called him several times because of her concern, but then one of his colleagues answered and informed us that my father was martyred.”
This is how the hero of my life became heavenly without any guilt and defense with bullets from ISIS criminals.
Next speaker, Mr. Mohammad Mahdi Chizari, a terror veteran, said in his story, “It was 14 March and I was supervising the improvement and preparation of the green space in front of the Noor residential complex as usual, when it was 13:30, suddenly there was a very terrible sound in the space, an explosion and I didn’t understand anything else.
When I woke up in the hospital, I felt a very sharp pain in both legs and back. When I put my hands to my left leg, I panicked; yes, I had lost my left leg.
The 28-year-old sportsperson, who was a part of his life by running, football, taekwondo and climbing, could not even walk anymore. Today, playing with my son has been an unreachable dream for me and my child for years.
During these years, there has always been a question for me and my family, and that is, why should I and my other colleagues be subjected to the crime of Hypocrites?”
Mr. Ya’qub Estilaf, husband of Martyr Anis Nouri, said, “On the 7 July 1982, which coincided with the 15th of Ramadan, we were sitting at the Iftar table at the moment of the call to prayer, when suddenly the house bell rang. My wife opened the door and faced a strange sight. She saw a person with a bowl of food in one hand and a gun ready to shoot in the other hand, and another armed person was with him.”
He added, “One of the attackers shot into the house and my little daughter Zahra fell while she was bloody. Her mother went to save her beloved child, Zahra, and the other attacker shot her inside the house and killed her.
The narrative of the victims of terrorism and only martyr Anis Nouri is enough to show the anti-human nature of terrorist groups, especially the Hypocrites, to the society.”
Ms. Golrokh Mehri, a Zoroastrian terror veteran, said in her story of the terrorist attack, “My husband Dariush and I went to the street in December 1980 after getting a job promotion and buying a car for sightseeing and partying.
She added, “We entered the gas station to refuel. Suddenly, a huge explosion made everything black, I felt like I was in a vacuum. At first, no sound could be heard, as if all the breaths had stopped due to the power of the explosion. I only had my baby in my arms, he was crying and I couldn’t do anything for him.
She added, “I was hospitalized in Tehran hospitals for four months, but the treatments were ineffective, then I traveled to the United States to continue the treatment, there was no cure and I was disabled forever.”
I want to know what the logic of this crime is. What did the Hypocrites get, we didn’t understand and didn’t try to know about it, but we left them to God.
At the end of the event, Ms. Manijeh Safiyari, a veteran of a terrorist attack, read the statement of the conference entitled “Rebuilding Hope”.
In this statement, it is stated that terrorism is the most profound challenge in human life, which is a continuous and permanent threat to global peace and security, and the lives of millions of people have encountered endless suffering.
Victimization and disability of millions of people is the biggest price that human society has paid for the unrestrained violence of terrorism. Many resolutions have been adopted to condemn and counter it, but the world continues to witness the increasing spread of terrorist attacks.
Commemoration of victims of terrorism is an effective response to condemning and social hatred towards terrorist crimes and it will be a social indictment in the trial of the perpetrators of the crime before the public opinion of the world.
At the end of the statement, it is said that this day is a great opportunity to stand in solidarity with the victims of terrorism around the world and emphasize their role in restraining terrorism in the international arena to rebuild life and hope.
At the end of the conference, the families of the martyrs and terror veterans attended in the meeting were honored with a plaque of Examples of Patience and a gift.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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If my comments freak out anyone I can shut my mouth, you just need to inform me…
go for it Irani. We are all feeling around in the dark
Thanks kieran.
I just don’t get why most of my comments here get deleted :/
good news is that your last one hasn’t.
don’t know why they do, but maybe you have a bit too much passion in what you say. Try toning it down and see how that goes.
Haven’t known this website to censor in all the years l have been reading it. The comments in VT don’t operate with the same vitriol that you would encounter in the comments section of other sites. I love that. People share wisdom, insights and knowledge. You either agree or disagree without appealing to the lowest common denominator. In my experience, it’s society in general that is censoring me
“In my experience, it’s the society, in general that is censoring me” you’re right without a doubt.
“but maybe you have a bit too much passion in what you say” this is a long time that I don’t comment with passion, I rarely talk about Iran, I don’t think that is the problem, every community, every group has a set of rules and red lines, I think Rus-sia is the red line here. I just don’t know why.
My last comment is still aw-aiting mode-ration after 2 days.
Rus-sia has attacked Ukra-ine basically cause it “couldn’t tolerate NATO behind its borders”, while Rus-sia has agreements with NATO, Which one should I believe?
When I see that Rus-sia is a very close friend of Israel, how can I believe Rus-sia is on the right side?
Most people here (in Iran) look at me like an insane when I express my opinion about our politicians and others’ politicians.
What if it is right that the Je-ws are behind comm-unism and the Bo-ls-hevik Revol-ution is triggered by the Zi-on?
This is far beyond what we think, I just know that.
“People share wisdom, insights and knowledge.” Yes of course, it’s why instead of the MSM I read VT, but I feel VT deliberately ignores some facts.
Thank you for the time you took, I really appreciate it.
The last time I left a comment with passion was one year ago (probably more), I just left a very harsh comment against the Taliban terrorists and compared them to ISIS on RT, and just a few minutes later, my account was suspended after two years, with almost one thousand comments on it… Since then I’m just wondering why should a Rus-sian state media delete my account in support of the Taliban. Who is who really, what are the deals behind the scene? I remember Afghanistan hadn’t fallen into the Taliban’s hands back then, but everyone on RT cheered those terrorists only because they “seemed” to be against the USA, while in fact they were the puppet of the USA.
i’ve just got moderated also 🙂
don’t know if this comment will be released either
i will repost it under this chat and see what happens…
Jonas E. Alexis has alot of material on this site about the the jewish/ bolshevik connection.
An Iranian friend of mine has said to me on numerous occasions that the powers that be, regardless of their stance, need each other to stay in power. I personally find that hard to dispute.
The goalposts are always being moved in the international arena with regards to what’s acceptable and what’s not. We’re just impassioned spectators in the game. Buy a flag, jersey and membership card. And then of course they go and change the colours of the kit
Kieran, you’re right without a doubt… 🙂
The US has attacked half of the world by the claim of fighting “communism”,,,,,,,,,, while the Jews (most likely) are the people behind communism,,,,,,,, not so surprising that the west supports MEK/MKO cannibals,,,,,,,, but a contradiction of course, if the claim of the Jewish communism is true,,,,,,,then the Russian 1917 Bolshevik Revolution is Zio triggered, and … (most likely)
Jonas E. Alexis has alot of material on this site about the the jewish/ bolshevik connection.
An Iranian friend of mine has said to me on numerous occasions that the powers that be, regardless of their stance, need each other to stay in power. I personally find that hard to dispute.
The goalposts are always being moved in the international arena with regards to what’s acceptable and what’s not. We’re just impassioned spectators in the game. Buy a flag, jersey and membership card. And then of course they go and change the colours of the kit
Jonas E. Alexis has alot of material on this site about the the jewish/ bolshevik connection.
A friend of mine has said to me on numerous occasions that the powers that be, regardless of their stance, need each other to stay in power. I personally find that hard to dispute.
The goalposts are always being moved in the international arena with regards to what’s acceptable and what’s not. We’re just impassioned spectators in the game. Buy a flag, jersey and membership card. And then of course they go and change the colours of the kit
We should have an Association for Prosecuting Perpetrators of Terrorism. Oh wait, haven’t we the ICC, UN for that, and NGO’s such as CIJA. The most corrupt of countries exempt themselves whilst using these organisations as a validation of their special status and uniqueness in this fantastic unipolar world.
I admire all the speakers restraint and courage.
I live in a country that understands or at least once understood the madness of state sponsored terrorism and it’s caustic effect on the psyche of it’s young. We validated violent responses in our minds through actions to the atrocities inflicted upon us. We suffered disenfranchisement by these foreign oppressive forces. An eye for an eye, and l grew up blinded by rage and violence. Hatred without questioning, as questioning would get you hurt from your own side.
Our politicians are spineless cowards that are now selling our country off piecemeal. Rule of law counts for nothing, except when you are a mere citizen. They enrich themselves from the land that much of our blood has been spilt. They feed like Orwellian pigs at the trough, while they threaten the unwilling with the glue factory. They have anointed themselves as godheads in this spiritual vacuum.
There is no justice or decency in the West anymore. No accountability, no courage, just greed and selfishness.
Happy to see you are back Mr. Dean. I was beginning to think you bought yourself a boat and a fishing rod.
Oh no, boats cost money, you have to have a trailer to pull them, and then the right kind of vehicle to haul a trailer, and then a place to store the boat in the winter, etc., a constant drain of money and hassles. If you want to go boat fishing, you just just rent one, have a nice day, pay the money and go home to cook your fish and hopefully have a lot to freeze.
I know only too well the costs.
Our waters here are now fished out. The rivers also. Our water management companies are intentionally polluting the water with bleaches and lime. The lime helps negate the lead in the water when it comes to testing for lead in the water. Most of the west coast has boil notices on household water. Fish farms are destroying everything and factory ships have us decimated. From what l am hearing the fish farms are killing or diseasing fish that go north and the Scandinavians are not too happy. It’s a mafia style operation. They are intentionally destroying fish stocks
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