Towards Tomorrow- Roundtable 01- 4th of August 2022 with Dr. Ahmadinejad, former President of Iran


E. Michael Jones and Scott Bennett discuss our Roundtable with Dr. Ahmadinejad, along with elections and other topics, tonight, Friday, November 11,  on my live radio show. -Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

From the office of Towards Tomorrow

The analysis of the current situation in today’s world shows the inefficiency of existing structures and even ideas in responding to basic human needs and also in achieving common human ideals such as peace, justice and freedom. 

Recent trends in the field of collective awareness of the nations of the world and emerging technologies, indicate the emergence of unique possibilities and opportunities to create a new world.

Therefore, it is necessary for the intellectual, political and social elites to recognize and fulfill the needs of the new atmosphere before the power seekers, to present benevolent and creative plans for human life in the first step, and in the second step to try to guide the collective movement of human beings towards these benevolent strategies.

“Towards Tomorrow”, our movement is based on this  point of view. We intend to have occasional events regarding this. And we also have a site to manage our communications and publish related stuff in. is our site. Come to see it. 

At our first event on 4th of August 2022 we had a roundtable discussing suggested revisions by Dr Mahmood Ahmadinejad in fundamental concepts that we have considered aiming such attitude TOWARD TOMORROW.

Common reason, Covid 19 issues, science as a weapon for hegmons or for humanity,  population disaster mental or economic, poetic beauty of femininity, Social Darwinism and population control, Humanism & worshipping God, etc.  are the topics this roundtable has discussed.  

In this talk Kevin Barrett raised an argument about if we need a Human-centered new world order or a God centered one. He quoted:

In this manifesto, Dr Ahmadinejad has proposed ‘a human centered new world order’. Yeah. Since those of us living in a world whose real religion is secular humanism may wonder whether what we need would be a God centered world order and so I would like to hear a clarification about the difference between Dr Ahmadinejad’s proposed ‘human centered world order’ and ‘the secular, humanist, materialist world order’ of today.’

Dr Ahmadinejad answered that human and God should not be defined in opposition to each other and actually, human is the manifestation of God, and is not separate from The Creator. In fact, God manifests himself in the human. Basically, human is here to introduce God. He quoted:

No doubt the main element and subject of this world is the human, and humans have got a shared divine nature.  Human’s nature is truth, justice- and freedom-seeking. It pursues dignity, and evades oppression, discrimination and imposition. In my opinion, the point where Satan deceives is where he defines human versus God. Actually, human is the manifestation of God, and is not separate from The Creator. In fact, God manifests himself in the human. Basically, human is here to introduce God. The problem lies in their saying that human is against God. However, if human introduces God, then the greater this human becomes, the better. The more powerful he becomes, the better. The more knowledgeable and creative, the wiser, more thoughtful and intellectual, all the better. We are also pursuing to see the humans become greater, but don’t say that human is against God. We believe that the divine nature of human is the manifestation of God in a human. In fact, human is not versus God. If we resolve this issue, other issues can be resolved. Unfortunately, in a part of the world, for centuries, they introduced God as against the human. That was a God who wants to take revenge from mankind. The renaissance in Europe created an opportunity in which the true status of mankind was introduced and his proper relationship with God was defined, but Satan intervened then. This time, a human was defined who was against God. But human is the extension of God and is god’s vicegerent on the earth. God has willed that humans be great. God has wanted human to will. God has wanted that humans be the most knowledgeable and that they discover the entire universe. God has willed the best for mankind. But unfortunately, they deviated humanism from the right path. Humanism is the importance of mankind. i.e., human is important and valuable, and also important. That human is the manifestation of God so he is valuable. It is meaningless to define human as opposing to God. God is the absolute infinity. Human wants to go toward infinity. God is the creator and we are creatures. Once again I emphasize that whenever human is introduced against God, or God is introduced as the adversary of human, that is the point of deviation that Satan has made, wherever on the earth it may be. Human is meaningless without God, and God will not be recognized and understood without human.’

You can watch and the full roundtable above and read the transcript below. 

Towards Tomorrow , Roundtable 01

Full transcript Towards Tomorrow roundtable with Dr Ahmadinejad and 3 American intellectual personalities, 4th of August 2022

Moderator: Besmellah e Rahman arahim, In the name of God the compassionate the merciful
To those who are watching us now or later, I am saying my hello and I wish my best wishes for them. I’m Hossein Vazifeh Aali and with me are a number of world’s scholars and world’s influencers. We are going to have a discussion about the situation of the world and the possible humane world future, We are going to discuss this. 

I appreciate our guests that attended this talk and accepted our invitation.
We have with us Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former president of Iran and professor of University of Science and Technology in Tehran. We have also Dr E. Michael Jones, former professor at Saint Mary’s college and founder of Cultural Wars magazine. We again have with us Dr Kevin Barrett, Islamologist and one of the best known critics of war and terror in USA. And of course we are waiting for dear Scott Bennett who is a counter terrorist finance analyst and former US army officer psychological operations. He is going to join us any second. 

Let me tell you about our program. We are going to discuss together about world’s humans’ possible humane future for tomorrow and we have called our movement TOWARDS TOMORROW. We  are going to have regular and occasional events discussing about this with world’s greatest scholars about the future of human being. We are going to speak about many topics here in our talks. 

The purpose of these talks and events is that the analysis of the current situation in today’s world shows the inefficiency of existing structures and ideas in responding to basic human problems and needs and also in achieving common human ideals such as peace, justice and freedom. This inefficiency is to the extent that in addition to the masses of nations, the main claimants of these structures and ideas also acknowledge this weakness and inefficiency in various ways.

Recent trends in the field of collective awareness of the nations of the world and emerging technologies, indicate the emergence of unique possibilities and opportunities to create a new world. Therefore, it is necessary for the intellectual, political and social elites to recognize the needs of the new space before the power seekers, to present benevolent and creative plans for human life in the first step, and in the second step to try to guide the collective movement of human beings towards these benevolent strategies. The “Towards Tomorrow” series of events is designed aiming this.

Every one of our guests will have a short greeting and then we continue. We listen to Dr Ahamdinejad’s short greeting. 

Dr Ahmadinejad

In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Dr. Ahmadinejad: O’ God, May you hasten the advent of your savior, and grant him health and triumph; and let us be among the best of his aids and Apostels , and those sparing no effort on his path.

So glad to be among you friends and intellectuals. And hope this talk will be fruitful for us and those who will watch or hear it. Welcome gentlemen, and thanks for having read the letter of your friend, and responded to that. Today we’re here so that we could put heads together and jointly open brighter horizons ahead of ourselves.

No doubt, the future belongs to everyone, and the building of future should also be made with everybody participating. The requisite for such a thing is to consult with each other and arrive at joint concepts and visions. 

I’m glad to be with you, and prefer to have the most of time used by our friends and guests, and enjoy their views.

Q _ E. Micheal Jones: in the west, there’s a tradition called the natural law, which states that all rational creatures should accept these principles and foundations 5:24. Based on such, we will be able to have a better understanding of our politics. From your own perspective, and that of the Iranian culture, how is such reason and logic viewed?

A-Dr. Ahmadinejad: rationality and reason is the criterion for thought, and philosophically human’s identity is his thought. A human being lives and moves on with his thought, and actually intellect and reason is the logic for thinking. In fact, thought would attain proper and reasonable outcomes when it follows reason. It is reason that supervises one’s thought, and is its beacon light. Fundementally, life needs to be reasonable, and otherwise, we will face what we are already observing in the world now. So the life should be based upon reason and that is because human’s thoughts might be influenced by a variety of factors, and then the very thought that was supposed to help human, becomes against him and may start to withstand humans 

It seems Mr. Jones asked me about the definition of reason, so I’ll try to respond in brief.

The response goes back to our definition of human being, whom we consider equivalent to thinking. That is, the main difference between human and other creatures is the power to think, so much so that we can say mankind equals thinking. However, thought can go different pathways. In fact, reason and human reason is the logic of thinking the right way. We define reason and rationality as the rules that guides our thinking. I believe if thought moves within the framework of human reasoning and rationality, its outcome will benefit all people and serve each and every of them. Whenever thought deviates from the path of reason and is affected by other factors, the output will be in marked contrast with the rights and interests of people. It is obvious that my speech is not limited to a particular geographical area, and actually this can be addressed to all humans and governments.

Q E. Micheal Jones: I’d like to know two instances where irrationality is dominating a discussion and specific instances where your understaning of reason could bring about some type of solution to a particular problem; First of all domesticly in iran and let’s say in terms of foreign policy as well.

A Dr. Ahmadinejad : Here I’m not talking from Iran’s stance. We’re talking about issues pertaining all humans and all nations. Our topic is “how it ought to be”. There may be subjects in Iran, the US, Europe and different parts of the world which we all criticize and have our own opinions about.

Q Kevin Barrett: Well, Dr Ahmadinejad, in your manifesto you speak of the deviations introduced by demonic forces and hegemons.I wondered to what extent do you see those two forces as being related? And I also wondered about whether you agree with those who think that the hegemonic forces consciously ally themselves with demonic forces and I also wondered about your personal sense of that  where you were speaking of truth  in United Nations and you were being attacked with the media and whether you sensed that they were demonic forces that you were up against?

A Dr. Ahmadinejad: we know that Satan is in exact hostility to mankind. I believe that proportionate with human’s growth, Satan changes and modifies his level of methods. At the time when people lived in caves, Satan also limited his methods of hostility to that; but as mankind grows, Satan also changes his methods. Nowadays, humans have grown socially, and they need rules and social relations fitting a worldwide scale. So, Satan devises its plans at such a scale, and continues to oppose mankind. There are some individuals who got a human face, but their actions are Satanic. Actually, Satan may develop mechanisms and structures, and even design something that resembles a thought system, and then practice hostility with mankind through that. Making a long story short, I can say; whatever action, claim or mechanism which pursues to limit humans, stop their flourishing and exercising of their will, and any thought or structure which aims at humiliating humans, enslaving them and stopping the blossoming of their infinite talents, is truly a Satanic thought, action or structure.

 The thought that makes excuse for discrimination, trespass, oppression and occupation and humiliates humans that is a Satanic thought.

 The Satanic will may surface in the form of an empire, hegemony or a political system, and then take measures that aim at Satan’s goals. Those who have by far filled their stockpiles of weapons of mass killing, those who sow discord and instigate wars among humans, in order to sell arms and continue their hegemony, are either the Devil himself, or fully influenced by the Devil. Today, understanding the methods of Satan and those following his path, is an important factor in understanding the solutions for changing the status quo for the benefit of mankind.

Q Kevin Barrett: have those individuals consciously joined the Devil?

A Dr. Ahmadinejad: all those who are on the same path and act in similar ways will find each other and join hands. About some individuals I’m sure it has been a conscious choice, while about others we cannot arrive at the same judgement.

Q Scott Bennett: Dr Ahmadinejad it is an honour to speak with you. You write in your manifesto the following line and I’d like to build my question on what you were just previously saying about the material with Dr Barret it is built upon that, you write in your manifesto this quote;

“ The claim that it is not possible for human beings to reach peace and contentment by denying them freedom and justice is a claim that is verifiable, just as there has been no deviation, decline or downfall without these being preceded by open violations of freedom and justice in any given society.”

 You were speaking ellegently about  the sense that tyranny enslaving people and  how this has been a part of history in many ways. I want to draw your attention and form my question around the phenomenon of the covid 19, vaccine and vaccination  adsdf

 I want to know your observations about the Covid 19 vaccine, and the way western governments acted.

A Dr. Ahmadinejad: you raised an important question with which all nations are struggling, and possibly one of the most important humane-political issues of the time is the current pandemic and the vaccination. You are aware of the history of the issue. There was a joint research project between China and the US; they wanted to test this in a closed environment, but it got out of control and rapidly spread across the world. Then the hegemons thought they could use it as a tool to control the human society. A variety of vaccines were introduced and new laws and regulations were passed in order to control humans through vaccination. I agree on this with you that any action which breaks basic human’s values cannot lead to their salvation. Fundamentally, freedom, justice, dignity, loyalty, honesty and kindness are shared and predisposed natural values of mankind. No measure has the right to limit humans’ freedom, and such limiting of people’s freedom will not be capable of leading to any form of salvation. Actually, the leaders of the hegemonic system do nothing but limiting the freedom and destructing the character and dignity of humans, and nothing but deviating the relationships and working contrary to justice. Their focus is on limiting freedom and exercising the will of humans. Where the hegemonic system fortifies its pillars is the same point where it limits people’s will, and either makes decisions instead of and for the people, or sets the situation so that humans are forced to make certain decisions or follow certain policies. Unfortunately, today the hegemonic system is abusing the diseases and drugs as a politico-economic lever, and in my opinion, this is maximal distancing from humanity and increasing proximity with Satan and Satanism.

Question: do you still believe in what you said in 2020, that the Covid 19 was caused by a biological attack of the US on China and Iran?

Dr. Ahmadinejad: I have already stated that a joint research team of Americans and the Chinese was formed to make the virus, and then they tried to spread it in a small area and measure its consequences, but after that, things got out of control and it was spread worldwide. The fact that two governments decide to make research in order to create anti-human viruses which defeat humans’ defense power, can rapidly spread across the globe, and cause heavy tolls on humans cannot be outside of the hegemonic system’s plots to defeat nations and weaken them. In fact, research operations need to aim at people’s health and exercising of their will, but today there’s an ongoing biological war across the world. A variety of experiments and laboratories try to spread microbes and viruses which are very complicated and they use them against the nations and to their own benefit. In my opinion, this is nothing but lowness and villainy, and an act of Satan which is anti-human.

Question: do you suppose the vaccine is a biological weapon? And if you were the president, would you ban or allow for vaccination?

Dr. Ahmadinejad: that’s a difficult question. The heavy atmosphere made by the worldwide propaganda and the media of the hegemonic system against the people, and the fear they caused across the world, made the case for decision making a tough one. But I think if officials across the world had raised awareness among their people and used independent experts, there could have been better ways to fight the virus, and they would also be able to withstand the wave made by the hegemonic system, and control its consequences. I believe there were better ways to manage the epidemic, but unfortunately the heavy atmosphere imposed on the public domain by the media of the hegemonic system, made many health and political officials in different countries act passively, and they couldn’t make proper decisions to the benefit of their nations. Right now, we have scientists in Iran and at other parts of the globe who introduce better ways to fight the pandemic, but the media network of the hegemonic system, and the network for production of the virus and sales of drugs, doesn’t allow their voices to be heard by the world community, and to be used in decision making by politicians. 

Q  Scott Bennett: that the WHO and governments resort to frightening in order to control the nations is a big challenge humanity is facing; they use fear as a weapon, while this opens up a path for new individuals and movements who are in more harmony with each other, regarding the spirit of freeing others; this creates an opportunity for us to move forward. Once again, truth and love, unveil the lies, tricks and corruption; that big pharma companies are using the vaccine to destroy humans in the future. Everyone supports the idea that the vaccines are destructive for the human body and are biological weapons which will permanently affect the human body and can make wounds like different types of cancers. I want to say I agree with Dr. Ahmadinejad that this is a Satanic issue, and we should disseminate worldwide the information and talk about the oppression imposed by WHO on the people.

Dr. Ahmadinejad: Let me tell you that as a fixed and very important principle, whatever plan is devised and implemented by the hegemons and the Satanic, is in fact an opportunity for the awareness raising of people, for the growth of their talents and for making efforts to spread freedom and justice. In other words, the Devils and the hegemons are unconsciously serving the growth of humans from a final point of view. If it weren’t for the issue of the Covid 19 virus, the society would surely be at a lower level in terms of awareness. The pandemic unveiled lots of the relationships of the hegemonic system for the people. Furthermore, it created a universal correlation and sympathy among humans, and a feeling grew in every individual that without being connected to each other, and without supporting each other and without getting rid of the hegemonic system, we will not be able to protect our life and our basic rights. Of course please note that we cannot deny vaccination in general, as some viruses and diseases need vaccination, but one which is out of awareness, will and freedom of humans, and one which comes with the scientists being free to disclose complete and correct information about the characteristics and effects of that vaccine. 

Q E. Micheal Jones : one of the problems in the world today is using science as a weapon. One such weapon is population control. Iran’s leader agreed to population control back in 1989, and this had a considerable effect on lowering fertility and the population, but later on he apologized for that. What is your take on this? 

A Dr Ahamdinejad: Today, the issue of population is not just one for Iran, but it’s rather a fixed plan of the hegemons. They keep talking about the hazards and downsides of population growth, and are even working on reducing the current population. But what is their excuse? They talk of two issues, the first one is poverty across the world, and the second is lack of enough resources for supplying people with their needs and shedding poverty. I want to question this, and talk firstly about the cause of poverty. Today you can see that the root cause of poverty is the discrimination and oppression ruling the world. The hegemonic system plunders the wealth of nations using a devised and complicated mechanism. A limited few world capitalists loot the wealth of nations and instead, impose poverty on them. Nowadays, the international economic systems and the rule of dollar, is in fact the very mechanism for conveying the wealth of nations to the pocket of the international capitalism. They sow discord, instigate wars and with the war they destroy the infrastructure and wealth of nations, and then they enter the scene and once again take control of the resources of nations. These are the roots of poverty. In fact, oppressive and discriminative exploitation and distribution of wealth is the root cause of poverty.

Secondly, let’s see if the world resources are really not enough for supplying the humans with their needs. The hegemons claim that the resources are limited. OK, we are not saying that they are unlimited in a very long term vision, but we believe that as knowledge grows, the potentials of nature become visible. In fact, knowledge brings about wealth, and uncovers the wealth of the earth. For example, for a long period of time there was talk of limits of fossil energy resources. For sure, fossil energy is limited, but today new forms of energy have been exposed to mankind, which are unlimited when compared to fossil energy; for example, solar energy or atomic energy. I’m sure with the developments in science, new potentials in the field of energy will be discovered which will be much broader in spectrum, compared to solar or nuclear energy. Even regarding food, we are not yet using the food potentials of the world. Let’s have an example with details. Iran has one percent of the world population, and its territory also comprises one percent of the land on the earth. Today, the land made available to humans for agriculture, industry and residence is less than 7 percent of its territory, and from the mines that could be exploited, just a very small portion has been found and made accessible to people. So, more than %93 of the territory remains untouched. Even from the 7 percent exposed to people, the efficiency of usage is low. You might be able to get 5 tons of wheat from an acre of land, but if you use advanced scientific methods, the same area of land could yield 20 tons of wheat, with less water consumption. Therefore, it means that we have not yet used even a very small part of the nature we’ve exposed to, at maximal productivity levels, or we haven’t managed to do so. If science, knowledge and technology are made more available to humans, the potentials of nature will tend toward infinity. For that reason, the claim they are making that due to limitation in resources, they should limit the population or reduce it, is an incorrect claim one. Population is power, and in fact, wealth is produced by the population, but the root cause of poverty in the hegemonic system, is the Satanic methods, as well as its oppression and discrimination. When there is no oppression and discrimination, for sure there will be no poverty 

Q E. Micheal Jones: Is the demographic crisis an economic one or a spiritual one? When you were the mayor of Tehran, you would give marriage dowries to poor girls. Is this a solution to the population problem, or the problem is deeper than having such a solution?

Dr. Ahmadinejad: certainly that is not a solution, but it was rather a source of relief. The solution lies in reforming the economic structures and distributing wealth and opportunities fairly. 

Q Scott Bennett: If I may add I agree with Dr Jones infertility it seems particularly in the west of course divorce and toxicicity in the sexual romantic … 

: it seems that spiritual reasons are the cause of using infertility drugs in the west. Studies show that in the west, we have abandoned the spiritual and poetic beauty of femininity about mothers and wives and that God created men and women to complement each other. We have created a toxic environment in the west, one in which divorce, immoral sexual relationships, etc. are abundant. All this toxicity came in the absence of talk about God and the divine secret he put in sexuality; something which is revered and should be admired. We have allowed the modern culture to destroy and ridicule this amazing divine gift, and I think not only a spiritual movement, but an active community pressure is needed to talk about the natural differences between men and women, and the necessity of their being with each other, so that we could have healthy marriages, and healthy children were born; this would and will lead to the overall health of the society and the health of all humanity. It seems that the spiritual awakening that brings God back to the sexual unity in marriage between men and women is needed; today, we very much need the beauty of having children. What is your opinion?

Q E. Micheal Jones : do you think that by solving the economic problems, the issue of the world population will improve, or there are other problems that need to be resolved?

A Dr Ahmadinejad : I agree with you. The issues you listed in fact comprise the output of a certain type of structure, thought and management. If we want the outputs to become fine, we should reform the thoughts, structures and managements. Aiding people with dowries can for a certain period of time serve as a source of relief, but surely that’s not a solution; its similar to the aid you give away to a needy person. It will surely not uproot poverty, and is not a solution. The solution is to mend the mechanisms, to have an economy which is fair, based on humans and their needs and basic rights, and to take economy and politics out of the control of the world hegemons and capitalists; the solutions for these are known, and there is potential for implementing them.

Q E. Micheal Jones ( ) : I think if you look at the United States of America, we had a period of prosperity in the 1960s. That birth control pill was introduced in 1964 in America, at the time of basically universal prosperity in America. So it wasn’t an economic problem that was the cause here. It was a spiritual problem. It was a rebellion against God. God created sexuality to bring forth children, and now there are people who are saying we’re going to have the pleasure of sexuality without the burden of children. That’s a spiritual, moral problem that occurred when there were no economic problems in the United States or America or very few. 

Q Scott Bennett ( ) : Yes, I would agree with Dr Jones on that. And also there has been a tremendous animus and alienation between men and women as women are put into the workplace and substitute men in jobs and no longer can men provide an income for their family so that the wife can remain at home and raise the children and be the heart of the home and community. The introduction of women into these workplaces has caused tremendous friction, alienation, conflict and that has depreciated the fertility and even the romantic attraction. That is led to all sorts of other social problems.

Q Micheal Jones: I would just like to add one point here. There has been a change in the Italian Government. The former Prime Minister was Mr. Draghi. He was an employee of Goldman Sachs. These are the hegemons that were ruling Italy. The new woman who was in charge is taking talking about sexuality. Because it was an instrument of control in Italy and throughout the world, the United States imposes sexual liberation as a form of control. So Iran has an opportunity here, just the same opportunity as in Italy if they take a positive stand toward God-given sexuality the difference between male and female created by God, this is a spiritual, an opportunity for people who have a spiritual orientation to take the initiative throughout the world. And it’s happening in Italy right now

Dr. Ahmadinejad: we believe that God has created humans in the form of couples. i.e., woman and man together form a being. They surely have physical and gender differences. Basically, if there is no difference, then no interaction and perfection will occur. When there is difference, there will be interaction and perfection. Women and men are the pillars of the human society. A woman would be meaningless without a man, and a man would also be meaningless without a woman. Actually, without each other, they will not survive and last. Many of men’s talents blossom when they are beside women, and vice versa. None of them are superior to the other, but rather, they complement each other. There are two domains, one is the shared one, and the other is the special one. Women and men each have their own special domains. A man cannot take a mother’s role. That’s merely a woman’s job. There are also jobs that only men can do, and women cannot. That’s a piece of reality. Women and men complement each other; but in the public domain, such as on basic rights, freedom, dignity, and social responsibilities, men and women possess equal rights. We cannot say that the rights of women and men are different. Although their genders are different, as well as some of their roles, but their rights are not different. They are both humans. Women too, like men, possess the right to freedom, justice, dignity and a variety of human rights, at the same level as men do. Of course, in a vast part of the world in the past times, they didn’t consider women as humans. If a woman is not viewed as a human in a society, how can she play a constructive and positive role there? Or if we fundamentally suppose a woman to be less than a man and lesser than him, how can she play her constructive role in the society? That was one point. 

The other point is that you described sexual relationship as deplorable. In my opinion, the pleasure is OK, and God has put the pleasure in that. But the problem arises when Satan and the Satans come around, and use and divert the natural potentials and tendencies of human that God gave them to enjoy, sustain the generations, and bring about their basic rights; they take humans toward limitation, humiliation and destruction, while the God-given potentials in humans need to be used at maximal levels. I believe that human beings should enjoy the most in this world; they should not be limited, but this pleasure should be directed at its natural and productive path. Limiting pleasure is limiting humanity. We can enjoy eating an apple at extreme levels, or enjoy a simple meal at the same level; the same thing can happen in the private relationship of a woman and a man, and there is no fault in that, but these pleasures should not be used to limit and humiliate humans or destroy their social relationships. As you pointed out, not only in the west, but also whenever there is a human, there is a Satan for destruction. How long has it been since in many countries women got the right to voting? Why so late? Why shouldn’t a woman have the right to choose? That is due to the domination of the Satans. A man achieves the summit of perfection when the woman by his side also achieves perfection. Men flourish their talents at maximal levels when women achieve the same. Actually, science, wisdom, reason, thought, creativity, kindness, loyalty, and justice-and-freedom seeking are the same for women and men and they should both be at the summit of all of them. Of course, as I pinpointed, some social responsibilities just belong to women, such as motherhood, sisterhood and being a wife, while there are responsibilities that are particular to men, such as fatherhood, brotherhood and being a husband. These are roles that a man should particularly play. Or when it comes to defending the family, it is primarily the man who should do so. Defending the territory and land is also primarily a man’s duty, and if necessary, then women should come and help, but if men are enough, then women don’t have to be there. However, the shared domain including the majority of social domains, belongs to both and they should both play their roles.

If we separate the special domain from the shared and general one, and recognize the basic rights of women and men in full, then we will observe that the society will reach balance, and disorder will be uprooted from the society.

Moderator:There has been a topic that Dr Barret has raised it. That is the term of “Human centered New World orfer”. Dr Barret, do you want to explain it? (56:17) K

Q Kevin Barrett: . In this manifesto, Dr Ahmadinejad has proposed ‘a human centered new world order’. Yeah. Since those of us living in a world whose real religion is secular humanism may wonder whether what we need would be a God centered world order and so I’m I would like to hear a clarification about the difference between Dr Ahmadinejad’s proposed ‘human centered world order’ and ‘the secular, humanist, materialist world order’ of today.

Dr. Ahmadinejad: No doubt the main element and subject of this world is the human, and humans have got a shared divine nature.  Human’s nature is truth, justice- and freedom-seeking. It pursues dignity, and evades oppression, discrimination and imposition. In my opinion, the point where Satan deceives is where he defines human versus God. Actually, human is the manifestation of God, and is not separate from The Creator. In fact, God manifests himself in the human. Basically, human is here to introduce God. The problem lies in their saying that human is against God. However, if human introduces God, then the greater this human becomes, the better. The more powerful he becomes, the better. The more knowledgeable and creative, the wiser, more thoughtful and intellectual, all the better. We are also pursuing to see the humans become greater, but don’t say that human is against God. We believe that the divine nature of human is the manifestation of God in a human. In fact, human is not versus God. If we resolve this issue, other issues can be resolved. Unfortunately, in a part of the world, for centuries, they introduced God as against the human. That was a God who wants to take revenge from mankind. The renaissance in Europe created an opportunity in which the true status of mankind was introduced and his proper relationship with God was defined, but Satan intervened then. This time, a human was defined who was against God. But human is the extension of God and is god’s vicegerent on the earth. God has willed that humans be great. God has wanted human to will. God has wanted that humans be the most knowledgeable and that they discover the entire universe. God has willed the best for mankind. But unfortunately, they deviated humanism from the right path. Humanism is the importance of mankind. i.e., human is important and valuable, and also important. That human is the manifestation of God so he is valuable. It is meaningless to define human as opposing to God. God is the absolute infinity. Human wants to go toward infinity. God is the creator and we are creatures. Once again I emphasize that whenever human is introduced against God, or God is introduced as the adversary of human, that is the point of deviation that Satan has made, wherever on the earth it may be. Human is meaningless without God, and God will not be recognized and understood without human. 

Q E. Micheal Jones: I just want to say that the main vehicle for atheism in the West is science and ideologies like Darwinism are the source of population control. I’m saying that I hope that the Ahmadinejad becomes president again because he needs to lead a discussion in which we need to show how reason is superior to science. We cannot allow this tyranny of science to basically destroy our culture. That is this that in many ways the source of the demographic crisis, source of the crisis in the West, is the source of the COVID crisis. We have to assert the hegemony of God over culture. And I think you’re the man to do it. And right now, we I just read a professor Amanat’s history of Iran, and it’s a pendulum swinging back and forth between Westernization, West Toxification, and Islamic reaction back and forth between science and religion. Someone needs to come to the middle and take charge of this discussion and say how reason is the solution to both of these extremes.

Dr. Ahmadinejad: please notice that, what is science? We need to first define science. In fact, science is the discovery of rules that exist in this world. The problem doesn’t lie in people stating scientific opinions. Science cannot by itself oppose human. Actually, science is the discovery of the rules governing the universe. But the problem lies where partial knowledge is interpreted as absolute. Here I don’t want to criticize and assess the Darwinism theory, but if someone comes and says this is my opinion, and nothing else is right, this is the point where problems arise, and Satan enters. That’s a theory. There may be dozens of other theories too. In the future, there are chances that all the theories of today be questioned seriously. The strongest theory that exists in the world is the theory of numbers; while with the advances in mathematics the theory of numbers was in another form criticized and scrutinized. We should not make science absolute. Humans try to discover part of the rules of the universe. This is valuable when these are put beside the discoveries of others, and they complement each other, and provide a brighter picture of the universe to mankind. As you pointed out, when scientific discoveries become levers in the hands of the global politicians and capitalists, problems are created, and not that the problem lies in the scientific discovery itself. This discovery can be used to serve mankind and should be used in the service of humans. The entire knowledge is in possession of God, The Almighty. In fact, what we discover is part of God’s knowledge. 

Let me give another example. Some people might make the conclusion that the definite and unique basis for human relations is sexual. This is a discovery. But is it doubtless? Can we state that all the human relations and interactions among them are based on sexual relationships and affected by sexual desires? Both yes and no. If a human surrenders to this and forgets the other dimensions of their existence, then their entire being can be summarized in sexual desires, and we can say yes. But historical evidence shows that humans didn’t surrender, and kept their other desires alive, as well. Are the other desires in opposition to sexual desires? No. they all complement each other. Together, they form human. If we make one desire absolute, then the human which is defined will be an incomplete one. 

Let’s also give another example from the great Iranian scientist, Mowlavi (also known as Rumi). Late Mowlavi tells a story he says an elephant was put in an absolutely dark room. People went in one by one and were asked to say what was inside. One person went in and touched the elephant’s foot. He came out and said elephant was like a tall and strong pillar. The second one touched the trunks, and said that was a hose when he came out; the third one touched the ivory, and when he came out described it as a horn. While the forth one touched the elephant’s waist and said it was a huge throne. These were all true, but none introduced an elephant completely and none represented it. When put together, the elephant’s picture becomes clear. The science that people acquire is similar to the understanding of the people from the elephant. When put together, it depicts a clear picture. Unfortunately, Satan and the Satans come and make a partial piece of knowledge absolute. I believe that the Darwin’s theory is not proven scientifically, or it has a very weak scientific dimension. There have been many scientists who stated opposing opinions. That is a theory, but when politicians bring this theory to the arena of politics and management, the problem is created from there. When they make it absolute, problems arise. It is possible that in a section of the human society, some people forget about their humanity, and think that their mission is to fight for survival, but this is not the truth of humans. We can see that the majority of humans are after interaction and consider their perfection in interaction. i.e., throughout history, the humans have practically lived and moved on just to the contrary of this theory. 

Here, I want to tell our friends that we should not view human’s power as opposing God’s power. When human becomes powerful, they get their power from God. Fundamentally, there is no power but that of God in the entire universe. There is no knowledge in the entire universe but that of God. Humans acquire this. In fact, they become mirrors to show the power and knowledge of God, but at the point where Satan defines this in opposition to God, problems arise. As a principle, we should encourage all humans to acquire knowledge and science, as without that we cannot live and make progress, and become great. We cannot even be free without science, and cannot implement justice. All of these require science, but if science is used as a tool against humans, this is a Satanic act. God has not willed to suppress us. God is beside us, for us and is our supporter. God is our guide, and is the main source of our power, will and energy. But when God is defined as opposing humans, or humans are defined against God, all these adjustments are disordered. This is the point we should pay attention to. My apology for the lengthy response. 

Q E. Michael Jones: it seems that spiritual reasons are the cause of using infertility drugs in the west. Studies show that in the west, we have abandoned the spiritual and poetic beauty of femininity about mothers and wives and that God created men and women to complement each other. We have created a toxic environment in the west, one in which divorce, immoral sexual relationships, etc. are abundant. All this toxicity came in the absence of talk about God and the divine secret he put in sexuality; something which is revered and should be admired. We have allowed the modern culture to destroy and ridicule this amazing divine gift, and I think not only a spiritual movement, but an active community pressure is needed to talk about the natural differences between men and women, and the necessity of their being with each other, so that we could have healthy marriages, and healthy children were born; this would and will lead to the overall health of the society and the health of all humanity. It seems that the spiritual awakening that brings God back to the sexual unity in marriage between men and women is needed; today, we very much need the beauty of having children. What is your opinion?

Question: thanks for the opportunity that was made. We can continue these talks in the future. Thanks for the points you raised, and the clarifications you made. We enjoyed it, and it was brilliant. Thank you indeed. It was a pleasure to be with you.

Dr. Ahmadinejad: It’s thanks for me too toward our friends. It was a good chat and I also enjoyed the views of our friends. I agree to have these talks continued, and I’m sure with these talks to go on, we can arrive at a consensus and also reach new perspectives to help reform the current world situation. I learned a lot from the gentlemen who participated in the round table. Thanks for your warm participation and the good discussions you raised. I also thank Mr. Vazifeh Aali who arranged for the meeting and managed the session. Wish you all a nice day.


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