4 days ago, The Carter Center announced the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, would forgo further medical treatment and will “spend his remaining time at home with his family,”.
Clearly, our 39th President is embracing his passing with the greatest of character as his loving wife Rosalyn holds his hand. Of course! What else should we expect from such a man of decency and character?
Of course, the man has lived an impeccable 98 years. He did so much good at home and around the world during his lifetime. He will be honored by the nation and those around the world now and for decades upon decades to come.
You know, when given an opportunity to lead, we all have to make our choices. Do we lead for ourselves or for the benefit of others?
Most of us understand that we do it for others. We are men leading our families. We lead for our spouses, our kids, and their kids. And some of us, if privileged like Carter, get a chance to lead on a bigger scale.
President Carter made his choice and his life with us has been time well spent; respected by everyone.
Yes, of course, there are detractors and those that critic his administration policies during the 4 years he served as US President from 1976 to 1980. That’s always fair. But I have NOT heard anyone critic his character or his intent. That’s incredible, impeccable! Clearly, the man was principle-driven and we-the-people know it.
But it got me thinking…
Since our nation’s # 1 Sore Loser, Donald J. Trump, bolted out of office in January of 2021 like an immature petulant child in the midst of a massive temper tantrum never shaking the hand and passing the peaceful torch of power over to the 2020 election winner Joe Biden, will he attend the upcoming funeral of a fellow U.S. President? Will he even be invited? Is he even part of the former president’s group anymore?
It’s not so clear!
Sore Loser – Johnny Punish – The Donald Trump Song from Johnny Punish on Vimeo.
Granted, Trump did attend the funeral of George H.W. Bush in 2018. At that event, he was not well received but tolerated as George H. W. Bush respected the office and not the man and allowed his attendance.
But that was before Trump pulled his attempted coup in 2021; that’s much different than Trump just being a jerk-off and making up lies about the Bushs’ to fuel hatred. On January 6th, weakling Trump crossed a huge line that NO ONE has ever crossed in the USA and that changes everything.

The World Will Be Watching
On this soon-to-be glorious day when Carter passes, international dignitaries from all over the world will attend and pay their respects. Leaders will want to attend the funeral of this peacemaker man who got Anwar Sadat of Egypt to shake hands with Israel’s Menachem Begin at Camp David and usher in a new era that, in a very bad situation, offered us a glimmer of hope.
National leaders will also attend want to be in the presence of a man who did even more after he was U.S. President for the world than while he was actually president ie… monitoring elections in countries working to help democracy grow in places it did NOT exist and building homes for the less fortunate.

The event will be an opportunity for ex-Presidents; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama to attend and sit together demonstrating that the USA is NOT a monarchy or a dictatorship but a representative republic that, compared to other systems around the world, still gives the best chance for average folk to live relatively free.
And there there is him; Stonewall Jackson Trump! The Nation’s Leader of the 2021 Insurrection; a contemptuous weak and worthless man who is so self-absorbed he cannot see the forest from the slimy golden stump that he hides behind.
His whole existence remains selfish and self-absorbed.
When he faced the draft in Vietnam, he used his privilege to dodge it instead of serve; unlike President Carter who choose to faithfully serve in the US Navy.
In fact, the paths of the respected Carter and disgraced Trump could not be farther apart.
Carter first studied engineering at Georgia Southwestern College. He then entered the Naval Academy in 1943, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in science in 1946. A member of a class that was accelerated in response to World War II, he served as a surface warfare officer and, later, a submariner. The sad weakling Trump went to Studio 54 and pathetically danced with his ego!
As president, Carter faced hard no-good choices during the Iran Hostage Crisis and terrible economic inflation caused by the Arab oil embargoes that ultimately cost him reflection in 1980. That’s when Ronald Reagan swept him in a landslide election promising a shining city on the hill. Carter, graciously welcomed Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy to the White House passing the torch of power peacefully and respectfully; tradition and class marked the day telling the whole world that no matter what happens, the USA is an example of success.

Fast forward to 2017, when Trump The Liar lost the popular vote but legitimately won the electoral college vote while LYING about Barack Obama telling his trusting flock that he was born in Kenya and would prove it (he never did), Obama, following the class and tradition of Carter and those that came before graciously welcomed Donald Trump and his immigrant wife Melania to the house passing the torch peacefully.
Yes, that would be hard to do for any man considering the blatant disrespect Trump provided Obama, yet Obama rose and did the job demonstrating his class and mental toughness.

When given the same choice in 2021, Trump became the first U.S. President NOT to honor the tradition and, with zero class, refused to welcome Joe and Jill Biden into the White House, even though he knew he lost! What a total dick! Or as the actor Jonah Hill would say “That was such a dick move”.
Trump ran away like the sore loser he is demonstrating that, at his core, he’s a sad weak poor sport, a small man, so self-absorbed that he is incapable of leading men on any level.

Trump Crosses The Rubicon Forever Immortalized
Then we come to January 6th, 2021…
Ah, the day when Donald Trump leapfrogged from just a normal bad U.S. President, probably in the bottom 10 all time, to the absolute worst U.S. President far surpassing James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson who, according to almost every serious historian who has compiled a list, occupied the very bottom.
Trump’s attempted coup to overthrow the election and remain in power was an epic event. It had everything; stupidity, incompetence, and really bad actors. You name it! Hollywood could NOT make a comedy full of these idiots that were as funny. Yet, this is very serious business and that contemptuous psycho-idiot almost pulled it off.

Given all this and everything we know…
Will President Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn Carter do what Barbara Bush did and before President Carter passes formerly disinvite him from his own funeral?
I know President Carter is not well. He’s 98 and failing. I get that. But maybe he already took this action and we just don’t know it yet. I would hope he did. It would save the nation’s stress.
Or will that decision be left to Joe Biden and Washington leadership?
Or will Trump simply opt-out; not wanting to be ridiculed in public by international leaders who won’t want to be seen in the same space as that guy who tried to overthrow the United States of America?

So what do you think?
Will the misguided angry misthanthrop Donald Trump be there? Should he be there? Does he deserve to be there? He clearly has no respect for tradition and the USA so why would he even want to be there?
And if so, who will want to sit next to an American Pariah? Will he be sitting alone in the corner next to the bathroom? Will they try to hide him and put him behind a pole or tree or something?
And what international leader will even shake his hand? Who the heck wants to be seen with a guy who represents insurrection?
Regardless of how you feel about January 6th and Donald Trump, it’s going to be a very awkward situation if he has the nerve to show up because he will make it about himself. And truly, one cares about him anymore because when he got his chance to lead, he choose to do it for himself and no one else. That’s gross.
Trump was always a poor worthless man with lots of money. Very unimpressive!
In fact, LEADING MEN is NOT the same as being great at making money. There is a huge difference. Trump never understood it and never will.
If I was given the choice, I would dis-invite him because he does NOT belong and has not earned the right. He tried to overthrow the U.S. Government through lies and violence and that’s a disqualifier no matter how one feels about policy.

Johnny Punish founded VT in 2004. After 20 years at the helm, he “retired” from the daily operations in late 2023 passing the ball over to the new owner of VT, Chief Justin Time. He now writes for VT as “Writer Emeritus”. He is also a global citizen eco-activist, visionary, musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, podcast host, and syndicated columnist.
Punish is an ethnically cleansed Palestinian-American whose maternal family was evicted from their home in Haifa, Palestine in 1948 by Irgun; a Euro-Zionist Settler Terrorist Group. The family became part of the over 1,000,000 Palestinians who are Al-Nakba refugees (The Catastrophe). The family fled to Beirut Lebanon for 13 years eventually emigrating to the USA in 1961 via a Brasilian passport obtained by his Palestinian Brasilian-born grandmother (In the early 1900s, the family was sent to Sao Paolo Brasil as guest workers in the mining industry. Punish’s father is Italian-American from New York City. Punish’s paternal great-grandparents emigrated to the USA from Naples Italy and Marineo in Sicily in the 1890s. Punish was born in the Bronx, New York in 1963.
Punish was educated at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (1980-81) and California State University Fullerton (1981-1984) with studies in accounting and business. Before the “internets” had been invented, he owned and ran (5) national newspapers in the United States of America from 1987-1998. From 2004 to 2023, he owned and managed VT Foreign Policy retiring at the end of 2023.
Punish is also a recording artist. He has over 100 original songs written. He records and produces music. A member of ASCAP, Punish has several songs placed in feature films. His music is promoted worldwide and played on all digital networks and net radio.
He is also the founder and owner of Global Thinkers, a freedom media that helps free thinkers create real wealth.
Resources: Facebook – YouTube – Apple Music – SoundCloud – Spotify – X (Twitter)
Read Johnny’s Full Bio at JohnnyPunish.com >>>
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Mr Punish, I am an avid reader of Veteran’s Today, as often truth about Deep State and international events are far more accurately reported here than elsewhere.
I am SHOCKED at how little you know our 45th President. Shame on you for not KNOWING OUR ELECTIONS WERE STOLEN. You may research a lot internationally, but your knowledge from on the ground in America is failing your readers. President Trump won by a landslide. The truth is coming out. I have been on the ground. We have PLENTY OF EVIDENCE. Surprise surprise, the illegal leftists in office out-legal us. We’re quickly catching up.
Furthermore, your accusations about him being violent are even further from the truth as your election assertions are. There are 44,000 hours of video coming out now that will prove you wrong. His censored tweets even prove it by themselves. Anything violent portrayed by him in Charlotte were LEFTIST MEDIA LIES. Very similar to Zimmerman – video editors can chop & slice any story to suit their narrative.
As smart as you are on international affairs, it appears you are completely swayed by the communist lying media establishment here.
When the truth is laid out before your eyes, are you going to apologize?
I would say Jimmy Carter was a very good president and a very good person too. I agree.
However you left out the really bad stuff about trump.
They guy molested and raped dozens of kids, young male cross dressers and mostly young girls.
All the evidence names, places, court proceedings and payoffs has been posted on VT numerous times.
Thanks, good article you wrote anyways…..just not cruel enough to the magacreep my only gripe.
Show me that evidence that President Trump molested children. There is none. I can show you PLENTY from Biden & Obama. The Epstein logs are also very revealing – President Trump kicked Epstein off his property and was instrumental in bringing Epstein to justice the first time Epstein was arrested. No one else would help, but Trump did. Seems the research is left to only SOME authors here at VT.
Dr. Punish, I don’t read you very often, but I’m glad you gave Carter a good review because of his sincerity and integrity. Do you extend the same opinion for Reagan? I think these two Presidents are the last two legitimate ones we’ve had. Every President thereafter has been a Jewish Zionist-controlled puppet, including Biden, especially Biden. Do you agree? Also, if you know, what has happened to Duff, Dean, and Preston James?
Since World War I, when Zionists were given task to get Americans into WWI by the British in return for Palestine (Balfour), we can argue that Zionists have been effectively pulling levers in the U.S. Government. It’s been a long process to secure massive influence. But there are # 1 over the last 100 years. The even got Christian America paying them. It’s incredible. Every US President has been faced with such influence and leverage. Some more willing than others. But all held hostage to Zionism. In my view, Reagan, no matter his personal opinion, was no different. No play, you get run! That’s that’s their game.
“Dear” J. Punish,
In my five minutes of freedom, I also take the liberty to write to you to, then have you deleted.
You praise a President whom even in Italy we have known as President peanauts. The Watergate scam forced him to resign without him, like an imbecile, reacting as Trump did to the censorship of all so-called “social”.
Yet the president you were supposed to honor (and that the world, succubus to US solipsism, should honor) is J.F.Kennedy who before he was killed asked, preemptively, for help from those like you, or those who, as great as, at the time could have given it and did not give it, just as you do not give it who talk about the rebirth of the US Empire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfd5n0Fpm60&t=99s&authuser=0
I know, it bothers. So like Carisio Cancel and Mammon for reward will make dumplings for good children.
Feel free to write a comment here as you please. Just stay within comment policy and you’re good to go.
Biden brought the calm back ? Lord help us. He walked back on every promise he made before he was sworn in and now we are on the way to nuclear war because of his obcession with Ukraine. He blew up the pipe lines of one of our “ally”. I see no difference between Biden and Trump.
Surely, you knew I was NOT referencing POLICY when I said “brought the calm back”. Surely, you knew I was referencing the daily chaos that was Trump.
You may recall EVERYDAY, Trump was on TV daily insulting, name calling, making up lies, and generally poking holes in the eye of everyone daily. Biden is the opposite. He is so boring. No one wants to hear from him. Including me!
Governance needs to boring. It’s NOT entertainment! Abusing the public daily is NOT effective. It hurts the nation. People need to manage their lives, jobs, families etc.. Watching an entertainment whore in a fat suit live his reality show on Pennsylvania Avenue is NOT healthy. As it relates to Biden Policy, this article makes no reference to such and so NOT the right place for such discourse.
This article is framed as if Presidents matter. They don’t.
Advisors do.
Very True, but Presidents matter as a figurehead of state. It reflects. It gives the people something to look up to; to aspire. I like that Reagan returned the glamour giving it more cache. Biden brought the calm back. But that’s all it is. Yet, it’s very important that the people and world see a solid figurehead. It’s good for business.
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