Russia to US: So, you want to “play with fire” in Syria?


…by Jonas E. Alexis

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has recently produced a devastating blow on US forces in Syria by warning that the US needs to stop to “play with fire.”

The United States, said Lavrov, is so desperate that they are using virtually anything to accomplish their main objectives in the region. The US is trying to use the Kurds “to undermine the Arab Republic’s territorial integrity.” Lavrov:

“Such fears arise when we get acquainted with the plans that the US is beginning to implement on the ground, primarily to the east of the Euphrates, on vast territories between this river and the border with Syria with Iraq and Turkey.”[1]

Lavrov also seems to suggest that the United States hasn’t produced enough evidence showing that they are only concerned about fighting terrorism in the region. Lavrov continued:

“It seems to me that the statements of our American colleagues that the only purpose is to fight ISIL [Daesh] and preserve territorial integrity need to be confirmed by actions.

“Unfortunately, with all the statements about the need to unite efforts in the fight against this common evil [terrorism], there is still a desire to use this situation for geopolitical narrow-minded purposes and attempts continue to move away from truly collective work…

“Al-Nusra Front militants do not halt their provocations. In particular, they shelled residential areas of Damascus, including the Russian embassy, the Russian trade mission, from East Ghouta. Nevertheless, our Western partners for some reason prefer to make a fuss about these two areas — Idlib, East Ghouta, without saying what is happening there”[2]

Lavrov is certainly on target here precisely because the United States and Israel have been supporting terrorist cells in Syria since the beginning of time. Why? Well, Assad had to go; Assad is a bad guy; Assad is the new Hitler on the block; Assad is killing his own people; Assad used chemical weapons on civilians in the region; Assad must not be tolerated.

The United States and Israel have been using these dumb excuses for decades now. In fact, even Wikileaks, of all places, admitted that the United States gave Saudi Arabia the license to thwart democratic dissents in the Middle East: “Among Washington’s other repressive responses to the Arab Spring was the support it gave to Saudi Arabia’s invasion of Bahrain to suppress democratic dissidents.”[3]

Going back to Syria, the United States specifically intended to create sectarian violence in order to destroy the government from within.

“So, while the sectarian character of the civil war in Syria is now publicly bemoaned in the West, it seems fair to say that in 2006 the US government foreign policy apparatus believed that promoting sectarianism in Syria was a good idea, which would foster ‘US interests’ by destabilizing the Syrian government.”[4]

It gets even more interesting:

“The US government knows perfectly well that the Saudi government blames Iran for things that the Iranian government has nothing to do with, and is unconcerned about this….But as the 2006 cable makes clear, the US was happy to make common cause with Saudi Arabia in blaming Iran for things happening in Syria with which Iran had no connection.”[5]

So, are we repeating history here? Doesn’t Netanyahu tell us ad nauseam that Iran is the most dangerous country in the world? This guy never invents something new.

Netanyahu’s message in 1995? Iran is the most dangerous regime in the world.[6] His message in 2012? Iran is the most dangerous regime in the world.[7] His message in 2017? Iran is the most dangerous regime in the world.[8] His message in 2018? Iran is the most dangerous regime in the world.[9]

But when any person even remotely mentions Israel’s crimes in places like Gaza; when a person simply says that the Israeli settlements are not compatible with the rule of law, then that person is an anti-Semite

Netanyahu is certainly a complete lunatic. Why doesn’t Hollywood hire this guy for the next joker movie?

  • [1] “’Don’t Play With Fire’: Lavrov Slams US Attempts to Break Up Syria,” Sputnik News, February 19, 2018.
  • [2] Ibid.
  • [3] The Wikileaks Files: The World According to US Empire (London and New York: Verso, 2015), Kindle edition.
  • [4] Ibid.
  • [5] Ibid.
  • [6] Benjamin Netanyahu, Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995).
  • [7] “Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran is the most dangerous regime in the world,” Telegraph, July 19, 2012,
  • [8] “Iran is more dangerous than North Korea, Says Israel’s Netanyahu,” Newsweek, November 11, 2017.
  • [9] Oliver Holmes, “Israel ready to act against ‘dangerous’ Iran, Netanyahu warns,” Guardian, February 19, 2018.


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  1. This goes well beyond the pale of interests as we have none. The violence is not needed for trade in oil,no these actions prop some thing else up.

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