Can the US boom continue despite Trump chaos?


News Review – US manufacturing falls in April, total Q1 output plunges from 2018

by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor  … with Press TV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: This was a change of pace Press TV show, my first on a Treasury report. But none of us are strangers to what has been going on with the economy, so no huge preparation was required.

We are in the longest economic expansion without a major downturn, and smart money knows the hammer will fall some day. One would think Trump would be pushing for international stability, but many see him doing just the opposite.

Low unemployment and a good stock market is a wave that he has surfed until now, but other presidents have tasted the bitter fruit of not just a downturn, but a crash.

Many think that’s why the Deep State keeps a number of mini-wars going that can be ramped up if needed to turn a recession around. Roosevelt got the gold star for that, and it saved him politically.

But you will get no bet from me as to how long the bubble will last. I am generally in defense mode all the time anyway, having seen enough of them to keep debt low, if not zero, and live within one’s means … JD ]

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– First aired … May 15, 2019


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  1. This boom will be continued until we elect an anti-war President.
    That will be when they will crash our economy.
    I remember President Carter and “the moral equivalent to war”. I’m sure that you do, also, Jim.

    • I sure do. I was not living in GA then. Some of the Carter GA crew was in over its head with the campaign folks nailed by the Peter Principal, where they advance to a position where they are incompetent. His appointees let him down, when he was the most engaged outside the beltway Prez we had had in modern times. He actually took a pile of briefings home on the weekends so he could ask pertinent questions at the next week’s meeting. The Donald does not prep, and prefers bullet point briefings, the shorter the better.

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