From Roanoke to Waco; Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue


by Patrick Pappano

It seems that even the most insouciant and compliant Americans when asked about the state of their country, confess to discouragement. Indeed, President Trump may have even gained the Presidency precisely because he enunciated the need to restore our fortunes. I leave it to the reader to decide for himself how earnest that call to action was. But the need for it seems to be clear to even the most inattentive.

Some older readers like myself, I am 75, will just ignore all calls to action with the dismissal, they have seen it all before. But what is interesting is the date they suggest as the mark for the turning point to the downside. Some will say post-WWII. Others, cannier, will say no, it was 1933 with the elevation of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as does Harold Rosenthal, that Jewish Prima Donna who couldn’t contain his glee at the usurpation of America by the Jews in that infamous 1978 interview. Then those Americans, mostly dead, declared 1912 and the election of Woodrow Wilson as being the turning point. And, a very good case may be made for the Civil War as the turning point from good to bad. If only it were so. Any of these dates would be better than the one I select, 1776.

In just a few words, I will merely point out, that once Independence from Great Britain was declared, over the issue of taxes, taxes went up and they have been going up ever Since. But, mistakes can be made. Maybe our founding fathers only thought they had a better idea, but in the end, things did not work out as planned. A happy thought, but there is good reason to suspect that there was much more going on below the surface of observation of the average citizen. And like virtually all other national movements, particularly rebellions, one must follow the money.

King George III, that evil monster, had responded to the Mashpee Indian tribe’s plea that the Massachusetts Bay Colony leave their land alone, by ordering the Massachusetts Bay Colonial government to leave the Mashpee in peace. In addition, evil King George III, seeing the plight of the Indians at the hands of his colonial subjects, set aside a strip of land just west of the Allegheny mountains for the Indians and forbade westward settlement into or beyond this “Indian Strip.” Of course, it didn’t work. Corruption had already taken hold in the seaboard side of the colonies and more woke settlers were fleeing to the west. So it does not appear that westward movement was slowed down any due to King George III.

When Franklin was in London as an ambassador for Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, he was asked how much prosperity, then evident, was achieved in the colonies. The direct quote Franklin gave is as follows:

“That is simple. In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called ‘Colonial Scrip.’ We issue it in proper proportion to make the goods and pass them easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one.”

I personally believe this embarrassment of riches was the spark that made the American Revolution inevitable. There was money that did not belong to the Bank of England and this would surely set a bad precedent that had to be stamped out.

The westward movement was to land that would become known as the “Northwest Territory” and had been ripped away from France in the French & Indian War and was now the property of Britain, all 166 million acres of it. The stock market didn’t begin until 1792 so up until that point and for well afterward, the land was the bonanza everybody was chasing. And at $1 per acre, the Continental government, when it came into possession of this land at the Treaty of Paris in 1783, formally concluding hostilities between Britain and her former American colonies, came into possession of a $166 million asset.

The American Revolution had only decided the Eastern Seaboard, nothing else. But still, those evil British tax farmers then asked the American delegates to the treaty negotiations, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams, if they would like the Northwest Territory to go along with their newly won eastern strip. They would, they replied, and it was done. And instantly, with the stroke of a pen, $166 million worth of land was transferred to the Continental government. This is perhaps the strangest treaty concession ever made.

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  1. I understand that John Paul Jones left the US and traveled to Russia where he is considered one of the founders of the Russian Navy.

    • Thank you for posting. All I know is that he went to Russia but wound up in a pauper’s grave in Paris. I think he was probably a very cantankerous man but still you would think at least a small memorial on the Washington Mall.

    • I almost forgot, there is a great Revolutionary War song that stats out like this: “She was a stately American that flew the Stripes and Stars, and the whistling wind from the west northwest blew through her pitch-pine spars. As like an Eagle swiftly she flew etc, etc. ….as down-channel clear, Paul Jones did steer, just at the break of day.” This was after outrunning a much heavier-armed British Man-O-War.

  2. Thanks for that. Seems this article should lead perectly into the war of 1812.

    “In paper money, it merely loses value. This is what happened 20-years later in 1811 in the new United States of America. It turned out that the “wealthy” investors had used the U.S. Government money to acquire their own shares in the bank and that was the money they were lending for their own accounts.”

    Patiently waiting….

    • It is all theater from end-to-end. I finally had to cut it off just to come up for air. But you are correct, the lead in to the war of 1812 is quite clear.

  3. This is the most truth based exposition of the founding of the north americas that I have read to date.

    Fancy it being stated that King George III was benevolent and just, administering the domains of his office equitably.

    Cosmic forces brought forth the new nation founded on the federation of the original 13 colonies.
    The book by Francis Bacon – “The New Atlantis” gives an accurate context.
    This is what happened to ancient Rome, it came to power, flourished, began to decline due to internal corruption, and then was over-run by other powers.
    That corporation known as the US will go the same way, and the people having privity to it will suffer also.

    Esoterically it is a truism that there is some good in the bad and some bad in the good, and for that reason the vigilant need to ensure that the bad in the good does not get to dominate.
    Since the internal corruption has not been weeded out (although there have been historical efforts by some) then the once great nation operating through the corporate vessel of the US will likewise fall.
    This is the natural cycle founded on the laws of creation.

    • Thank you for your note and sentiment. I think you point out the inevitability of evil getting mixed in with the good. My personal belief, I am a Roman Catholic, is that our purpose here in this world is not to win but to fight the good fight. And I think that while the United States was founded as an “Atlantean” nation, it got away from them, and up sprung a new man, an American. And while he did not, and is not prevailing, he is still buried in the subconscious mind of every American, or perhaps more accurately, most Americans. Either, he is there. I believe James Fenimore Cooper wrote about him.

  4. I think you neglected(great article tho)….. The Alien and Sedition Acts were four laws passed by the Federalist-dominated 5th United States Congress and signed into law by President John Adams in 1798.[1][nb 1] … and criminalized making false statements that were critical of the federal government (Sedition Act of 1798).[4] The Alien Friends Act expired two years after its passage, and the Sedition Act expired on 3 March 1801, while the Naturalization Act and Alien Enemies Act had no expiration clause.

    The Federalists argued that the bills strengthened national security during the Quasi-War, an undeclared naval war with France from 1798 to 1800. Critics argued that they were primarily an attempt to suppress voters who disagreed with the Federalist party and its teachings, and violated the right of freedom of speech in the First Amendment.[5]

    …. Lastly, the controversial Sedition Act restricted speech that was critical of the federal government. Under the Sedition Act, the Federalists allowed people who were accused of violating the sedition laws to use truth as a defense.[6] The Sedition Act resulted in the prosecution and conviction of many Jeffersonian newspaper owners who disagreed with the government.[6]

    • You are right. That would have fit right in. And as I recall, Jefferson established the concept of “Nullification” to defeat those laws. Definitely a lapse on my part. Thank you.

  5. When? Several equally plausible dates. Why? The banksters; those Venetian sephardics. Interesting read. The Indians always got shafted, but as the late Russell Means observed, “we’re all on the reservation now”.

    • Amen to that. And let’s not forget Leonard Pelletier of AIM. Still incarcerated as far as I know.

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