Trump Showed the Navy: 600 infected, one dead on USS Roosevelt, Trump’s ‘ship of malingerers’



Washington (CNN)A sailor who tested positive for Covid-19 on the USS Theodore Roosevelt has died of coronavirus, the US Navy said Monday.

The Navy did not disclose the name of the sailor, who was admitted to the intensive care unit of a US Navy hospital on Thursday. CNN previously reported a sailor from the USS Theodore Roosevelt who tested positive for the virus March 30 was found unresponsive and placed in the intensive care unit during a daily medical check.
The Navy said that the sailors who found him unresponsive attempted to administer CPR prior to his being transferred to the intensive care unit.

Exclusive: Navy commander says virus-struck aircraft carrier crew ‘struggling’ after captain’s firing

In addition, a US defense official told CNN that four sailors from the ship have been transferred to hospital.
“Over the weekend, four additional Theodore Roosevelt Sailors were admitted to the hospital for monitoring. All are in stable condition, none are in ICU or on ventilators,” the official said.
Nearly 600 sailors on the Roosevelt have tested positive for Covid-19, the US Navy said in a statement, adding that 92% of the Roosevelt’s crew members have been tested for the virus.
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Roosevelt was at the center of a controversy that led to the resignation last week of acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, who had dismissed the aircraft carrier’s captain Brett Crozier after the leak of a memo in which he implored Navy officials to urgently evacuate the ship to protect the health of its sailors. Crozier also flagged his concerns about challenges of trying to contain the virus aboard the ship and requested that sailors be allowed to quarantine on land.


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  1. Just let me say right up front that I hate carriers. They are overcrowded termite mounds that no enlisted man in his right mind would go near. It is different for the pilots and flight officers, but for the rest..yeech! I was sure by now “they” would have found a way to sink the radioactive RR. They had it out there dangling like a worm on a hook. This is now a different story alltogether. That a senior officer let alone a commanding officer of a nuke carrier actually cares for his crew is almost unheard of. Every sailor knows that a good fighting Captain with good officers working for him is very rare indeed. Senior NCO’s would try every trick they know to get transferred to that ship (usually a FFG or sometimes DDG). The very senior a**holes of the admiralty hate good officers, and do anything they can to stompt them.

    • Always hated going to liberty ports with the 6th Fleet in the Med, with crew from carriers. There were so many of them, they would infest the towns, ruining the whole experience. It was so much better with one or two small ships, like FF’s or DDG’s.

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