#UNRIG Video (1:35:37) The Wall Street Conspiracy Full Movie Free Online With Permission of Owner – Producer


This top-notch production was published in 2012 — it is still vital public information

With the kind and written permission of the co-owners of this very original and important film, as registered with our law firm, we offer this free full online version to the public

IT MAY NOT BE COPIED. Copying this film is a copyright violation — we have permssion, no one else does. This film will appear exclusively on YouTube and BitChute in the #UNRIG channels. It may be embedded and linked without limit but it may not be copied.

The producer and director of this great film are to be saluted. It was and remains a pioneering film and the testimony offered in this film should be a matter of record as we all move toward a racketeering investigation and individual by name accountability for the partners of Goldman Sachs, Merritt Lynch, Credit Suisse, Deutche Bank, UBS, and JPMorgan, among others including bottom feeders like Ken Griffin, Andrew Left, and HCWainwright, all demonstrably violating the law and destroying thousands of companies, hundreds of thousands of jobs, and millions of pension fund valuations.

Learn more (with new interviews and new documentary being planned)


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  1. There were two other components to the Wall Street crash of 2008 (W Bush’s crash) which this video doesn’t touch. One was Net Capital Rule dismantlement in 2003 by non other than Henry Paulson and the second was the creation of a type of home loan called Option Arm by Washington Mutual later rebranded by World Savings as Pick and Pay. These loans were negative amortization loans that were eliminated by Obama who also restored the Net Capital Rule to its original 2 to 1 instead of 28 to 1 reserve of Bear Stearns at the crash.

    Right wingers call TARP an Obama giveaway which in truth was a Bush toilet paper creation or many bankers would be dead or in jail right now.

    If senator Shelby an ardent right winger would’ve sold to Wall Street on exposing the naked short selling, things would have been very different.

    There is a lot of blame to go around for the 2008 crash, but what about the one coming up after Wall Street has finished consuming the two trillion dollars thrown at it to keep Trump in power while detached from the reality of millions of newly and permanently unemployed people ?

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