Blockbuster: Occupation Begins, Supremacist Militias Deployed with “Special Police Powers” by Trump-Barr

The fake army has shown up, now we need the real army to remove them...or we may have to do it ourselves...and you know what that means


VT: The cover story is that they are prison guards, special “fat guy” SWAT teams for the Bureau of Prisons.  No such force exists.  They are on the streets of Washington, Philadelphia and are being moved around the country without permission of state and local governments.

From former Chairman, JCOS and NATO Commander, Wesley Clark:

As you will note, their number includes no Hispanic or African Americans, who make up over 40% of the employees of the Bureau of Prisons and every other agency.

These are the same people who were on the steps of the capitol building in Lansing Michigan but with a shave and bath, the same way ISIS magically turns back into the Turkish Army when things get hot.

Cleaned up and put on the streets as Trump’s “Whites Only” militia?

What we do know is this, Trump, Barr, Kushner, Pompeo and Esper are members of a religious cult that believes the US Constitution is an impediment to their plan, a war with Russia over the Middle East, and the apocalypse.
Anyone who doubts this has been hiding under the covers since the Neo-cons were unveiled.


RT: Washingtonians are becoming increasingly unnerved by the sudden presence of unmarked militias who have been deployed to the streets of the US capital as protests rage, but who won’t identify themselves to citizens and journalists.

Videos and photographs of the mysterious and heavily-armed figures have been swirling on social media for days, with many who have encountered them reporting that they refuse to say which government agency they are working for.

The anonymity of the forces has led some to suggest they look like armed “mercenaries” rather than government employees. One DC-dweller tweeted that the nation’s capital felt like it was “under some sort of military occupation.”

One ominous-looking video posted on Thursday shows lines of burly men without any identifying ID tags or insignias standing guard near the White House. “Refused to tell us who they’re with,” the tweeter who posted the video said.

Some of the men identified themselves only as being with “the Department of Justice,” according to one Mother Jones journalist.

It turns out that at least some of the men are prison riot officers sent in by the Federal Bureau of Prisons at the request of Attorney General William Barr, according to NBC. A statement from the bureau said the officers are un-badged because they are “serving a broader mission.”

Though that doesn’t seem like an entirely legitimate excuse for the lack of identifying information. Demonstrators protesting police brutality are concerned that if any of the badgeless officers seriously injure anyone or commit other crimes while patrolling the capital, that there will be no way to identify them.

It appears DC is not the only place where the unmarked police have shown up. Some people tweeted about similarly unidentified forces at Philadelphia protests, too.

“How is anyone supposed to know for sure he’s even a real cop?” one person wrote in response to a photo of an armed man clad head-to-toe in black at one Philly protest.


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  1. Does it have to be 70-80 year olds like yours truly? (who are more than capable of dealing with these fatasses)

  2. These guys don’t look human. Globalists are salivating watching their manufactured synthetic humans on guard en masse for the first time.

    This looting is being created so they can play with their toys like little toyboys.

    Karma. Ah the karma. Can’t synthesize good karma boys.

  3. Folks with institutional power and forthright morals have stood down once again, common sense having fled to some dark space dominated by scalar Weapons and deep societal programming to cover your own Arse at the expense of other humans by trusting corporate criminals at large.

    Would love to see a 101st. Airborne hot LZ insert up the wazoo of these monkeys , no insult intended to the monkeys .

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