“BOOM” Qanon Spreading Like Wildfire Leading Up To Election – On Scene at the Recording Studio with Austin Steinbart


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Austin Steinbart (left) , Mike Harris (right)

In this episode and interview with Austin Steinbart, we discuss the question many people ask: Is the Q-Anon movement a disinfo psyop to keep people from taking action? We were told to “trust the plan” and to “trust sessions”. To date we have seen little movement and people are becoming frustrated with the lack of concrete action.
What is the main feature of the interview is the simple acknowledgement that virtually everyone in the USA knows something is drastically wrong. The left is rioting and burning cities to the ground and the right is buying guns and ammo.
The lesson is to learn to work together because both the left and the right see the wrongness in the USA’s current systems and how rampant the corruption is.
Who and what rules the American people, and the glaring 2 tiered justice system.
People want fundamental change and the only proven method to achieve meaningful change is for the left and right to work together. The status quo prevails because they keep the American people divided and fighting among ourselves. We need to focus and concentrate our joined efforts on ending the corruption that is protected by those in power and ending the status quo to develop a working system that functions for the benefit of all of the American people., not just the 1% who fancy themselves as our ruling class. The struggle is not between the left and the right, or between black and white; but between who is up and who is down trodden. This November vote like your life depends on it…..because it does. Remember the Bolsheviks murdered 100 million Russian Slavic christian people, and stole all of their material wealth and property, they will have no problem murdering 65 million “Deplorables” in the USA and again stealing all of your wealth and property…..Count on it.

(Producer note: Austin and his team were very gracious hosts.)

If you would like to help the “MIKE HARRIS SHOW” or donate services and/or materials, you may contact Mike Harris by email at mikeharris9696@gmail.com


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