Michigan: GOP Complains about being ‘left out’ of plot investigation…even though they were directly involved

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VT’s own investigation is finding things a bit ‘curiouser and curiouser’ as the plotters, now nearing 20 in 5 states, but these aren’t simply extremist ‘bumpkins.’

Marriage between GOP state officials and the Michigan Militia began in the late 1980s but only sprung to life when a huge influx of laundered cash came in during the 1990s. Then, the ‘anti-lockdown’ was all about cigarettes with massive cash outlays from the tobacco companies going directly to the Michigan Militia to work with the GOP in blocking anti-smoking measures.

Then the Michigan GOP thought the world would end if smoking in hospitals and schools was prohibited.

The real history began earlier, when the auto giants started hiring both KKK and Italian mobsters to fight the trade unions during the 30s and 40s. This is roughly described in the 1978 film, ‘The Betsy.’

Behind the move against Whitmer is a consortium of anti-government extremists within the GOP, led by judges, half a dozen or more county sheriffs and several hundred police and deputy sheriffs.

When, during demonstrations against Whitmer, dozens of vehicles had removed their license plates, there was a reason for this.

GOP officials are recruiting using their control of the state’s massive prison system, county jails and parole/probation authorities. The blend of hate groups, melds police, prison-jail radicalized white supremacists and meth dealing criminal gangs that had formed long ago during the Millikin administration.

The GOP learned it could only hold control of the state legislature through backing by certain corrupt Detroit officials and a partnership with street gangs, starting with Young Boys Inc, which spread through Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania, with direct partnership with major cartels which are also run by the GOP.

The powerful Romney family is described here by an FBI Agent (retired) who ran investigations into the Mexican cartels during the 1990s.

Key to keeping the GOP in power in Michigan has been these ties to the gangs and cartels and between prison gangs and ‘police gangs,’ who now make up what is called the ‘boogaloo boys.’

At least a dozen members of the Michigan Legislature, all GOP, depend on these organizations for campaign funding and ‘security.’


Detroit News: Michigan’s House speaker on Saturday expressed frustrations with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over what he called a failure to communicate with lawmakers about the alleged plot to overthrow the government and kidnap her.

Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, issued a series of tweets Saturday, saying those in the Capitol were not warned of the plot to take hostages and there needs to be better cooperation going forward across the aisle.

“Why weren’t we in the Legislature warned of the plot to take hostages at the Capitol? The plot by these terrorists was against us, too. Why weren’t House sergeants warned?” Chatfield said. “You knew, and we weren’t even given a warning. We had people working in the building every day doing essential work, and their lives matter too.”

A spokeswoman for Whitmer did not immediately return a request for comment Saturday.

Federal agents said Thursday they thwarted a plot to violently overthrow the government as well as kidnap and harm Whitmer — a conspiracy that included visits to her home in northern Michigan and training with firearms and explosive devices.

The alleged plot mainly involved six conspirators unhappy in part about Whitmer’s coronavirus restrictions, calling her a “tyrant.” They wanted to create a “self-sufficient” society free from what they called unconstitutional state governments and discussed plans to storm the Capitol and take hostages, according to FBI documents filed in court.

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  1. Senaca, I’m trying to follow what you’re saying, guessing that you are either a Native American or a stoic philosopher, or most likely both, but just a bad speller. I can totally relate. As a SPED teacher, I can’t spell for shit. That’s why I got into the business.

    What does Book of Revelation have to do with it? Christian Zionists think the Earth was created 6000 years ago. They can’t be talked out of it, just like they can’t be talked out of voting for Trump. Their idolatrous book has told them that he is the new King Cyrus who will lead the “Chosen” back to Jerusalem, which he has. I prefer to worship the living G-d of justice, compassion, and truth.

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