220,000 Dead so Far: Trump Attacks Fauci who Demands Trump End Using Fake Endorsement

'I'm Not Going to Walk Away from this Outbreak no Matter Who's President'...Fauci

via Twitter

“By doing this against my will, they are in effect harassing me. Since campaign ads are about getting votes, their harassment of me might have the opposite effect of turning some voters off.”

Daily Beast: Who could have foreseen this? A day after Dr. Anthony Fauci demanded that the Trump campaign refrain from using him in future campaign ads, the president has laid into the nation’s top infectious-disease expert in a Twitter rage and accused him of knowing nothing about COVID-19.

Fauci told The Daily Beast on Monday that the Trump campaign was “in effect, harassing me” by including him in advertisements against his will. In a tweet Tuesday, Trump ridiculed Fauci’s comically bad ceremonial first pitch at MLB’s Opening Day back in July, writing:

“Actually, Tony’s pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications.”

Trump then wrongly claimed the World Health Organization “no longer likes Lockdowns”—one official said last week that lockdowns should not be the “primary” way to deal with the pandemic at this stage, not that they shouldn’t be used at all.

Oval office giving new meaning to Bully Pulpit



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  1. It’s all part of the plan. President “super-spreader” will infect every Trumpster he can, telling them that it’s all a big hoax and not to worry. Meanwhile, the real “powers that be” are cheering him on. COVID-19 is a bioweapon designed to attack the elderly, people of color, and especially folks who are too stupid to live. That’s the demographic that are 100% behind Trump. But, the “October surprise” is coming right up so who cares who wins in November? It’ll all be over but the crying…

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