Warning: Trump’s Peaceful Demonstrators Murder Officer…POTUS Faces Execution for this Horrific Video

Barr, though he quit, is still giving the orders


The video below showing the thrown fire extinguisher is an attempt to take focus off the real attack seen in the video above.

That video shows a dozen rioters complicit directly in murder and all those around them, who are committing felonies, complicit indirectly but liable for the death penalty as demanded by US law.

Media is covering up the brutality and so much more…as to how members of both the House and Senate GOP helped plan this murder.

My GOP friends, watch a police officer being murdered.  One of the killers brags about it…

Dear Insurrectionist Trumpers, You did it. Batons, lead pipes, hockey sticks, crutches and the American flag used to murder Officer Brian Sicknick.

You can see their faces or identify their gear.  Where is the FBI?

Is Barr’s DOJ blocking this investigation?  Why are all of these people going free?

We have been told that the DOJ has ordered the FBI to ignore these many many videos identifying the murderers and to follow Trump’s orders to look for ‘infiltrators’ from Antifa and blame them as part of a coverup.

Barr, though he quit, is still giving the orders.


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  1. Capital Police Officers have lives worth living, as do we all. Family, Friends, Fellows. How anyone can murder someone, is hard to fathom. Perhaps people that have experienced loss of life have more reason to respect life. Taking life is a trauma; not a thrill. The suicide rates of our Vets has skyrocketed. Perhaps from realizing cause.

  2. First Degree Murder of a Capitol Police Officer during the commission of a felony.
    Namely “Insurrection of the Federal Government during the course of its Duty”.

    If the building had been empty or the congress not in session, ….there would be a difference.

  3. Felony murder is when someone commits a felony and someone else dies in the course of it. It doesn’t matter whether the death was intentional or accidental—the defendant is liable for it.

    If the US Department of so-called Justice doesn’t go after these dudes, DC Attorney General Karl Racine will. “Clearly the crowd was hyped up, juiced up, focused on the Capitol and rather than calm them down or at least emphasize the peaceful nature of what protests need to be, [Trump] encouraged those folks and riled them up,” he said this morning. May justice roll down like water.

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