We Can Prove Russia Ran Trump, Do they Also Run the GOP, Fox, OANN, and the Militias? (Yes!)


VT, the Senior Editor


Since 2015, VT has been under investigation by both the FBI and FARA at the DOJ for our Russian contacts.  We are the only publication in the US that has a Russian diplomat on its staff, though Gene has only written one article, maybe 300 words, in 5 years.

VT gets no direction from Gene Khrushchev nor do we direct him.  I can say this, I have often asked Gene to place articles I consider vital on the desk of Russia’s Foreign Minister, Lavrov.  Is that an “influence operation”

VT has supported Russia in Syria but VT also notes Russia has its own games as witnessed by its backing of Israel against Syria while supposedly helping Syria and its blind eye to Kurdish incursions into Syria…while Israel is partnering with them…

What they have done to the America people is worse, endlessly worse…



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  1. I am staunchly opposed to Trump, whom I consider a conman and fraud, but I must point out that his foreign policy objectives appear completely logical and legitimate
    The golden rule of trans-Atlantic geopolitics from a NATO perspective is to separate China from Russia – and both from Germany – lest the US reveal itself as an irrelevancy.
    So if Trump was to target China, his first move would be to cosy up to Russia.
    That’s the objective overview that seems to be missing from any analysis of Trump’s foreign policy objectives.
    Of course we know he was completely compromised by the Russian oligarch mobsters. The “Brighton Beach” set from New York – the Tel Aviv-based Russians. Ie: the Jewish mobsters masquerading as Russians.
    But those facts aside, a policy of detente with Russia while confronting China was entirely rational and in keeping with decades of US foreign policy directives.

  2. Forty years in US real estate financing I always knew he was highly leveraged. When we say “highly” leveraged, it means that a normal WS conduit financing is not used, which means every shady investor is solicited in order to get the best deal.

    To bring this corrupt criminal entity into the White House and sell him as a swamp drainer and a benevolent anti establishment character you’d need to tap into the tiny brains of a good percentage of a large brainwashed population who can easily be swayed by a conman who rejects the rest of the population as undesirables. So obviously getting the help of xenophobic Russia/Israel through social media was the fist step.
    At least the Israeli media has jumped ship already but RT et al are pumping so much garbage these days even now when their readership is shrinking

  3. Russia does now what is profitable for Russia. The USA lived by that for decades and that was ok. No one had questions. By this time i see some flaws in the policy of my country and even in Putin’s actions, but they are not essential. But if they will run into contradictions with my opinion, i will sound it. I know one thing: Vladimir never does smth that can be predicted or expected by the majority. Wish him good luck and never to get cold, visiting our enemies’ funerals in the bad weather)

    • Hey Andy, I hear that Putin’s strength comes from the country; not as much from the cities. Anyway, different factions control every country, including Russia. And to you, Spasi Bog.

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