Senate Confirms Garland as Attorney General, Republicans Better Start Looking Over Their Shoulders


Merrick Garland is an experienced public corruption prosecutor and perhaps the country’s primier domestic terrorism prosecutor. Republicans likely are going to rue the day Mitch McConnell unconstitutionally deprived Judge Garland of his confirmation hearing when President Obama nominated him to be a Supreme Court justice. At long last, it feels like justice just might be coming.



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  1. When a warrant is issued, for a bag of weed, a squad of heavily armed aggressive enforcers will kick in the door of a family of 6 at,.. 5am and terrorize the entire neighborhood.
    Just watched Garlands remarks on his first day…
    But a couple of con men organize and incite a siege on our capitol, and their families are insulated, and they themselves are golfing and counting money. There is no law, and either trump is arrested tomorrow, or Garland is a fat liar and a complete fraud. There are no if’s ands or buts about it. It is JustUs until something very different becomes plainly visible to the average person. Prove it. We are tired of excuses and whining.

    • The proper action by the executive branch , would be to expunge the “memo” which protects by inside agreement , the presidency from being prosecuted in office.
      That is complete nonsense. So, we have 2 very simple actions which we can use to judge our position as citizens. Refusal to act, is complicity, and dereliction of duty.

    • And because the pardon powers of the executive branch have been increasingly abused, there should now be a citizen review board which oversees all pardons. Failure to act on this , also is complicity or dereliction of duty.
      Let’s review, Jan 1971 Juan Carlos visits Nixon, June 1971 – War on Drugs is declared, July 73 , DEA is formed. Mass incarceration and billy clubs ever since, and top down JustUs ever since also,….and talk talk talk talk is cheap cheap cheap. Nauseating, and shallow insult.

  2. Although this article is about Merrick Garland, the real news is that Cyrus Vance is about to indict Donald Trump for tax evasion and money laundering, maybe within hours according to Michael Cohen who will be giving evidence. My hope is that they send some federal marshals to Mar-a-Lago to perp walk him back to Rikers Island and deny bail as he is definitely a flight risk. Pity the poor Secret Service agent who will have to protect him from Bubba.

  3. More likely just another gang enforcer. If he were honest, those that died in OK City would be resting easier…as it is they are still rolling over in their graves. There are no heroes in the US gov, only pretentious facades and pigs with lipstick. They ARE the domestic terrorists…that keep Casey smiling.

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