Blockbuster: Trump just got caught, Maddow video analysis-Barr may face jail with Trump for obstruction

Just like Nixon


Listen to all of it:

Raw Story: Tuesday, federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson issued a scathing order about Attorney General Bill Barr falsifying documents to cover up why the Justice Department refused to prosecute former President Donald Trump for obstruction of the Mueller investigation.

In her analysis, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow walked through the shocking decision and the extent to which it will not only open the door to reexamine the obstruction cases, but it also essentially calls Barr a bad-faith liar in federal court.

“I was having a little bit of deja vu, a little bit like being back to the bad-old-days, with whole big sections of the judge’s ruling redacted,” said Maddow referring to Jackson’s decision. “That’s because those redacted parts of her ruling actually show what’s in this document that she just ordered the Justice Department to release. She redacted those portions of her rule, and she didn’t just go ahead and release the document today because she’s allowing a couple of weeks to allow for the possibility that the Justice Department, under new management, may appeal her ruling and still try to keep this thing under wraps.”

Calling it “a heck of a thing,” Maddow explained that the new White House has made it clear that they want to look forward, not back. At the same time, the new White House has also said that they have no intention of meddling with the Justice Department’s decisions or cases.

“Merrick Garland is the attorney general now, all new leadership at the Justice Department, all new priorities, moving forward with a million things at once, and here’s a judge saying, you know, your immediate predecessor in this job lied to me, lied to the court and lied to the American public about something as freaking serious as why the former president was not charged with crimes,” Maddow continued.  read more…


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    • Lol. Trust me she doesn’t. I’ve met her when she was a rookie. Tall and beautiful and lesbian.

  1. I’m not at all optimistic…”the new White House has made it clear that they want to look forward, not back”…sounds like the BS from the Obama admin ala baby BushCorp and Trump ala HRC, reneging on their pre-election BS ‘promises’. No precedent setting (or justice) coming. As usual, we’re being had. If this judge was so incensed, why redact?…”allow for the possibility that the Justice Department, under new management, may appeal her ruling and still try to keep this thing under wraps.” Does this sound like letting the chips fall where they may? or does it sound like the same old political BS? Let us not forget that EVERY ONE of these politicians know the truth about 9/11. Also, new AG Garland ran the OK City ‘investigation’ and now is pushing for more money to fight ‘domestic terrorism’. The more things change…

    • These arent just politicians; they’re power factions within the elite with their own private armies, nukes etc

      The “judiciary” is the biggest evil joke ever.

    • I think Merrick Garland will abide by the judicial order. He has no reason or obligation to appeal, especially for the benefit of a political party that ignored his nomination to be an Supreme Court Justice.

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