Second Exodus: Israelites vs. Muslim Brotherhood


…by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat VT Alexandria, Egypt

“Actually, the essential cornerstone behind the legendary recognition of both the cult of the Israelites and the creed of Muslim Brotherhood is their connection with Egypt”

First published …  May 30, 2021

Does History really repeat itself?  Or maybe we don’t learn anything from history so we keep repeating the same mistakes. I’m more inclined to the latter opinion. We simply don’t read the many signs we encounter on the long path of history.

Nations go to war for the same old reasons. Hegemony and power is the eternal lust behind conquests and empires. Peoples’ inherent willingness for division -mostly ethnic and religious- is always the invaders’ magical formula of success.

Meanwhile the world was and still is ruled by secretive power elite whom are always infiltrated by the Jews. The Roman Jews in the old days and the American Zionists nowadays. Religions and cults have been appearing and disappearing, but they’re all involved in turning spirituality into a booming business of controlling and subjugating the masses; the business of religion.

Hence the strange similarity between the old and new; Alexander the great and Napoleon Bonaparte, Jesus and Gandhi and … believe it or not the Israelites and Muslim brotherhood.

Before raising your eyebrow in disbelief, I’d like to bring to everybody’s attention that Judaism and Islam have so much in common they are like two sides to the same coin. No wonder both religions emerged next to each other, geographically speaking that is.

Bride and groom from Ultraconservative Jewish and Muslim Brotherhood wedding
Bride and groom from Ultraconservative Jewish and Muslim Brotherhood wedding

Almost 99 % of the Quran stories are of the Israelites. The Islamic laws of sharia are closely related to Halakhah (Jewish religious laws) as they are both real-life alternative to secular legal system.

While ultra conservative Muslims are condemned over their demand of a sharia-based state, their Jewish counterparts are fighting for a Halakhic/Halachic state.

The Jewish state of Israel, Eretz Yisrael, must be “operated” by Jews and not by Gentiles according to Torah and Halakha laws.

Indeed Israel, as a state that only embraces Jews from around the globe, is an incubator of religious extremism. Unfortunately it is not merely a local danger, but it has a spillover effect that caused the whole Arab world to be engulfed by the same extremism.

The apparent antagonism of the two religions is merely political, but as far as theology is concerned they are in total harmony.  For both religions have emerged from a nomadic/Bedouin background (devoid of any cultural depth and rampant in belligerence and extremism)


MB vs. Israelites: common grounds

The so called Arab Spring has indeed reshaped the Arab world political map. Not as the Arab peoples have originally revolted for, but unfortunately things have seemingly changed in accordance with a US/Zionist conspiracy.

The White House policy makers like to refer to the conspiracy as “The New Middle East” the earliest vestiges of which was laid down by the pianist/politician Condoleezza Rice back in 2006. Rice composed quite a sonata indeed.

Arab Peoples were bamboozled into believing in this fake Arab Spring. They were promised freedom, social justice and economic growth. Instead all they got was Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda everywhere.

Through the creative chaos theory/conspiracy new powers and players have emerged and also some old ones disappeared.

One of those players who out of total obscurity rose to the center stage of Middle Eastern political fame is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).

Hassan Al Banna
Hassan Al Banna

The MB is a … Well; actually it is kind of hard to find the right words to describe what the MB group really is.

If you did some research you would find that MB is usually defined as a social and a political organization that started in Egypt back in 1928 by a then small teacher by the name of Hassan Al Banna.

I think even Al Banna, a teacher who actually lacked proper education, had no idea what kind of a monster his new idea was about to unleash.

But as the case in all new cults and messengers, El Banna thought the Egyptians and the Arab Muslims were so lost and depraved they needed his new cult to get back to what he saw as true Islam.

In short, blaspheming/demonizing the other was the dark idea behind establishing the group of MB. In El Banna’s eyes only MB members were the true/righteous Muslims whom Allah/God favored.

The same rationale of favoritism could be easily traced back to the Israelites and their Torah.

According to the Jewish scripture, one of the oldest so called organized religions, the Israelites/Jews are god’s chosen people. In other words, the Jewish people are God’s favorite.

This selected favoritism was no elevated theme according to ancient wisdom and theology. Actually this was an insult to the concept of all embracing and loving deity as the ancients, like Egyptians and Sumerians, knew and treasured.

I need to stop here for a while because I think what the Jewish scribes did when they concocted this “God’s chosen people” trick was a grave thing.

This Jewish principle of unjustified divine favoritism/nepotism somehow established the root of all religious extremism, sectarianism and violence till this very day (especially that of Islam)


Defining MB: power grab by mobocracy

To tell you the truth the MB is not exactly a social group and definitely it could not be a political one – Islamic laws never yielded or left a canon for governance, simply because creating a state out of a bunch of belligerent nomadic tribes was beyond anybody’s wildest dream at the time.

And the famous motto “Islam is a religion and a state” is but a line in the early literature of the Muslim Brotherhood and has no real basis in Islamic jurisprudence. Of course MB has always been known to take part in so many charity works but philanthropy for this weird group was not a goal but rather a shrewd means. The goal is always the same; recruit the needy and the uneducated.

And since the poor and ignorant make up the majority of the people in Egypt, it is not weird that MB candidates have grabbed over 70% of parliamentary seats.

The west has naively interpreted it as democracy in progress while actually it was mobocracy (the mob rule) creeping from behind the Arab spring’s shadow.

Democracy or Mobocracy
Democracy or Mobocracy

And though MB leaders insanely craved political power but they, a according to modern day understanding of separating politics and the state, should logically not be allowed into the realm of politics.

What on earth is history worth if we don’t learn from it? What are the dark ages good for if we don’t see the wisdom of not repeating the same mistakes man has committed during those ages when he allowed the priesthood to rise to power.

You will read that MB was established for the goal of preaching Islamic principles of Sharia and Quran. If that is so, why is the MB is hungry, like a wolf, for power?

If the MB is a bunch of proselytizing Islamists why are they involved in violence and political assassination ever since they were established?

Bluntly, MB is an extremist group of Muslim radicals aiming to take control over not only Islamic communities but the whole world. And in fulfilling that goal they are exploiting one of the west’s most celebrated political values; Democracy.

The hilarious thing is that most of the Western (biased) media and (clueless) political analysts have fallen into the trap of envisioning the MB as a moderate political party whose members are enduring the most unbearable crackdown.


MB vs. Israelites: the Egyptian connection

So many are the questions that make the job of defining MB uneasy but another mind puzzling issue is how over the last few decades MB got so famous. How did such a local/underground group get to be well known around the world?

How on earth a tribal cult as that of the Israelites, so primitive and indigenous flawed with nepotism/racism and opportunism, got to be one of the world’s leading religions.

Just as the shrewd Jews knew the name of the game so did the MB.

Jews gained favor with the Greco-Roman circle of emperors and Caesars and managed to control them for their own benefit- though some say it is the other way around- just as the Zionists have lately been infiltrating and exploiting the US/EU leaderships and policy makers. (History repeats itself again)

Penetrating the highest circles of international decision making, that’s how the Old Testament was translated into Greek in the late 2nd century BCE (at the ancient library of Alexandria). In that Greek translation all the great Hebrew forgeries which would later become rampant in the world as unquestionable truths, such as the Exodus tale, were born.

And keeping that tradition, the Flavian dynasty of the Roman Empire in collaboration with a Jewish inner circle of advisers and scholars, such as the notorious Flavius Josephus, worked on new gospels that would fulfill the Jewish Messianic prophesy but only from a Roman perspective.  (Read Caesar’s Messiah)

And likewise, that’s how the Belfour declaration was signed by his majesty (Zionist) king of Great Britain 1917, in collaboration with the Rothschild family, and also how the state of Israel was established on Arab land.

But unlike the Jews, the US/ EU circle of power used the MB to help them achieve a Zionist agenda and reshuffle the political map of the Arabic world. (Obviously the MB heads are not as clever or influential as the Zionist Jews)

But actually the essential cornerstone behind the legendary recognition of both the cult of the Israelites and the creed of the MB is their connection with Egypt.

Take the historically refuted tale of Exodus (the alleged sojourn and enslavement of the children of Israel in Egypt) out of the Hebrew Bible and we will end up with a notebook of (dull and extremely repugnant) annals of belligerent nomadic tribes dwelling in some arid and obscure piece of land in ancient Canaan. Hardly anything spiritual or divinely transcendent about it.

Even with the controversial story of the Exodus crammed back into the Hebrew book, with the run of the mill thrill of sorcerers’ snakes and a parting sea, we still wind up with the same end result. Except that the tale of a brutal Pharaoh chasing out, closing in and terrifying hordes of pious Hebrews (around 2.5 million Hebrews according to the fairy tale, could you imagine) did the job for them.

For all the Hebrew scribes needed was a good plot with a considerable chunk of injustice, suffering and discrimination by an ancient superpower as Egypt. The ancient Hebrews needed that story of tyranny and oppression as a cover up to unrightfully occupy Canaan. Likewise, all the Zionists needed in modern history was a similar story of crucifixion and discrimination to help them establish the Zionist/Jewish state of Israel on Arab land.

And though the Holocaust story – historically inaccurate so far- is constantly blown up out of reasonable proportions by the international Zionist media. Nonetheless, it was cunningly employed as the second exodus out of Europe and a convenient prelude to the Zionist land grab in Palestine.

Though it is funny to consider how 2.5 million men with their livestock would fear an army of around hundreds of soldiers marching on foot – for only the Pharaoh and Egyptian generals rode in military chariots with horses. This allegedly brutal Pharaoh actually needed a mini nuke bomb to wipe out that long line of fleeing Hebrews and not just a military chariot equipped with a bunch of friendly arrows.

Anyway, the Jewish plot/tale was meant to be indoctrinated into mindless and blind believers not scrutinizing skeptics and intellectuals. (Especially that Ancient Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor any Israelites) .. read the whole article

So is the story of ousting Morsi, the MB president. It was meant to be delivered to the same sort of believers and followers with herd mentality.

MB followers had occupied, after Morsi was toppled, a strategic square in uptown Cairo and held a violent sit in and started building military fortification and barricades. The sit in, known now as Rabaa, had been going on for over a month during which MB followers broke all kinds of international protest rules.

They had weapons. And MB leaders who were giving daily fiery speeches to their followers were actually inciting violence and hatred. MB heads threatened they would flood the Egyptian nation with terrorism and civil war if Morsi was not reappointed. Another ten plagues were looming over Egypt but this time by the mighty god of MB.

Tribal prejudice and tribal megalomania, influenced by the Israelites’ fairytales, was overwhelmingly rampant inside the Rabaa sit in. The Rabaa sit in had to be evacuated. In any sovereign country with law enforcement squads and law abiding citizens the decision of evacuating that focus of terror and hatred had to be swiftly and strictly taken.

The MB followers, gullible simpletons who envisioned Morsi and MB gang as the saviors of true Islam and themselves as God’s favorite, were forewarned many times by police forces. But they chose to remain entrenched behind their military barricades and delusions and to engage in crossfire with the Egyptian police.

Of course many fell dead. It was stupid and regrettable but unfortunately inevitable. After all those MB followers were instructed not to fear death for they were promised martyrdom and heaven by MB gurus of terror and deception.

The same ugly promise is the reason why hundreds of Mujahideen are still flocking to the Syrian war where the international MB gangs are wreaking havoc and forcing the millions of Syrians out of their homeland in the Biggest Exodus since the Palestinian Exodus in 1948. The brainwashed MB followers were fed the myth of Pharaoh and his brutal crackdown on the children of Israel as a motivation to resist the evacuation of Rabaa sit in.

If the Israelites had to go out of Egypt and flee the tyranny of its Pharaoh, MB as Egyptians had to do the opposite. MB followers, who were soaked up to their eyebrows in Israelites’ tales and rabbinic cult mentality had to make sure they won’t allow a second Exodus to happen to them.

But the evacuation did eventually and most professionally take place. Weeks prior to the evacuation, The MB so called elected president was asked to allow an early elections but he declined, thus leaving only one option on the table. Another popular uprising on June 30, 2013 erupted demanding the national Egyptian military to step in and save the future of that ancient nation.

Now the MB terrorist group is trying to destabilize the Egyptian country and deepen the division among its people with help of US/Zionist agenda – and of course I can’t underestimate the role of Mainstream media and the political analysts and reporters who are on the Qatari, Turkish and Iranian payroll (some of them are American  …heh)

Now the MB is in the phase of total denial based on falsifying the facts. The MB leaders are trying to twist what Rabaa sit in really is and turn it into another enslavement and suffering tale under the tyranny of Egypt’s military – a cheap reproduction of the old and hazy tale of the Jewish Exodus out of Egypt.

I’m not sure what the MB next move might be. I think that depends on who is doing the thinking and the funding for them. But I Know this much; the MB clerics don’t have to go any further, or get any more megalomaniac like the Hebrew scribes did, and fantasize a mythical Exodus out of Egypt Because the Egyptian people has already kicked the MB group out of their life.

And if we are to speak of an Exodus, first an admittance should be confirmed. According to Manetho (3rd century BC) late period Egyptian historian; Asiatic people, who were mostly shepherds, were not welcomed to the land of the Nile since they were plagued with leprosy and therefore considered impure. Also Egyptians saw those Semitic nomads as filthy who plundered their properties and for all that they were absolutely not allowed near any royal temples or palaces.

Manetho interpreted the story of the Exodus as the Hebrew distortion of the royal decree (by king Amenophis) to clear the country of thousands of impure and filthy Asiatic leper.

This is the Exodus Egyptians are familiar with and if we are discussing a second Exodus then we must be talking about clearing the Egyptian land, once again, of the impure Muslim Brotherhood.

For more articles and videos by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat visit his website.



Ashraf Ezzat is an Egyptian born in Cairo and based in Alexandria. He graduated from the faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University. Keen not to be entirely consumed by the medical profession, Dr. Ezzat invests a lot of his time in research and writing. History of the ancient Near East and of Ancient Egypt has long been an area of special interest to him.
In his writings, he approaches ancient history not as some tales from the remote times but as a causative factor in our existing life; and to him it’s as relevant and vibrant as the current moment. In his research and writings Dr. Ezzat is always on a quest trying to find out why the ancient wisdom had been obstructed and ancient spirituality diminished whereas the Judeo-Christian teachings and faith took hold and prospered.
Dr. Ezzat has written extensively in Arabic tackling many issues and topics in the field of Egyptology and comparative religion. He is author of Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites. He writes regularly at many well-known online websites such as Dissident Voice and What Really Happened.
He is also an independent filmmaker. His debut film was back in 2011 The Annals of Egypt Revolution and in 2012 he made Tale of Osiris a short animation for children. In 2013 his short The Pyramids: story of creation was screened at many international film festivals in Europe. And he is working now on his first documentary “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites”. Visit his YouTube Channel


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  1. Mobocarcy is well alive in the US. It’s not only MB that exploits the one man one vote stupidity. The FIS did it in Algeria and they got 10 years of civil war.

    Imagine that 50+million Christian Zionists brought Trumpism to America in order to help them fulfill their prophecies in Israel. They almost succeeded until Trump’s generals warned him that they could not fight Iran without destroying the entire region including Israel and he backed down. When a Clown like Trump gets 74million votes, you understand that they system is doomed. In Egypt the Army is there to intervene.

    The ZioCrazies are still trying to force Biden to go to war in the Middle East again when his focus is on the Far East and Central Asia trying to disrupt the Eurasian integration.

    I don’t see the difference between Christian Zionism (US version) and Muslim Brotherhood (Egyptian version).

    • I know the impulse of wanting to assign blame. We all know it. It’s judgemental human nature.
      But it might help to consider that a blanket condemnation of 50 to 70 million people could have a lot of room for error.
      Tell me; would anyone accuse and denigrate the African slaves of the antebellum South of (or for) supporting and or conspiring with the North to foment the “Civil” war? Of course not. I hope.
      Christian Zionists are every much victims of their situation as any slave ever was.

    • Seneca,
      first let me address this; “what the Jewish scribes did when they concocted this “God’s chosen people” trick was a grave thing.”
      Man concocted nothing!
      Almighty God is doing a work beyond mortal man’s puny ability to comprehend. All man can do is either believe the holy word of God, (of which the vast majority of it, most are totally ignorant of) or he can contruct lies to try an keep others from believing it.
      God works on multiple levels all at the same time.
      Man’s problem, as the old saying goes, is that he can’t see the forest for the trees.
      Man takes separate aspects of the revealed work of God, and fixates on one or two, and becomes blind to the truth, and calls it religion.
      That is why Jesus Christ came with his imponderably simple plan of salvation; so that we might know the truth and be set free.
      Here’s the catch; because men do not love and believe the truth, God gives them over to a reprobate mind so that they will believe a lie.

    • I addressed your concern at the end of my comprehensive response.
      “because men do not love and believe the truth, God gives them over to a reprobate mind so that they will believe a lie.”
      God gives man the free choice to believe him and the truth, or to believe in all manner of lies that flood the breach of disbelief in Him, and most importantly in his son Jesus Christ.

    • So yes, of course Seneca, we all have a free choice. Either to believe God, or to believe a lie.
      There is only one eternal Truth, and that is Jesus Christ.
      If one can’t believe that after being exposed to its simple truth, then one demonstrates his love of the lie.
      Of course I’m not quoting scipture, verbatim, but it’s all there in the holy Bible.
      People shouldn’t be afraid to read the Bible.
      It’s the only book that’s ever been written that has the words of eternal Life in it.

  2. They are all going to be caught. If they claim to not know the 20 days, then they admittedly defer to ignorance of their own text. If they claim to know it, then they admit to omission and secrecy. The text is easily returned to its original “intended” form.

  3. Dr Ezzat, your articles are always interesting. I see you as a guy who walks around with a pin, puncturing partygoers’ balloons. Some of those balloons need to be punctured. In addition to the stelae, there is of course the testimony of “stone and bones”. There should be robust discussion, but without heat. The labor issue, for example. I think there were slaves in ancient Egypt, but not because the Bible says so. It’s because it’s human nature to exploit others while at the same time denying doing so. The difference between then and (for example) the early American experience, is that this time the slaves used the power of the pen to document their suffering and astound the elite. And today in the US, a health system tied to employment means that older employees (even now) are very often effectively slaves to their employers, and only Social Security or death might rescue them. Physicians are not immune to this… And we have serious undisputed modern slavery, right now, untold millions of them, all over the world, massive amounts of human trafficking for slave labor and sex slavery. And the elite continue to deny that they are slavemasters; even after conviction and jail, they insist they are blameless, and some even believe it themselves. For example, some Hollywood producers, still appealing their convictions. And powerful others like Woody Allen deny that they are scum, in spite of the tremendous weight of evidence.

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