Vital: ‘Nothing to be afraid of’: Vaccine Deadbeat said he was ‘glad’ to catch COVID – it killed him days later


Raw Story: A Cambridge-educated man who posted a video to social media downplaying the threat of COVID-19 has died from the virus, the Evening Standard reports.

Solicitor Leslie Lawrenson, 58, died in home in Bournemouth, Dorset, just over a week after he shared a video claiming that COVID is nothing to be afraid of. Lawrenson refused to be vaccinated because he felt he didn’t need it. He had no underlying health problems.

In June, he posted two videos where he said his COVID symptoms were no worse than a cold. He also said that getting sick is just a part of life and that he was actually glad to have contracted COVID-19. But his parter Amanda Mitchell says, “I feel incredibly foolish. Les died unnecessarily.”

“Les made a terrible mistake and he’s paid the ultimate price for that,” she said. “It was a daily thing that he said to us: ‘You don’t need to have it, you’ll be fine, just be careful.'”

“Les was highly educated… so if he told me something, I tended to believe it,” she added.


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  1. The man’s death is no less depressing than most others.
    The circumstances are relatively speaking, anecdotal.
    What would you call, or say about, someone who took the vaccine and had a fatal reaction to it?

    • Christians have a thirst for death and suffering. On one side you have a handful, and on the other side you have a city. It’s whataboutism.

    • David, because this time, the covid, a non-natural illness and man manufactured and the vaccine a cure with very short time testing and with unknown future effects, both are suspicious and with unclear intentions

    • Public health goes beyond any rights in any place where people are plentiful.

      Where does it say,..that a person can spread contagion willfully and in disregard, due to fears of the vaccine over the virus ? You can choose to not get the shot. You cannot choose who you kill if you don’t. Behind each anti-vaxer coming out in a stream wishing they had gotten it, is someone who gave it to them, or they have been spreading it, How many have died, because whiny babies did not want a mask or a test,….? I understand distrust in our government and such, but, for the life of me, cannot see how anyone chooses the covid over the vaccine.

  2. Whats the point of these articles? Republicans aren’t going to read them. Republican donors probably want to kill off their base anyways,

  3. The dispersal of pschotomimetic or psycho agent gas on massive scale, to me, is obvious, many of my nearby inhabitants spew gases 24/7 limiting my ability to expose the crime. The coincidental rise of chemical warfare agent manufacture, testing, since the early 1900’s simultaneous to the rise of the virus narrative raises my shortened by gas hackles. Medical profits over science into mythology of the scale of the small and invisible. Poison gas, also small particles, invisible by naked eye, yet seen easily with magnification and IR cams as it leave the preset up emitters, mercenary or subcontractors living the life, of the covert operative.

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