Breathtaking: $4.3 million from Trump traced to Organizers of January 6 violence and Coup Attempt

OpenSecrets tracked payments through federal records to actors who organized the protest that preceded the Capitol insurrection.


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Huffinton Post/Open Secrets: Former President Donald Trump’s political fundraising operation reported paying more than $4.3 million since the start of the 2020 election cycle to individuals and firms that organized the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol, according to a report published Monday by the government watchdog OpenSecrets.

The full extent of the Trump-linked funding and organizational support for the Jan. 6 rally is not yet fully known, but the report reveals a powerful push funded by Trump backers to deny the results of the presidential election. And more may be discovered soon as the House select committee investigating the Capitol insurrection begins a deep dive to uncover the players behind the day’s events, their activities and those who funded them.

The committee last week demanded a trove of materials linked to the Capitol attack, including social media messages, Republican lawmakers’ phone records, and information from the Trump White House and executive agencies, including the Department of Justice and the FBI.

GOP fundraiser Caroline Wren is named in one of the House subpoenas for information, per OpenSecrets. She was listed as a “VIP adviser” on the permit granted by the National Park Service for the Jan. 6 rally. Wren was paid at least $170,000 last year as the Trump campaign’s national finance consultant with the joint fundraising committee, called the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, according to records tracked by OpenSecrets.

The House committee also called for records related to Women for Trump Co-chair Gina Loudon, who spoke at the rally. In addition, it requested records linked to Amy Kremer, co-founder of Women for America First, which was funded by the “dark money” group America First Policies and submitted the rally’s permit records to the National Park Service.  Read more…


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  1. Yet, if Trump actually meant that, once elected, he would reveal the real story of 9/11 one would expect that his reputation would have been destroyed such as it has been.
    “Strange Days, indeed.”

  2. There is no legal way for Trump to ever be president again. Republicans know that. That’s why the crazies who stormed the Capitol are all waiting for him to be swept back into power by the “hand of God.” Remember, these are the Rapture-me-outta-here folks who already think the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago and the Sun is its planet. Keep an eye on the MyPillow guy, he knows something we don’t about Trump being reinstated sometime in the fall. Trump’s “spiritual” advisor, Pastor John Hagee, was already in Jerusalem this summer consulting with Netanyahu about it. Something BIG is up, citizens.

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