‘The Republican Party is getting smaller’ — and now it’s literally killing off its voters: Ex-GOP aide


Raw Story: The California recall election loss should serve as a warning to the Republican Party, according to a former GOP aide, but he doubts they’ll learn the right lesson from it.

Kurt Bardella, a former staffer to two GOP lawmakers and current senior advisor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the Republican Party was literally killing off its voters.

“It’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller,” Bardella said. “We have a party that, No. 1, is giving instructions to the most ardent supporters that will kill them. If you believe this iteration of the Republican Party, it could cost you your life. Your leaders, governors like the one in Mississippi, what we’ve seen in Alabama, with more deaths in Alabama than actual births in the last year, if you believe in this party, it could cost you your life.”

“No. 2, if you are a woman in this country, this is a party that doesn’t believe that your body is yours to command, that you have the right to make decisions about your health,” he continued.

“For all the things we hear from this party, so-called liberty and freedom and their ridiculous defense of why we shouldn’t take the vaccine, that seemingly doesn’t apply if you’re a woman wanting to make a health care decision for yourself. If you’re a minority, you’re labeled as the enemy, dirt, a drug dealer or rapist or criminal or a virus.”  Read more..



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  1. Insane, yet to believe that it’s JUST the “GOP” killing off American citizens is to be ignorant. In the first place these people aren’t “killing off” anyone, they’re puppets and have no authority at all, neither does ANYONE in government whether they pretend to be on the left side or right side – they’re all on the SAME side.

    It’s pretty clear this whole “Covid” nonsense isn’t about the government caring so much about it’s citizens that it wants them to take an experimental treatment that led to the deaths of all animals it was tried on. Masks don’t work, it says so right on the package, so stop being mask sheep. This is about control and power, AND it’s about population reduction.

    ANYONE spouting any different is either an agent of the evil, or a total nincompoop.

    • Make sure your next surgeon is aware of your feelings about masks. Remember Time, Distance and Shielding. Save yourself and others.

  2. The Republican Party began its love affair with white evangelicalism in 1979 with Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority. That led to it’s alignment with pro-Israel Christian Zionism. As Pastor John Hagee said recently, “50 million bible-reading Christians united with 5 million [Ashkenazim] is a marriage made in heaven.”

    That has turned the Republican Party into an apocalyptic death cult that’s been seduced by Zionism into thinking that everything the European Ashkenazim are doing in Palestine is “God’s will” and that a cataclysmic final conflict between good (them) and evil (Democrats mostly) will bring their warrior messiah back to Earth to smite the unbelievers, everyone but them apparently. These folks will never believe that Trump lost the election because he was their ticket to the Rapture. Crazy is as crazy does.

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