Felony Sedition: Trump pushed so-called ‘murder-suicide pact’ to ‘shred Constitution’ in Oval Office meeting


Raw Story: A report from the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals new details about former president Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.  From the NY Times:

  • The report fleshes out the role of Jeffrey Clark, a little-known Justice Department official who participated in multiple conversations with Mr. Trump about how to upend the election and who pushed his superiors to send Georgia officials a letter that falsely claimed the Justice Department had identified “significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election.” Mr. Trump was weighing whether to replace Mr. Rosen with Mr. Clark. Of particular note was a Jan. 2 confrontation during which Mr. Clark seemed to both threaten and coerce Mr. Rosen to send the letter. He first raised the prospect that Mr. Trump could fire Mr. Rosen, and then said that he would decline any offer to replace Mr. Rosen as acting attorney general if Mr. Rosen sent the letter. Mr. Clark also revealed during that meeting that he had secretly conducted a witness interview with someone in Georgia in connection with election fraud allegations that had already been disproved.
  • The report raised fresh questions about what role Representative Scott Perry, Republican of Pennsylvania, played in the White House effort to pressure the Justice Department to help upend the election. Mr. Perry called Mr. Donoghue to pressure him into investigating debunked election fraud allegations that had been made in Pennsylvania, the report said, and he complained to Mr. Donoghue that the Justice Department was not doing enough to look into such claims. Mr. Clark, the report said, also told officials that he had participated in the White House’s efforts at Mr. Perry’s request, and that the lawmaker took him to a meeting at the Oval Office to discuss voter fraud. That meeting occurred at around the same time that Mr. Perry and members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus met at the White House to discuss the Jan. 6 certification of the election results.

  • The report confirmed that Mr. Trump was the reason that Mr. Pak hastily left his role as U.S. attorney in Atlanta, an area that Mr. Trump wrongly told people he had won. Mr. Trump told top Justice Department officials that Mr. Pak was a never-Trumper, and he blamed Mr. Pak for the F.B.I.’s failure to find evidence of mass election fraud there. During the Jan. 3 fight in the Oval Office, Mr. Donoghue and others tried to convince Mr. Trump not to fire Mr. Pak, as he planned to resign in just a few days. But Mr. Trump made it clear to the officials that Mr. Pak was to leave the following day, leading Mr. Donoghue to phone him that evening and tell him he should pre-emptively resign. Mr. Trump also went outside the normal line of succession to push for a perceived loyalist, Bobby L. Christine, to run the Atlanta office. Mr. Christine had been the U.S. attorney in Savannah, and had donated to Mr. Trump’s campaign.

During an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 3, Trump pushed to install a loyalist as acting attorney general who would conduct additional investigations into his false claims of widespread election fraud, according to the New York Times.

In response, several top Department of Justice officials threatened to resign en masse if Trump went through with the plan. White House counsel Pat A. Cipollone also threatened to resign and said his top deputy, Patrick F. Philbin, would step down, too.

“Mr. Trump’s proposed plan, Mr. Cipollone argued, would be a ‘murder-suicide pact,’ one participant recalled. Only near the end of the nearly three-hour meeting did Mr. Trump relent and agree to drop his threat,” the Times reports.

The Senate committee’s report provides the “most complete account yet of Mr. Trump’s efforts to push the department to validate election fraud claims that had been disproved by the F.B.I. and state investigators,” according to the Times.

“The interim report, expected to be released publicly this week, describes how Justice Department officials scrambled to stave off a series of events during a period when Mr. Trump was getting advice about blocking certification of the election from a lawyer he had first seen on television and the president’s actions were so unsettling that his top general and the House speaker discussed the nuclear chain of command,” the Times reports.

Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin, who chairs the committee, issued a statement saying the report suggests Trump would have “shredded the Constitution to stay in power.”



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  1. Both political parties know, whoever wins an “election,” the overlords who approved the candidates’ selection will be served.
    “Knowing this,” both sides see the contest as a no holds barred knockdown drag-out cage-fight!
    That’s why it’s openly devolved into a spectacle of vote, and/or court manipulation.

    • 50 million US Christian Zionists say you’re wrong, Elvin. Fully 80% of them voted for Trump in the last election. In their minds Biden was a socialist pedophile who would corrupt the morals of the nation, while Trump was their ticket to the Rapture. The so-called overlords had nothing to do with it.

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