Federal Judges say Trump is Responsible for Directing his “Pawns” on Jan. 6; Reject Bannon delay

Unless a legal dagger is put through the heart of the Insurrection plotters, we can rest assured that we will see a repeat in 2024


..from Glenn Kirschner

[ Editor’s Note: The judiciary is beginning to show signs that it will not be used as a tool to defend the insurrection. Obama appointee Judge Mehta is the first to reduce the sentence of one of the lesser January 6 felons because he was inspired to come to the January 6 event by Trump and gang to be used as their pawns.

The dead giveaway confession to that was how Trump somberly announced that if ‘we don’t fight like hell we are not going to have a country anymore’, and then falsely stating that he was going to walk to the Capitol with the rally crowd.

But slick Donald scurried back to the White House with his Insurrection command team that had been doing the operational planning for the Real Steal out of the Willard Hotel.

There he watched the fun as the commando Trumpers smashed their way through the police lines into congress and then began hunting targeted Democrat members, all on video to be shown at their trials.

I think the judiciary sees that, to make sure we don’t have to endure this again, just punishing the riffraff while letting the planners go free would be zero deterrent for preventing a reoccurrence.

In fact, unless a legal dagger is put through the heart of the Insurrection plotters, we can rest assured that we will see a repeat in 2024, if the numbers did not make Mr. Trump happy.

It will not be the smartest lawyers that save the day, but judges that live up to their oath of office… Jim W. Dean ]

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First published … November 21, 2021

Federal Judge Amit Mehta, Obama appointee

Good news stories have been coming out of the federal courts in recent days. First, federal judge Amit Mehta directly places blame for the insurrection on the shoulders of Trump and his criminal associates, saying Trump directed his “pawns” on January 6.

Then, federal Judge Carl Nichols refuses to allow Steve Bannon to weaponize the delay in the court system in his criminal trial. The judiciary gets the need for accountability for Trump and his criminal associates.

Members of Congress get it, as do We The People and, frankly, our allies around the world. All that is left is for prosecutorial authorities to indict Trump and company for their crimes in violation of the laws of the United States.


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  1. My guess is that we’ll be involved in a major war with Russia and China long before the 2024 election. It will be an f-ing miracle if the USA even exists by then. The Union of Concerned Scientists claim that if even as few as 100 ICBMs reach their targets anywhere in the world, it would bring on Nuclear Winter. We’ll have a lot more to worry about than Donald Trump being reelected.

  2. As and evangelical I believe that all will die and then be judged as its a certainty.
    Did you know USPS no longer delivers to Australia?
    I see a comms breakdown.

    However, USPS thrives on local. Just saying

  3. We are closing in on a year since the inciters should have been arrested. All the talk and whining is just foot dragging, and excuse making, by a feckless DOJ. They would have thrown any of us in jail, without bail that day for far less.
    Lets say one of us simply breaks a window on any federal courthouse…….would we be awaiting trial or pretrial and pre-pre-trial in a loyalist hideout in warm southern Fla. ? How much more so for what happened ?

  4. Problem is, Jim, the Cult of Trump will never believe that he didn’t actually “win” the election. If those insurrectionists looked like religious fanatics on 1/6, that’s because most of them are. For them, Trump was their ticket to the Rapture and there’s no talking them out of it at this point.

    • While I’ve never been a Trump supporter, I am an analyst by trade and cannot understand how anyone could ignore the math discrepancies, total lack of transparency, and, of course, the late-night socialist vote fairies, in ALL KEY states.

      When one adds in the always INVERTED Masonic controlled MSM, in its entirety, has the same position, you should be concerned.

      What about the only evidenced “Cult of Trump supporter”/ “Insurrectionist”, [FBI provocateur], caught on video attempting to provoke entry into the now “sacred” and protected halls of congress?
      (The same “Mr. Epps” mysteriously taken off the FBI wanted list, along with all the suppressed video EVIDENCE showing clear provocations, including beating women to death and lying about it!)

      Perhaps you can help me understand this paradox of evidence vs talking points?

      How exactly do ‘socialists’ avoid debate? Usually via typical communist vague accusations and name-calling; ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘NAZI’ are two Bolsheviks specifically named, but ‘any name with a bad taste’ could suffice.

      In Romanian ‘socialist’ concentration camps, anti-socialist teens were called ‘BANDITS!’, and beaten until their spirits broke. (“The Anti-Humans” by Bacu.) One could actually get a PhD in ‘psychological destruction of the soul’ under this Luciferian “socialist” system! (Funder’s “Stasiland”)

    • I suspect they do know that he lost, but that The Steal gives them something to do, entertains them, kind of like a nipple ring for a baby, and they don’t want to let go. Also, as a backup, they would like to erase the embarrassment by getting him back in…where they don’t they look like fools for being conned by a cheapcon artist. The trick for us is to turn their anger toward him. This will start with people flipping, first one, then two, and on and on, until it all comes tumbling down.

    • If you’re referring to the “vote fairies” (mail-in votes) that changed the results of many key-state election results, Lindsey Graham is totally on your side, “We have to do something about mail-in voting or Republicans will never win another national election is the USA.” They have proceeded to gerrymander congressional districts and impose restrictions on mail-in voting in state after state.

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