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Tag: Alan Dershowitz

Vax Resisters Need Experimental Capital Punishment Therapy

What the experimental gene therapy refusers need is experimental capital punishment therapy (ECPT) to permanently remove their refractory DNA from the gene pool.

Cornel West vs. the Zionist mafia at Harvard?

If West’s academic work isn’t substantive, then Harvard needs to start refunding thousands of dollars for putting Alan Dershowitz—the man who used a high school syllabus as an academic source!—on a pedestal.

Dershowitz: Epstein’s accuser is an anti-Semite!

Norman Finkelstein: "I can demonstrate quite easily as I have in my book Beyond Chutzpah that Professor Dershowitz is a charlatan and a fraud."

Will the mafia and gangsters assassinate Ghislaine Maxwell?

If the mafia and gangsters cannot assassinate Ghislaine Maxwell, then people like Prince Andrew are in deep dodo.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s challenge

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember. I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein.”

Phil Giraldi – The Arrogance of Zionist Power

"At Maimonides, Hatzalah has given the ventilators to the hospital but only under the condition that Jews will get first access to them."

Norman Finkelstein: “Israel is a nation of murderers”

Israel is a nation of murderers...And it’s been involved now for over a half-century in this occupation, the essence of which is to dispossess and dehumanize the indigenous population."