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Tag: Bernie Sanders

Vital: “The Essence Of This Crisis Is The Perpetuation Of This...

Bernie Sanders gave an inside view of when the US House members escorted insurrectionists doing reconaissance, even though all tours banned all guests, banned even families. But insurrectionists were brought in by GOP members.

Bernie, It was Conservatism NOT communism that built America

the political landscape in this country would have to make you sick. We have a gaggle of leftists who live in this great country who just don’t like it here.

Phil Giraldi takes on the Kremlim boogeyman merchants

Jim W. Dean - I have to ask you all when is the last time you have read anything about investigation of electronic vote flipping?

Sanders Damn Right About New World Order Regime Change

“Occasionally it might be good idea to be honest about American foreign policy, and that includes the fact that America has overthrown governments all over the world in Chile and Guatemala in Iran.”

Bernie Sanders Commits Political Heresy Questioning Military-Industrial Complex

VT Writer Kevin Barrett on PressTV says "Sanders committing heresy in American political religion by questioning huge giveaways to military-industrial complex and to the very richest Americans".

Bloomberg: “Bernie Sanders Is a Hateful Anti-MBTQ Bigot!”

"As a proud member of the most victimized and oppressed group in America, the Millionaires, Billionaires, Trillionaires, and Quadrillionaires—what we like to call the MBTQ community—I am appalled by Bernie Sanders' shameful hate-filled slurs..."