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Tag: Communism

A Jewish Martyr Exposed Communist Control of the US

His defense of American patriots resulted in his being ostracized and probably killed by the Jewish community and its government assets.

10 Sisters Martyr of Communism Beatified. Blamed the Red Army instead...

Pope Francis I during the Angelus of Sunday 12 June, on the occasion of the solemn feast of the Holy Trinity, announced the beatification of the nuns killed by the communist atheism of Masonic roots based on the doctrine of Karl Marx

Vital/David Irving: The 1956 Hungarian Uprising was an Anti-Jewish Revolt (video)

Historical perspective based on Irving's research of CIA files.

The Creators of Communism

Long before David Duke published The Secret Behind Communism, Maurice Pinay published The Plot Against the Church in 1962.

Robert Edmondson: The Khazarian  Mafia Projects the “Code of Hell” on...

A measure of subversion is when patriots are defamed and forgotten, while traitors are rewarded and honored.

New World Order and Psycho-Political Operatives

We are brainwashed. Will we awake before it is too late? Are we already too craven and venal to act?