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Tag: COVID-19 vaccinations

The Rockefellers’ Unpunished Holocausts. Atomic Bombs, Abortions, Depopulation with Manmade SARS-Cov-2...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO All linked Italian Articles are available in English too with simultaneous machine translation The story of the so-called...

Travel Restriction To US to Be Lifted for Fully Coronavirus Vaccinated

Travelers who provide proof of full vaccination against the coronavirus before boarding a flight will be able to enter the United States

COVID-19 Anti-Vaxxers Demand Blood Transfusions from Unvaccinated Donors

Many patients expressing concerns have been influenced by rampant misinformation about vaccines and the blood supply

COVID-19 Situation Overview: WHO’s Regional Director For Europe

We must not lose our vigilance in the face of new, more rapidly spreading variants of the virus.

Why the Delay? Speed Up COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery!

COVID-19 vaccines are available but only one-fourth have been given