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Tag: depopulation

Depopulation is Purpose of Homosexuality & Feminism — 1969 Rockefeller Memo

The elite agenda is to prevent women from starting families by encouraging them to waste these years starting a career and competing with men. By the time they are 30 and ready for marriage and children, men are much less interested in them.

Simmering Clash of the Titans, Part 2

Russia has bounced back on the global stage, China is the emerging superpower and the US is a declining power, and its global hegemony is unsustainable. Unipolarism has been replaced by multipolarism. The Zionists, after pitching Christianity against Islam have now pitched USA against Russia, and will soon pitch USA against China in their Depopulation game.

COVID Holocaust Kills 6 Million—Then Ends

What horrific deed required this six million victim body count before it could be undertaken?

Prince Philip gets his wish, reincarnates as deadly virus

Questioned on what it’s like to be a deadly virus, the Prince quipped: “It sure beats working!”

Will Entropy Define the New World Paradigm?

I recently wrote a lengthy analysis of lesser-known side to George Soros that I believe people who are serious about geopolitical topics should pay closer attention...

Can NASA’s ‘Artemis Accords’ Spark a U.S.-Russia Alliance?

The Artemis Accords are a new protocol that puts meat onto the bones of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty signed by 109 UN members.

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

75 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War. Today, as the world celebrates the 75th anniversary...

Breaking: Russian GRU Col. Vladimir Kvachkov Exposes Coronavirus NWO Agenda

"The first attempt to remove our rights was on September 11, 2001."

From COP-21 to COVID-19: The Collapse of ‘Predictive Models’ and the...

American Surgeon General Jerome Powell's recent announcement that America would begin using real data and real trends instead of the World Health Organization-Bill Gates driven 'predictive models' came as a breath of fresh air for many who were beginning to lose hope that reason had been banished from world policy.

Might Russia-China-USA Alliance for Space Exploration Define New ‘New World Order’?

Whatever forces are behind the current spread of the coronavirus justifying the shutdown of major nations across the globe, one thing is increasingly certain: a new system will absolutely emerge from the currently collapsing one. What remains to be seen is whether this new system will be shaped by those fascist crisis-loving technocrats pushing for a unipolar world order, or whether it will be organized by sovereign nation states working together under a multi -polar community of principle.

COVID-19 Forces World to Re-Think Idea of ‘Monetary Value’

Do western powers have the ability to act according to a scientific (and moral) standard of value by aligning with this multipolar alliance or will they choose to remain in Orwell’s dystopic cage and succumb to a fate which Lincoln, FDR, and other great leaders gave their lives to prevent?

Can Bernie Break From His Hamlet Complex?

A new collapse is coming on and the coronavirus (whatever its origins) is being used to trigger that collapse.

Malthusian Bankers Vs Anti-Malthusian Nationalists Race To Define The New System

On March 23, Wall Street on Parade reported that the Federal Reserve took on new unprecedented powers to decide which companies and banks live or die in the midst of the COVID-19 hysteria which is propelling the western nations into the greatest crash in history.

Why Assume There Will Be a 2020 Election?

General Butler and the ‘Wall Street Putsch’ Revisited

How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson from 1933

Amidst the current hysteria of the COVID-19 pandemic, talk of general chaos and economic collapse have taken the forefront of peoples’ minds.