Biden Admin To Introduce Funeral Assistance Program for COVID-19 Victims
People were forced to make tough decisions, choosing whether to pay funeral costs or pay rent or buy school supplies for their children.
Ordered censored by Trump: Leaked FEMA memo reveals 17 percent jump...
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has reportedly revealed a near-17 percent spike in coronavirus-related deaths inside the United States last week. ABC News obtained the memo that showed the trend in new deaths has shot way up since the start of September.
Documentary: Best Explanation of What Just Happened America 2020
Warning, this video contains information to We the People under the First Amendment. Any information you find offensive or inflicts any emotional response by...
NEO – How organized crime is spreading COVID 19 and raking...
Gordon Duff - We also know that the equipment seized, from shippers, wholesalers and even taken by military personnel from critically low hospital stockpiles has disappeared.