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Tag: Haftar

Libya’s Hafter Secretly in Israel, Buying Presidency to Block Seif al...

General Khalifa Haftar has flown to Israel in a deal brokered by the UAE. Haftar has been working closely with Israel since 2015, through Jordan. His offer, normalization of relations with Israel, is tied to broader moves within the region as events are heating up in Lebanon and between Turkey and Syria/Russia. 

New War in Libya Has Begun

By Justin Michaelsburg for VT One week ago, the residents of Tripoli took to the streets protesting the Government of National Accord headed up by...

NEO – Turkey strengthens its position in Libya

Turkey is in Libya with both feet, one on the sand and one in the Mediterranean where it is claiming vast oil and gas drilling rights, with warships currently sailing with exploration drilling rigs. Erdogan asked no one's permission, and NATO has been silent on the issue.

UNSC approves aid deliveries to Syria through one border crossing from...

Jim W. Dean - Syria held the line on having only one crossing where aid comes in, to make it easier for them to monitor Turkey and the jihadis who smuggle combat supplies under UN cover.