Tag: Libya
Historical: Libya and the CIA, the Unseen Partnership
Gaddafi’s money had long been flowing into America and Britain and had long penetrated the corridors of power. America’s relationship with Gaddafi began long before, in fact, Gaddafi began life as a creature of the CIA and its friends from that “special country.”
Guess Who is ‘Defending’ the Nazi Stronghold of Odessa from Liberation
It does not matter even whether the prince of darkness exists in reality or not – people like him perform his duties with great success, and in some ways, perhaps, surpass the original. This is the 73-year-old French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy.
Can Libya get rid of its foreign mercenaries to complete peace...
Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Antonio Guterres has called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya, which is moving toward the formation of a unity government ten years after its revolution.
NEO – Pompeo’s departing kick to Turkey only weakens NATO
Pompeo has accused Turkey of undermining NATO, and is not the only one within the current US “deep state” who think Turkey has gone rogue.
NEO – Erdogan continues to pursue an old, failed course
Erdogan's latest actions and statements concerning the crisis around Nagorno-Karabakh clearly demonstrate that he continues to handle his blunders and Turkey’s problems from a position of strength and foolhardiness.
Sputnik’s Exclusive: Sergei Lavrov, Key points of an interview
In this interview with Sputnik, Sergei Lavrov discusses developments in Syria and Libya.
New War in Libya Has Begun
By Justin Michaelsburg for VT
One week ago, the residents of Tripoli took to the streets protesting the Government of National Accord headed up by...
NEO – Turkey strengthens its position in Libya
Turkey is in Libya with both feet, one on the sand and one in the Mediterranean where it is claiming vast oil and gas drilling rights, with warships currently sailing with exploration drilling rigs. Erdogan asked no one's permission, and NATO has been silent on the issue.
UNSC approves aid deliveries to Syria through one border crossing from...
Jim W. Dean - Syria held the line on having only one crossing where aid comes in, to make it easier for them to monitor Turkey and the jihadis who smuggle combat supplies under UN cover.
Egypt raises the stakes in the Libyan conflict and waits for...
Turkish intervention in Libya has not only significantly shifted situation in Libya, but also brought a new challenge for regional security and put MENA on the brink of war.
Egypt’s Gen. Sisi and UAE threaten Libyan intervention
Jim W. Dean - Egypt has made the incredible claim that the world would support its intervention in Libya as an act of self defense.
Erdogan’s cronies leech off Libya’s oil and bood
Alaeddin Saleh - Experts believe that mysterious death of the Libyan spy-master Al-Tuhami might be a byproduct of the power struggle among the militias competing for the grip over oil.
Libya: Erdogan and Muslim Brotherhood Control Only 1% Libya
The Libyan people's army (LNA) that is fully supported by all the great tribes of Libya (who represent all the Libyan people) has been fighting extremists, terrorists, mercenaries, and gangs of criminals for a few years now.
Libya: 229 ISIS Wanted Leaders with 4700 Turkish-backed Jihadists
Several thousand ISIS fighters have left Idlib in Syria through the northern border and have ended up in Libya. That is something that we in the region but also our European friends will have to address in 2020» Jordan’s King Abd Allah II recently warned. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also confirmed that concerning the information.
Turkish landings confirmed in Libya, hundreds of fighters disembark
Sources from the Greek OHIM confirm the information published earlier today by pronews.gr, that the Turkish Armed Forces carried out a large-scale landing operation in Libya, carrying a regular Army and a large number of vehicles. the forces of the pro-Turkish regime of the GNA and creating a new tactical confrontation with the forces of LNA, General Haftar.
Breaking: Confirmed, Turkey closing Black Sea to US Navy-NATO
Erdogan, in an interview with CNN-Turkey, announded that he "intends to put an end to the free passage of ships through the Bosphorus, as established by the Montreux Convention of 1936."
NEO – The mad geopolitics of Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline
Jim W. Dean - Public support for "official" government is going down fast, as it becomes obvious that gangsters have gone into the government business as the most lucrative of all.
Libya after Moscow Talks: What will happen after Demarche of...
Libyan Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s refusal to sign an armistice agreement during a meeting in Moscow is further evidence that nothing constructive can happen in Libya on the way to peace
A Semi-Official Note from Russia: US and NATO will not...
The endless and uncontrolled pumping of African resources must be put to an end.
NY Times: New World Order lies about the war in Afghanistan
“For me, a former enlisted Marine rifleman who served in Afghanistan in 2008, 2009 and 2010, watching the national-security intelligentsia reckon with their careers, and where they contributed to the quagmire in which the United States now finds itself, reminds me of a Pentagon press-conference transcript from March 2010."
NEO – I never saw a world so fragmented!
Jim W. Dean - Andre Vltcheck gives us his sad overview on how ignorant and unconcerned those in the bottom 25% economically, and higher are about anyone else's situation but their own.
Merkels Plan for Libia
...by Mauro Indelicato
Between two parties, the third gains? Perhaps this maxim is not really suitable for describing the situation, but it is the one that...
US Africa Command Marks a Controversial Return to Libya
Many analysts consider that the United States has no clear and unified approach to resolving the long-standing conflict in Libya, and continues to be confronted with the dilemma which of two warring parties they should support.
VIDEOS show capture & questioning of ‘Portuguese mercenary’ pilot shot down...
...from Russia Today, Moscow
- First published ... May 07, 2019 -
Footage online seems to show the capture of the “Portuguese mercenary” pilot whose...
NEO – Who will win control over Libya and its energy...
The LNA shot down a GNA plane today, flying in from Misrata, so we have had our first plane shoot down, and an indication that the LNA had forces west of Tripoli with the Misrata militia base in its rear, an aggressive and dangerous position.
Beijing and Moscow to NWO: Maduro stays
We should give two thumbs up for Russia and China for saying that enough is enough. If both countries are stopping the New World Order from destroying any other country in the world, then we should definitely applaud such an effort.
Libyan National Army commander orders offensive on Tripoli
Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army (LNA), has ordered his forces to begin an offensive against Tripoli to "liberate it from terrorists", referring to the Government of National Accord led by Fayez al-Sarraj and formed with the support of the UN and the EU.
NWO and its puppets are mad, sad, and insane
Blood suckers perpetually said Saddam was corrupt, therefore they had to destroy Iraq. Gaddafi was corrupt, therefore they had to kill him mercilessly. Bashar al-Assad is corrupt and was killing his own people, therefore the United States had to send thousands upon thousands of soldiers to support the rebels/terrorists. Thanks to Russia, Assad is still in power and is serving his country.
New World Order lies about Venezuela—again
...by Jonas E. Alexis
If you have been living on a steady diet of fake news perpetuated by the New World Order, then you are...