…by Jonas E. Alexis

As the saying goes, there is none so blind as those who refuse to see. There is no doubt that New World Order agents are working tirelessly to overthrow Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. And there is no doubt that the United States has supported both the opposition group and its leader in the region. No serious person with an ounce of common sense would even question that.

In fact, even Zionist outlets such as the National Public Radio admits that the United States has supported “the top opposition leader” in Venezuela. That top leader is none other than Juan Guaidó.[1] I cited a Washington Post article saying very clearly that the Trump administration

“indicated it would support a military overthrow of the socialist government headed by President Nicolás Maduro. Second, the administration, alongside two dozen other countries, recognized opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the legitimate, interim president of Venezuela…the United States and Venezuela have had an acrimonious relationship for the past 20 years — in part because the United States has long supported the Venezuelan political opposition.”[2]

The New York Times also alluded to the “The United States also offered $20 million in emergency aid to Mr. Guaidó’s side and requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Saturday on the Venezuela crisis.”[3]

From a casual glimpse at the historical record, we all know that this “emergency aid” is dedicated to support the opposition group. It’s that simple. I would hasten to say that it is foolish to even remotely suggest that the United States really cares about the average Venezuelan. Did they care about the average Iranian in 1953? Did they care about the average Iraqis in 2003? Did they care about the average Afghanistan? How about Libya in 2011? Syria? The Yemeni people?

Moreover, don’t we have a “humanitarian crisis” in places like Yemen, where the United States has militarily been supporting Saudi Arabia, which used US resources to literally obliterate the Yemeni population?

Since 2015, the United States has provided intelligence, military advice, and logistical support to the Saudi Arabia, and these actions have led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands of lives. In November of last year, Foreign Policy itself reported that “Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Are Starving Yemenis to Death.”[4] This was so bad that James Carden of The Nation declared that “America’s Support for Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen Must End.”[5] This month alone, Newsweek has reported that

“Anew investigation found that hundreds of civilians—including children—have been killed or maimed by U.S.-made weapons in unlawful air strikes conducted as part of the ongoing war in Yemen.”[6]

So if anyone thinks that the US support for the opposition group and leader in Venezuela is based on humanitarian principle, then you have a lot of rethinking to do because you will have to explain why the United States is pursuing perpetual wars in the Middle East as well. And we know from a scholarly standpoint that perpetual wars have never been good for the United States at all.

Let’s just digress a little and talk about the US involvement in the Middle East and elswhere. Now consider this: the estimate of lives lost in the war in Iraq alone is between 100,000 to 600,000, including thousands of civilians. In 2003, at least 12,000 civilians lost their lives.[7] The first three years of the war produced between 104,000 and 223,000 civilian deaths.

When it was over, 2.3 million Iraqis had been forced to flee their homes and towns; by 2008, another 2.7 million Iraqis were displaced, and nearly half a million civilians ended up losing their lives.[8] Thousands upon thousands of other people went missing by 2008.[9] This is out of a total Iraqi population of about 30 million people![10]

When the war was over, sectarian violence and car bombings were rampant—almost every day. When Mark Kukis went to Iraq to report on what happened, he said he heard two to five car bombs every day.[11] The Iraq war, says Kukis, shook the entire nation and created havoc even by 2006.[12] Factions of society that once coexisted were dismantled.

In a nutshell, Iraq was in exponential decay. Buildings and farmlands were destroyed.[13] And the fringe benefits of the war? Between 300,000 and 360,000 veterans returned home with brain injuries,[14] some of which went untreated.[15] In 2005, more than 6,000 suicides took place among our soldiers serving in Iraq.[16]

By 2012, more soldiers committed suicide than died in combat,[17] making it the year with the highest suicide rate since 2001.[18] In addition, we have already seen in the previous article that the war has sent the American taxpayers a bill of $6 trillion,[19] combined with a debt ceiling keeps rising every six months or so.[20] The U.S. national debt had reached $16 trillion by the end of 2012.[21]

Since apparently we need to police just about every country in the Middle East, we also need to assign billions of dollars for defense. Therefore, by the end of 2012, the United States signed a defense spending bill for 2013 that will cost $633 billion.[22]

Homelessness among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans has more than doubled, and by the fall of 2012, it was reported that at least “26,531 were living on the streets, at risk of losing their homes, staying in temporary housing or receiving federal vouchers to pay rent.” In addition, about 307,000 soldiers want to leave the military.[23] About 360,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are also dealing with injuries, many of them severe.[24]

In less than two years of the war in Syria, more than 60,000 people lost their lives.[25] At the end of December 2012, refugees in Afghanistan were the ones to suffer from the terrible cold weather with no place to go.[26] It is the same thing with the Syrian refugees.[27]

By January 2013, it was reported that around half-million Syrians were refugees.[28] By the middle of the same month, a bomb blasted the campus of Aleppo University, which was under the control of the government. It was estimated that eighty-two people were killed and one hundred and ninety-two wounded.[29]

We have already seen that torture was routine in Abu Ghraib, and forcing prisoners to have sex with one another and sodomizing teenagers was fair game. One prisoner testified that he saw one officer

“fucking a kid, his age would be about 15-18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [name blacked out], who was wearing the military uniform putting his dick in the little kid’s ass. I couldn’t see the face of the kid because his face wasn’t in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures.”[30]

What’s more even interesting, “150 inmates were crammed into cells designed for 24.”[31] Abu Ghraib, as one writer put it, was “a hell-hole.”[32] Torture was also routine in Afghanistan, where adolescents were beaten with hoses “and pipes and threats of sodomy.”[33] These acts were not done in the dark. Cambridge University published similar reports in a book that is more than 1200 pages long.[34] These acts were also testified to by psychiatrists such as Terry Kupers.[35]

Torture is not a new diabolical implementation on the block. The United States has used it in Vietnam. In her scholarly study Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States, Rebecca Gordon writes:

“The Phoenix Program, implemented during the Vietnam War by U.S. armed forces and the CIA, involved the torture and deaths of tens of thousands of Vietnamese, as part of the U.S. counterinsurgency project designed to break the will of the Viet Cong. In the testimony before Congress, military intelligence officer K. Milton Osborne provided some details of the methods used.

“The use of the insertion of the 6-inch dowel into the 6-inch canal of one of my detainees’ ears and the tapping through the brain until he dies. The starving to death of a Vietnamese woman who was suspected of being part of the local political education cadre in one of the local villages. They simply starved her to death in one of the hooches at that very counterintelligence headquarters.

“There were other methods of operation which they used for interrogation, such as the use of electronic gear such as sealed telephone attached to the genitals of both the men and women’s vagina and the man’s testicles, and wind the mechanism and create an electrical charge and shock them into submission.”[36]

Between 1968 and 1971, the Phoenix Program was responsible for torturing and killing more than twenty thousand people, many of whom had nothing to do with terrorism. These were not isolated cases. Gordon documents that the CIA conducted these essentially diabolical operations “on several continents.”[37]

The CIA again was largely responsible for the 1953 coup in Iran, which literally overthrew a democratically elected president by the name of Mohammad Mosaddegh.[38] The CIA has also conducted covert operations in places like Guatemala.[39]

So there is basically no place on earth the United States of America hasn’t touched. Therefore, whenever a person starts saying that the United States is in Venezuela in order to support the poor and needy, then you can be sure that you are in the presence of a useful idiot, a Neocon puppet, or an ethnic cleanser who will never listen to the voice of reason.

Blood suckers perpetually said Saddam was corrupt, therefore they had to destroy Iraq. Gaddafi was corrupt, therefore they had to kill him mercilessly. Bashar al-Assad is corrupt and was killing his own people, therefore the United States had to send thousands upon thousands of soldiers to support the rebels/terrorists. Thanks to Russia, Assad is still in power and is serving his country.

Now the same people who destroyed one country after another is shifting gear. They want to destroy Venezuela in the name of “humanitarian assistance.” One correspondent told me that “Whatever you think the ‘NOW’ is you should actually be encouraging its success in Venezuela. Maduro is jailing journalists, cracking down on dissent, and basically acting like a petty tyrant and thug.”

We have heard those dumb arguments before. Wasn’t Saudi Arabia responsible for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi? And didn’t the Trump administration look the other way? Did we bomb Saudi Arabia for this? Did the West even remotely suggest that Saudi Arabia ought to be sanctioned? One certainly needn’t be a logician to realize that the New World Order argument is crazy.

  • [1] Sasha Ingber, “United States Warns Americans Not To Travel To Venezuela As Tensions Rise,” National Public Radio, January 29, 2019; see also “U.S. Threatens ‘Swift Response’ Against Venezuela If Opposition Leader Harmed, Government Warns of ‘Illegal Interference,’” Newsweek, March 3, 2019.
  • [2] Timothy M. Gill, “The U.S. has quietly supported the Venezuelan opposition for years,” Washington Post, February 19, 2019.
  • [3] “Russia Warns U.S. Not to Intervene in Venezuela as Military Backs Maduro,” NY Times, January 24, 2019.
  • [4] Radhya Almutawakel, Abdulrasheed Alfaqih, “Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Are Starving Yemenis to Death,” Foreign Policy, November 8, 2018; for similar reports, see “The Tragedy of Saudi Arabia’s War,” NY Times, October 26, 2018; “This classified operation supports the Saudi military campaign in Yemen,” Military Times, November 13, 2018.
  • [5] James Carden, “America’s Support for Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen Must End,” The Nation, April 5, 2017.
  • [6] David Brennan, “American Bombs Have Killed Hundreds of Civilians, Including Children, in Unlawful Strikes on Yemen: Report,” Newsweek, March 6, 2019.
  • [7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War.
  • [8] Mark Kukis, Voices from Iraq: A People’s History, 2003-2009 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011),xvii.
  • [9] Iibid.
  • [10] Ibid.
  • [11] Ibid., xiii.
  • [12] Ibid., xiv.
  • [13] Ibid.
  • [14] Gregg Zoroya, “360,000 Veterans May Have Brain Injuries,” USA Today, March 5, 3009; Denise Grady, “Brain Injuries Are Seen in New Scans of Veterans,” NY Times, June 1, 2011; “Mental Health Injuries Scar 300,000 U.S. Troops,” MSNBC, April 17, 2008.
  • [15] Lizette Alvarez, “War Veterans’ Concussions Are Often Overlooked,” NY Times, August 25, 2008.
  • [16] Armen Keteyian, “VA Hid Suicide Risk, Internal Emails Show,” CBC News, July 30, 2010.
  • [17] Allison Churchill, “The Military Is Losing More Troops to Suicide than Combat,” Business Insider, October 25, 2012; Helen Pow, “More U.S. Troops Committing Suicide Than Being Killed Fighting in Afghanistan in ‘Tough Year’ for Armed Services,” Daily Mail, October 24, 2012.
  • [18] Kelley Vlahos, “Surviving War, Falling to Suicide,” American Conservative, January 1, 2012; for other similar stories, see also James Dao and Andrew W. Lehren, “Baffling Rise in Suicides Plagues the U.S. Military,” NY Times, May 15, 2013.
  • [19] https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2013/11/12/welcome-to-zionism-now-bend-over/.
  • [20] See for example “A threat to Cost Taxpayers Money,” The Economist, April 12, 20111; Kathleen Hennessey, “Obama Tries to Shoot Down GOP Talk of Debt-Limit Threat,” L.A. Times, December 5, 2012; Mary Williams Walsh, “Debt Ceiling Rises Again as Threat for the U.S.,” NY Times, December 21, 2012; Moran Zhang, “U.S. Economy 2013: If ‘Fiscal Cliff’ is Avoided, What About the Debt Ceiling?,” International Business Times, December 21, 2012.
  • [21] Simon Rogers, “U.S. Debt: How Big Is It and Who Owns It?,” Guardian, October 2, 2012.
  • [22] See for example David Alexander, “House Approves Bill Authorizing $633 Billion in Defense Spending,” Chicago Tribune, December 20, 2012; Dave Boyer, “Obama Signs Defense Measure he Once Vowed to Veto,” Washington Time, January 3, 2013.
  • [23] Gregg Zoroya, “Homeless, At-Risk Veterans Double,” USA Today, December 27, 2012.
  • [24] Kelley Vlahos, “surviving War, Falling to Suicide,” American Conservative, January 1, 2013.
  • [25] See for example Anne Barnard, “Syrians Killed in Gas Line; U.N. Raises War’s Casualty Figures,” NY Times, January 2, 2013; Matthew Weaver, “Syria Conflict: U.N. Says 60,000 Dead-Wednesday 2 January 2013,” Guardian, January 2, 2013.
  • [26] Rod Nordland, “Winter’s Deadly Bite Returns to Refugee Camps of Kabul,” NY Times, December 29, 2012.
  • [27] Rana F. Sweis, “Syrian Refugees Strain Resources in Jordan,” NY Times, January 2, 2013; Liam Stack, “Winter Brings Misery to Syria Refugees,” NY Times, January 10, 2013; Jodi Rudoren, “A Desert Cold and Wet Multiplies the Misery of Syrian Refugees,” NY Times, January 12, 2013.
  • [28] “UN Body: Around Half-Million Syrians Now Refugees,” Seattle Times, January 2, 2013.
  • [29] Hwaida Saad and Rick Gladstone, “Dozens Killed as Explosions Hit Syrian University,” NY Times, January 15, 2013.
  • [30] Cited in Mark Danner, Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (New York: New York Review of Books, 2004), 243.
  • [31] Susan Taylor Martin, “Her Job: Lock Up Iraq’s Bad Guys,” St. Petersburg Times, December 14, 2003.
  • [32] Alfred McCoy, A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: Owl Books, 2006), 132.
  • [33] See for example Alissa J. Rubin, “Anti-Torture Efforts in Afghanistan Failed, U.N. Says,” NY Times, January 20, 2013.
  • [34] Karen J. Geenberg and Joshua L. Dratel, eds., The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
  • [35] See for example Lila Rajiva, The Language of Empire: Abu Ghraib and the American Media (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2005), 167.
  • [36] Rebecca Gordon, Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), 1-2.
  • [37] Ibid.
  • [38] See for example Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, 2008); Ervand Abrahamian, The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations (New York: The New Press, 2013); Christopher de Bellaigue, Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup (New York: Random House, 2012).
  • [39] Richard H. Immerman, The CIA in Guatemala: The Foreign Policy of Intervention (Austin: University of Texas, 1982); Stephen C. Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer, Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala(New York: Anchor, 1983); Nick Cullather, Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999).


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