___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VT Italia
“The Russian-Syrian joint coordination committees for the repatriation of displaced Syrians considered the United States responsible for the death of children in the al-Rukban camp . Two days ago, two children died due to malnutrition, poor sanitation and Washington’s infection and position and its indifference to the lives of innocent little inhabitants of this field ». This is just the last note, released in an article by the news agency Sana (Syrian Arab National Agency): updates the bulletin of a war in Syria now won by the Government of Bashar Al Assad cbut he not only carries with him the echo of the horrors perpetrated by the ISIS and by the exterminations of the killer drones of the US- led Great Coalition , but truly unresolved humanitarian aftermath. As the “ghetto” of Al Rukban, a lager of the third millennium where the Pentagon holds 45,000 Syrians hostage who could and would like to return to their freed villages as a probable ” bargaining chip ” in view of definitive post-war political agreements on the territory. Last December, US President Donald Trumphe had announced the withdrawal of the approximately 2,000 contingent soldiers in the northern and eastern part of the Middle Eastern country, only to take the word back and say that 200 of them would remain as a bridgehead. But near the US military base of Al Tanf , on the border between Syria, Iraq and Jordan , on the strategic highway that connects Damascus to Baghdad there is a real concentration camp, not even guarded by the American army but by the rebel guerrillas financed but from Washington.A diplomatic loophole that allows you to save face in case of unpleasant episodes such as the deaths of children due to malnutrition or viral infections that continue to repeat themselves after the massacres of newborns for the cold reported in January by UNICEF in the total indifference of the White House . It was established there precisely because near the Pentagon post placed, just happened, on one of the main access routes of the first jihadist ISIS militiamen: the Islamic State invented in 2014 by the Iraqi terrorist doctor Ibrāhīm al-Badrī, self-proclaimed caliph of Daesh and known with the battle name of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi , directed and financed by the United States.

Now the battle is all concentrated in Baghouz , where the fighters of the Sdf (Syrian Democratic Forces) , a majority group composed by the Kurds Ykp, are increasingly tightening the circle around the last bag of Isis extremists near the Euphrates and on the border the Rojava , a Kurdish enclave in Syria. In the last week, thousands more civilians have been released with the capture of many jihadists and the capitulation of the extreme stronghold of the Islamic State seems to be a matter of hours rather than days. The other hot faces remain the province of Idlib, where the last militias of the Sunni Qaedist mulsumans of Al Nusra (Relief Front) and their rival allies of Tahrir al-Sham (Levante Liberation Committee) who continue to rocket the neighbor Hama and would be preparing a chemical attack, with a fake flag, for a diplomatic and military counter-offensive against Assad’s regular army, supported by the Shiite Alawites of the Arab Socialist Ba’th party . The latter can in fact limit itself only to a defense operation but not to a frontal battle and a siege by virtue of the Sochiagreementssigned on September 17 last by Russia and Turkey in which the Muslim brothers of Istanbul undertook to guarantee an escape route to the Qaedists to avoid a massacre in the province. The Turks, repeatedly urged by the Russians even in a meeting between government representatives at the end of February, have always hesitated waiting to see the Manbij evolutions, northern city and strategic area that the Kurds have left in the hands of the Syrian-Russian army to avert the threatened attack on the Turkish president, a bitter enemy and persecutor of the population of that ethnic group for the claims of political autonomy in Turkey, culminating in the past also with very serious dynamite attacks and the imprisonment of Abdullah Ocalan , PKK leader, still in isolation in a prison despite the repeated hunger strikes organized in all the world by his peaceful supporters. This summary and superficial update of the picture of the fighting in Syria makes us understand how the southern area of Al Tanf, while continuing to play a highly strategic role under the military profile, as it is for example the return to Iraq of the Isis fighters unfortunately released by the US in exchange for tons of gold, is a relatively quiet region in which the rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA or ESL) have resigned themselves to defeat. To command in that area there are the United States of America which, however, entrusted the Al-Rukbanrefugee camp to the FSA militias, obviously considered terrorists by the Syrian government. To make the area potentially incadescent, however, there is the presence, at about 50 km from the US military base, of the positions of theIranian Qudsforces that, along with other Hezbollah Lebanese Shiite Muslim fighters, helped Assad defeat the revolutionary forces and the ISIS in various areas of the Arab Republic torn by the Civil War. Here, then, that Syrian refugees in the “ghetto”, although they now have every chance and willingness to return to their homes in areas where the conflict is over, have become a hostage in the hands of the Syrian president’s enemies with the approval of Washington which, according to the Russians would thus have an excuse to remain in an attempt to redefine the new Syrian geopolitical assets, creating in the southern part perhaps a micro-state for the rebels, who would thus become their eternal allies.

However, the continuation of this situation is transforming that temporary reception camp into a real camp of atrocious suffering. “According to the representative of the World Health Organization in Syria , Elizabeth Hoff , there is no doctor in the field and they continue to develop potentially lethal infectious diseases: many cases of diarrhea, hepatitis and skin diseases have been identified in addition to the death of two children due to malnutrition, poor hygiene and infections “reports an article by the news agency Sana, echoing what was reported last March 7 in an official note by Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova: “Among the refugees of Al Rukban some died from the cold. There are people with poliomyelitis, tuberculosis “. The two Syrian-Russian commissions of the Joint Committee for the Repatriation of Displaced Persons confirmed in a declaration that the situation in the camp “similar to a ghetto, continues to deteriorate and the current dangerous health situation is a matter of grave concern” but have also launched heavy accusations: ” The United States illegally occupies the al-Tanf area and limits the activities of international and non-governmental humanitarian organizations on the territory, using terrorists Maghawir al-Thawra “. The reference is to the Arab name for the rebels of the Free Syrian Army .

The inhuman and tragic situation of the camp was not reported only by the government officials of Syria and Russia , which could also be considered part of the claims against the United States , but by Unicef Italia itself on 16 January last. “The cold temperatures and harsh living conditions in Rukban , on the southwestern border of Syria with Jordan, put children’s lives increasingly at risk. In the last month, at least 8 children have died: most babies under 4 months, the youngest born just an hour – says the official Unicef Italia website – A Rukban, where 80% of the approximately 45 thousand people they are women and children, the intense cold and lack of medical care for mothers before and during childbirth and for newborns, have exacerbated the already difficult living conditions for children and their families “. But even this appeal fell into the void of the insensitivity of President Donald Trump and the many activists so urgent to deal with the alleged violations of human rights in Venezuela , a paradise compared to the Middle Eastern hell under the guilty eyes of Washington. The fact that the Syrian government has long been ready to dissolve the camp and to receive its inhabitants in the areas of their choice has also caused more indignation. A sufficient number of residential facilities have been prepared for housing. The necessary stock of food, drinking water, blankets and medicines was provided. The Syrian authorities have organized and have constant availability of 6 columns of comfortable buses ready to move at any time to the al-Rukban camp to evacuate the displaced. The committees once again urged the United States to show mercy and finally to open access to the occupied area of al-Tanf, to give the opportunity to eliminate the suffering residents of the Rukban camp,

“We are ready to continue the unconditional dialogue on the Rukban field with all the interested parties, including the United Nations, the United States and Jordan , without politicizing the humanitarian aspects of the issue”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared in recent days making harsh insinuations: “The fact that people are not allowed to leave the camp and are held hostage suggests that the United States needs this camp to continue to justify its illegitimate presence,” Lavrov added. “This is in line with US policy aimed at creating something like a para-state on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. He does not want these territories to come under the control of the legitimate authorities of Syria . We will insist that these people are no longer detained in the camp against their will. ” Added to this is the fact that refugees are also prevented from entering neighboring Jordan: “Jordanian authorities, citing security issues and the country’s difficult economic situation, refuse to open the border to allow refugees to enter their territory. The refugees are left with the only way to safety, that is the humanitarian corridor provided by the Syrian authorities “.

Compounding alarms about the situation at Al Rukban is also the atrocious discovery made by the satellites used by the Russian army to monitor Syrian territory: “Three mass graves have been found in the area adjacent to the points that should be destined for distribution of water to the al-Rukban camp, according to the Russian Defense Ministry – Syrian Arab National Agency always writes- Satellite images showed bodies of about 300 people because the number is probably higher because each tomb could contain more than one body “. Unlike the Nazi concentration camps, where the skeletons were piled up for their subsequent cremation and therefore were exposed to testimonies and photographs, the mass graves succeed in the easy intent to hide from every human rights champion the real gravity of the phenomenon because they often remain hidden for dozens of years, like the Karstic Foibas of Tito in Istria , because, especially in the past without satellite imagery, they came and are identified only by chance.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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How about some names, rank and serial number of the criminal U.S. officers and enlisted men and women responsible for these international crimes in Syria. What are their home addresses, same for criminals Pompeo and Bolton. Some power needs to step up to the plate and run these despicable U.S. criminals out of their no matter the consequences. The U.S. are using innocent children as hostages. Shame, shame, shame on United States cowards.
Trump is a pathological liar:
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