Tag: Sidney Powell
Bob Woodward: There’s an Audacity in the Thomas, Meadows Texts
“Biden crime family and ballot fraud co-conspirators...are being arrested and detained for ballot fraud right now and over the coming day, and will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”
New York court suspends Rudy Giuliani’s law license
In the decision, the committee wrote that Giuliani “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large” as a lawyer for Trump.
Georgia State Bar seeking to discipline Lin Wood
Jim W. Dean - This could not happen to a 'unnicer' guy, and with a disciplinary bar association complaint of 1600 pages. Way to go Lin!
Sidney Powell Tweet: Trump should declare insurrection and use “military tribunals”...
Jim W. Dean - Having been beaten down in the courts, it looks like Trump is looking for option 'number two', thinking his prosects of the Supreme Court helping him steal the election are going slimmer by the day.
Report: Sidney Powell Fired By Trump
Powell was finally thrown under the bus on Sunday after a federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed the campaign’s efforts to throw out millions of legally cast votes. Attorney Powell’s bizarre claims have drawn criticism even from reliable Trump supporters for her utter refusal to provide any substantive evidence.
Glenn Kirschner analysis of latest Mike Flynn hearing case
Jim W. Dean - Flynn's attorney, Sidney Powell, has to admit that she had been to the White House a few days before the hearing to brief Trump on the status of the case, and yes, the topic of a pardon came up.