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Tag: social media war

Ukraine Censorship: America’s Social Media Commissars

Social media platforms are aggressively censoring all who challenge the dominant narrative on Ukraine, the ruling Democratic Party, wars in the Middle East and the corporate state.

How US and EU Press Work With Ukraine to Murder Civilians...

The Maidan regime change event in 2014 was the start of this NATO phase against the ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

US Corporate Media Fully Complicit in Murder of Ukrainian Civilians

The U.S. dollar is rapidly heading towards irrelevancy and the elites have decided that the only way to deflect the blame is by distracting their citizens by a massive, global war. When the U.S. dollar is abandoned as the global reserve currency, the US will implode much like the Soviet Union did, rapidly and violently.

Caitlin Johnstone: US officials admit they’re literally just lying to the...

From spreading no-evidence claims to outright lying, all is fair to 'get inside Putin’s head', apparently.

Russia Admits to Losing the ‘War of Lies’

This is written in Russian for Russians to help them deal with the frustration of seeing crazy shit in the media like today…train station hit by Ukie Scud’s…laying right there for the world to see…and then social media fills with “Russia did it.”

Expert on Ukie False Flags on Provocations and Fakes

Makeeva appreciates why the West is “at war” with Russia with provocations and fakes.

Ukraine Turning to Pensioners and Boys for ‘Territorial Defense’

After the defeat of the first set of Ukrainian defense forces, local authorities immediately began the second “call.” The total number of recruits of the second wave has already reached the desired three thousand.