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Tag: Zionism

Criminal Zionist elements behind ouster of Bolivia President Morales? (Kevin on...

The Zionists mob “undoubtedly used their talent for organizing and deploying thugs to overthrow Evo Morales, or at least contribute to his overthrow,” he added.

David Duke’s Secret Power Behind Communism (Part III)

David Duke must be credited for saying that “If the world had been aware of the Jewish tribalism behind Communism and the most massive violation of human rights in all of history, certainly the world would have averted crimes such as the horrific Iraq War, motivated by the Zionist agenda, and based entirely on lies.”

Alain Soral Against the Rothschild Mafia

‘And if we talk about the media and Macron, we’ll have to talk about Drahi. His bank account is in Israel and he pays no taxes here.’ Drahi, a Franco-Israeli-Portuguese oligarch born in Morocco and residing in Switzerland, has bought up large swathes of French media in recent years.

Rex Tillerson is Right, Bibi Netanyahu Is a Liar—Like the Other...

Netanyahu “is an extreme psychopath and one of the most over-the-top liars and manipulators that we’ve ever seen in world politics"...

Israel’s aggression against Lebanon: Kevin Barrett vs. Lee Kaplan

Lee Kaplan, like Israel, is deaf to the voice of the Other.

ANSWERS to 68 Questions from #BORG to Zionism versus Judaism

As asked by participants in the forthcoming Dimensions of Disclosure event that is sold out but is still able to offer live streaming access....

Marianne Williamson – Can the Politics of Love Triumph Over the...

Photo is fake news (the Onion) but noteworthy. The Zionist media machine combined with Republican endorsements (Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump Jr.) have put her...

FFWN: Zionists celebrate demolition of Palestine…and America

Why to Zionists love to celebrate horrific destruction and mass murder?

FFWN: Ian Greenhalgh exposes Mossad assets Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald...

Will the new entry in the updated Jewish bible be Book of Trump or Book of Rothschild?

Mark Dankof to Western Youth: Be Ready to Fight NWO

So to the young of Iran, Syria, Russia, and every other culture and nation-state on Planet Earth, I conclude by saying this. Be informed. Be sober. Be vigilant...And be ready to do battle at every level with every fiber of your beings in the defeat of the Beast and his New World Order.

Toronto Raptors’ Trip to Israel: The Obscenity of Jewish Power

Gilad Atzmon’s million-dollar question: Why can’t we talk about Jewish power?

Iran rolls up CIA spy network

Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence says it has uncovered and busted the largest US cyber-espionage network in the world, which was run by the CIA.

Mashed Potato and Another War for Israel

"Pompeo answered that it was quite possible that Trump is the new Esther. Though without the curves, he’s indeed a Jewish whore."

Netanyahu: I want World War III in Syria now

Netanyahu simply cannot invent all kinds of lies anymore and expect the entire world to take him seriously. The fact that President Assad is still in power is a clear testimony that Netanyahu’s political or ideological power over much of the world is waning.

Palestinian Genocide Has Killed 2.2 Million

Israel is still collecting holocaust reparations. It should be paying them instead.

Dear Christian Zionist: Anti Semitism Law Will Make Christianity Illegal |...

“In Jerusalem, the United Nations ... will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents…” . Ben Gurion as reported in Look Magazine, 1962.

Israel: The Hebrew Bible Is God’s Deed to Jews For the...

... the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament is the Jewish people's deed from God to the land of Canaan

Robert Steele: No War on Iran If Rouhani “Makes the Call”

His Call Could Trigger the Firing of Bolton, Pompeo, and Perhaps Abrams

Alan Sabrosky on this week’s censorship avalanche

Last week the West got buried beneath an avalanche of censorship.   Can you guess who was behind it?

Zionist lobby pushing US under Trump into war with Iran

Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert, told Press TV that Washington’s previous wars – such as the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan – turned into “complete debacles” for the US, warning that a war with Iran would even be “vastly more difficult.”  

Prolonging War on Islam: Terrorism in Sri Lanka and the Global...

The attacks on Sri Lanka are merely a unit of the larger game that has been going on since 2001.

Zionist terror pits Christians vs. Muslims

"Abravanel (Bibi's father's hero) envisioned a Jewish state in the Holy Land taking revenge on Christians and Muslims by tricking them into destroying each other in an apocalyptic war..."

Iran-based New Horizon NGO appeals Treasury Department sanctions—Treasury foresees “lengthy process”

Adelson/Netanyahu's war on New Horizon is part of the ongoing crackdown on Western dissidents who refuse to toe the Likud line.

Witness to World Trade Center “ghost visitors” (prepping controlled demolition?) goes...

"After 9/11 when people suggested the WTC buildings collapse was a controlled demolition, I immediately thought of those strange men with large bags.  Had they planted devices for demolition?"

Chuck Baldwin: I Was Right About Russia-Gate; And I’m Right About...

Trump was inserted into the presidency by a foreign power. But it wasn't the Russians.

‘March of Return’ 1st anniversary sees 3 Palestinians killed

https://youtu.be/WhFtM4YlyEI For more on this topic check out my Great March of Return Anniversary radio special featuring Palestinian activist Maisoon Rice. -Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

Zionist-controlled media spun New Zealand Mosque Attack

A war between the West and Islam, the so-called War of Civilizations promoted by Zionist Neo Conservatives, will make both legitimate American and European nationalists opposed to the New World Order and their Islamic counterparts, the ultimate losers in the enterprise.

Christchurch Attack Decoded: A Manifestation of the Zionist Master Plan

It's all part of the five-century-old Zionist plan to trick Christians and Muslims into destroying themselves in an apocalyptic war.

New Zealand gunman mind-controlled by 9/11 false flag operation: Analyst

"Mind-controlled by the 9/11 attacks false flag operation designed by Israel..."

NZ anti-mosque terrorist: False flag? Hypnotized to kill?

It's interesting that these events usually happen to nations that Bibi Netanyahu is mad at.

“Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech

Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors.

Washington Loyalty to Israel (Press TV Debate)

Does AIPAC pay politicians to pledge loyalty to Israel?

What have Palestinians ever given the world?

Palestinians have given us the greatest example of resistance to genocide in all of human history.

Zuckerberg suppresses my viral article “Ilhan Omar’s Tropes Are True”

My Ilhan Omar article (at Unz) had hundreds of FB likes yesterday—then they suddenly disappeared. One Zuck dislike wipes out a million likes. Looks like I got Zucked!

Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True

Some people just can’t handle the truth.

FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags...

This week's FFWN covers a long list of suspected false flags. We also look at the "anti-Semitism" scare, as well as other Israeli propaganda tools.

FFWN: Endless war! Don’t like it? You must be a “conspiracy...

Prof. Tony Hall returns to this week's False Flag Weekly News!