Suppressed War News, January 24, 2016

Syrian Army Comes Close to Another Major Victory in Eastern Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA) – The Syrian army, popular forces and Hezbollah fighters entered the city of Al-Bab after breaking the tough defense lines of the terrorist groups, and are reportedly away from another groundbreaking victory in the Eastern part of Aleppo province.

“The pro-government troops have made advances in the city of Al-Bab and the town of Tadef after they captured the strategic villages of Qatar and Tal Hattabat to the North of Kuweires airbase,” the Arabic-language Ara News website quoted a local resident of Al-Bab city as saying on Sunday.

He said that the ISIL militants have started withdrawing towards the towns of Tadef and Baza’a after losing vast territories to Syrian forces.

Eyewitness said the Syrian army has fired missiles at ISIL positions in Al-Bab city from inside the recently captured Kuweires airbase.

Earlier today, the Syrian army backed by the popular forces continued their military advances in Aleppo province, and seized back several strategic villages North of the Kuweires airbase. The Syrian troops took control of the strategic villages of Qatar and Tal Hattabat to the North of Kuweires airport after heavy clashes with ISIL terrorists and killing and injuring dozens of them.

In a relevant development on Saturday, a number of ISIL hideouts and concentration points were destroyed in Syrian airstrikes in Eastern Aleppo province.

As a result of these aerial attacks, Syrian aircraft killed or injured a number of Takfiri terrorists, destroying their weapons and munitions in Aleppo province’s Arab, al-Bab area, Tadef town and Baza’a village.

The Syrian warplanes also targeted Takfiri terrorists’ gatherings and their fortified positions in Tal Hattabat, al-Mefelseh and al-Dakouneh villages in Aleppo’s Eastern countryside, killing and injuring a number of militants and destroying their munitions and hardware.

Meanwhile, during a separate airborne assault, Syrian jets hit hideouts and concentration points of Takfiri terrorists affiliated to al-Nusra Front in Kafr Hamra village at the Northwestern outskirts of Aleppo city.

In a coordinated action, the Syrian ground force also carried out special operations in the of Bani Zeid, Sheikh Saeed and Bustan al-Qasr neighborhoods in Aleppo city, killing and injuring many of militants ,destroying equipment and their fortified positions.

Syrian Army Wins Back More Areas in Eastern Ghouta
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army seized back several more areas in the strategic farms in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus province on Sunday.

The army units captured vast regions in the Northeast of al-Kaziya in Marj al-Sultan as they headed towards Farazat hilltops in Eastern Ghouta, killing a dozen militants and injuring many more in fierce clashes.

In a relevant development earlier today, the Syrian air force continued pounding the military positions and gathering centers of the terrorists in Western Ghouta in Damascus countryside, inflicting heavy losses on the militants.

The Syrian fighter jets destroyed the positions of the terrorists in Darayya in Western Ghouta.

The air force’s strikes left tens of militants dead and dozens more injured.

Meantime, the Syrian terrorists on their social network confirmed that they have sustained heavy losses in the Syrian warplanes’ strikes.

In a relevant development on Saturday, the Syrian Army broke the defense lines of the militant groups in the Southwestern part of Damascus province and gained control over several buildings in the region.

“The Syrian army pushed the militants back from their positions in al-Qusoul 4 in Darayya in Western Ghouta and seized control over four more buildings in the region,” the army said.

In the meantime, the army troops stormed the terrorist groups’ gathering centers in Jobar and Marj region East of Damascus, and killed or wounded several of the militants,” the army said.

“The Syrian artillery units also shelled the terrorists’ strongholds in Jobar and the road connecting the villages of Afrah and Deir Moqren  in Eastern Ghouta, which left several militants dead or wounded,” the army went on to say.

Russian Jets Increase Attacks over Sheikh Meskeen
TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian bombers are increasingly pounding terrorists’ positions in Sheikh Meskeen, North of Dara’a province, as the Syrian army continues advancing against militants in the region, a well-informed source said Sunday.

According to the source, the Russian Air Force has carried out at least 10 airstrikes over the strategic city of Sheikh Meskeen in the past 24 hours.

At the same time, several sources reported the Syrian soldiers are engaging in heavy clashes with the militant groups in the region.

In another development on Sunday, the Syrian Army pushed back terrorists further in the strategic city of Sheikh Meskeen, and came in control of more districts.

In an operation in which dozens of militants were killed, Syrian Army units, active in Sheikh Meskeen city, took control of the streets, establishments and buildings in the Northern, Southern and Eastern parts of the city.

Syrian Army Pounds Terrorists’ Positions in Dara’a City
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army inflicted large damage on militant groups in massive artillery attacks on their positions in the Southern city of Dara’a.

Local sources said the terrorists’ military hardware sustained large damage in different parts of the city following the army attacks, which they said, were underway for 24 hours.



These heavy blows to the militant groups’ positions in Dara’a al-Balad and al-Mahata districts were delivered specially to the al-Nusra front that is one of the main terrorist groups operating in Southern Syria.

In the course of the attacks, government forces hit and destroyed several vehicles owned by the militants, some of them equipped with machineguns and loaded with weapons and ammunition.

Syrian Army soldiers hit numerous terrorists’ concentrations, destroying hideouts and inflicting damage to considerable amounts of weapons in the Southern part of al-Manshiye neighborhood and al-Nazihin Camp in Dara’a al-Balad.

Government forces also killed and injured all members of an armed Wahhabi group gathering during the operation in Atman Town, North of Dara’a city.

Also on Sunday, the Syrian Army pushed back terrorists further in the strategic city of Sheikh Meskeen, North of Dara’a province, and came in control of more districts. In an operation in which dozens of militants were killed, Syrian Army units, active in Sheikh Meskeen city, took control of the streets, establishments and buildings in the Northern, Southern and Eastern parts of the city.

Aleppo: Militants’ Positions Annihilated in Syrian Air Raid
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian air force destroyed the military positions of the terrorists in the several strategic villages and towns in Aleppo province.

The Syrian warplanes pounded the terrorists’ strongholds in Baza’a, Qabassin, Tal Hattabat, Qasr al-Bureij, Ain al-Jahash, Tal Maksour, Al-Shamaviya and Al-Madyouna in Aleppo province.

The Syrian army’s artillery units also destroyed the Al-Nusra Front’s military positions in the the regions of Al-Rashideen 4, al-Lairmoun, Bustan al-Qasr, Bani Zeid and Karam al-Meisar and Sheikh Saeed on Sunday.

Meantime, the Syrian army hit the strongholds of the terrorists in the village of Tal Jabin in Aleppo countryside.

In a relevant development on Saturday, a number of ISIL hideouts and concentration points were destroyed in Syrian airstrikes in Eastern Aleppo province.

As a result of these aerial attacks, Syrian aircraft killed or injured a number of Takfiri terrorists, destroying their weapons and munitions in Aleppo province’s Arab, al-Bab area, Tadef town and Baza’a village.

The Syrian warplanes also targeted Takfiri terrorists’ gatherings and their fortified positions in Tal Hattabat, al-Mefelseh and al-Dakouneh villages in Aleppo’s Eastern countryside, killing and injuring a number of militants and destroying their munitions and hardware.

Meanwhile, during a separate airborne assault, Syrian jets hit hideouts and concentration points of Takfiri terrorists affiliated to al-Nusra Front in Kafr Hamra village at the Northwestern outskirts of Aleppo city.

In a coordinated action, the Syrian ground force also carried out special operations in the of Bani Zeid, Sheikh Saeed and Bustan al-Qasr neighborhoods in Aleppo city, killing and injuring many of militants ,destroying equipment and their fortified positions.

Syrian Army Seizes Back More Districts in Sheikh Meskeen
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army pushed back terrorists further in the strategic city of Sheikh Meskeen, North of Daraa province, and came in control of more districts.

In an operation in which dozens of militants were killed, Syrian Army units, active in Sheikh Meskeen city, took control of the streets, establishments and buildings in the Northern, Southern and Eastern parts of the city.



Government forces also advanced deeper in the city, destroying a number of barricades owned by the terrorists, getting dozens of them to flee the city.

After the Army took control of the area, Engineering units were dispatched to the district, combing and purging there, dismantling explosive devices and mines which were planted earlier by the militants.

Since mid-January, Syrian Army has been engaging in clashes with terrorists in Sheikh Meskeen; government forces have had the upper hand, with support of heavy airstrikes and artillery attacks.

Aleppo-Latakia Highway Secured by Syrian Army Troops Advancement

Aleppo-Latakia Highway Secured by Syrian Army Advancement
Syrian army is making advances in the northern and eastern suburbs of Latakia where it regained control of a number of villages.

The Army regained control of al-Marouniyat, Marj Khokhah, Kensabba, Broma as well as Ghouneimyeh, Bait Rimo and Bait Sukkar, and subsequently secured the road of Aleppo-Latakia highway for approximately six kilometres, Syrian state news agency reported.

International efforts are continuing in order to hold the upcoming Syria talks that are expected to start on Monday (January 25). However, there is uncertainty around the date due to a dispute over who will be part of the opposition delegation, Reuters reported.

U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry said on Saturday (January 23) he was confident Syria peace talks would proceed following talks with Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) states in Saudi Arabia.

Peace efforts face huge underlying challenges, including disagreements over President Bashar al-Assad’s future and worsening relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Tensions between the two regional rivals escalated this month after the Saudi execution of a prominenet Shi’ite Muslim cleric sheikh Nimr Al Nimr. It triggered angry protest and an attack by Iranian protesters on the Saudi Consulate in Mashhad leading the kingdom to cut diplomatic ties.

12 Killed in Clashes at Syrian-Jordan Border; 2 M Narcotics Pills Discovered

A Jordanian armed forces general command official said the 12 were killed in a clash between border guards and a group of 36 people, some armed, trying to cross from Syria.

According to information on the Jordanian military’s website, an unspecified number of people were wounded while others fled back into Syria.

The military official added that more than two million pills of narcotics were also seized.

Jordan regularly expresses fears of terrorists infiltrating refugee groups to justify curbs on Syrian refugees massing on the border, estimating their number at 16,000.

Amman has been allowing just a few dozen Syrians to cross the frontier daily amid stringent identity checks.

According to UN figures, Jordan hosts upwards of 600,000 of the more than four million Syrians who have fled their native country since the civil war erupted there in 2011.

Jordanian government figures put the number of Syrians to have entered the country after fleeing the conflict at more than 1.4 million, AFP Reports.

Meanwhile Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani says supporters of Daesh militant group, who fled terror group occupied territories are among Syrian refugees in the camps near the Syrian-Jordanian border.

On Sunday, Momani held a press conference regarding country’s policy toward accepting refugees. He was asked a question about the future of some 12,000 Syrian refugees from camps across the Syrian-Jordanian border.

“Jordan maintains its open door policy…but we do have security concerns, and this group specifically came from the far northeast of Syria, areas that are controlled by Daesh,” Momani said on Sunday, as quoted by The Jordan Times newspaper, adding that there were Daesh supporters and even members of the group among the refugees.

He added that Jordan took the issue of its security very seriously.

Syria has been engulfed in a civil war since 2011, with syria fighting against terrorist groups such as the Daesh, which is prohibited by many countries, including Russia and the United States.

The internal conflict have already made more than 4,6 million refugees flee Syria to neighboring countries, including more than 630,000 of them to Jordan, according to UN data.

400 ISIS Militants Killed Recently by Peshmerga in Mosul: KDP

400 fighters of ISIS were killed in the outskirts of Mosul during the past few days, Kurdistan Democratic Party in Nineveh Province announced on Saturday.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party’s Spokesman in Mosul Saeed Mamouzini said, “ISIS terrorist gangs attack the Peshmerga forces in the outskirts of Mosul from time to time, but they are not able to control the land,” noting that, “400 ISIS fighters were killed during the last few days.”

Mamouzini added, “Peshmerga forces have become stronger and more capable to fight ISIS,” pointing out that, “The Peshmerga forces have all the needed weapons and equipment, as well as the ability to liberate any area.”

“ISIS in Mosul suffered a major collapse in its ranks that led its leaders to execute dozens of ISIS members who retreated from the combat axes,” Mamouzini continued, IraqiNews reported.

Syrian army establishes control over al-Rabeaa town in Lattakia and two villages in eastern Aleppo


Provinces, SANA – More areas in Lattakia and Aleppo have come in the army’s hands as its units intensified operations against terrorist organizations, leaving many of their members dead and destroying their vehicles and equipment.


The Army units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, established control over al-Rabeaa town and al-Rawda village, about 60km northeastern countryside of Lattakia, a military source told SANA Sunday.

The source added that the engineering units are combing the area and dismantling the explosive devices and landmines planted by the terrorists, some of them were killed and injured by the army operation, who fled towards Turkey.

Earlier on Saturday, Army units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, established control over the villages of al-Tefahiya, Hilwa al-Gharbiya, Hilwa al-Sharqiya, al-Amlik, Beit Arab, Beit Ablaq, and Tal Asholan along with all the hills surrounding them in Lattakia’s northern countryside.


In the same context, army units established control over the villages of Katar and Tal Hattabat  in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province.

A field source noted in a statement to SANA that the units took control of the aforementioned areas after fierce clashes with ISIS terrorists, during which a number of their fortifications and barricades were destroyed and dozens of them were killed, while the others fled.

Military engineering units later swept the two villages and dismantled the explosive devices and mines left behind by the terrorists, the source said.


Army units destroyed an armored vehicle in al-Nazihin Camp neighborhood in Daraa city and killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their arms and ammunition in the neighborhoods of al-Manshiyeh and Daraa al-Mahatta.

At the northern entrance of Daraa city, an army unit killed all members of a terrorist group and destroyed their equipment and arms in Atman town, 4 km away from the city’s center.

The terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of 15 terrorists in al-Sheikh Miskeen in the northern countryside of Daraa province, including a military leader within the so-called “Saif al-Sham Brigades” who is nicknamed Abu al-Ghaith.

 Syrian army establishes control over new areas in al-Sheikh Miskeen, Daraa



A military source announced establishing control over new areas in al-Sheikh Miskeen city in the northern countryside of Daraa after killing a number of terrorists.

Army units operating in al-Sheikh Miskeen city established control over streets, establishments and buildings in the northern, southern and eastern parts of the city and advanced further after destroying a number of barricades and fortifications for the terrorists and the fleeing of tens of them outside the city.

Army units advanced further after destroying a number of barricades and fortifications with all terrorists inside them, while dozens others fled away outside the city.

Engineering units combed the areas after establishing control over them and dismantled explosive devices and mines which were planted earlier by the terrorist organizations.

Since late December, army units in cooperation with supporting forces have carried out a wide military operation in al-Sheikh Miskeen

Earlier, the army units destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist organizations’ positions and vehicles, some equipped with machineguns and loaded with weapons and ammunition in Daraa al-Balad and al-Mahata in the city of Daraa.

Later, army units destroyed terrorists’ concentrations, hideouts, and assorted weapons in the southern part of al-Manshiye neighborhood and al-Nazihin Camp in Daraa al-Balad.

An army unit killed and injured all members of an armed terrorist group after targeting their gathering in Atman Town, 4km north of Daraa city.

Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media websites the killing of a number of their members, among them Mohammad Musaab al-Hamadi of the so-called Liwa Shuhada Houran and Ibrahim Taha al-Hariri.

The terrorist organizations acknowledged the killing of 5 of their members and the injury of others in an ambush at Ghabagheb-al-Jameaat road in the northern countryside of Daraa, asserting that terrorist nicknamed Abu Ali and Yousef al-Atrash, Mohammad Abbas and Hussein Matroud were among the dead.


Army units targeted Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations’ hideouts and gatherings in Haritan town, destroying their vehicles and supply routes.

A military source told SANA that the army units destroyed positions and movements of Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist groups affiliated to them in the neighborhoods of al-Rashideen, al-Liramoun, Bustan al-Bacha, Bani Zaid, Karem al-Maysar  and al-Sheikh Said in the city of Aleppo.

The army inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) , destroying a number of their vehicles, some equipped with machineguns after targeting their positions and hideouts in the villages of Tal Hatabat, Qutar , al-Muflisah and al-Bab

Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media websites the killing of a number of their members, among them Basel Ahmad Homos.


Army units inflicted heavy losses in personnel upon terrorists from the so-called al-Izza gathering during operations against their positions in al-Latamneh town in the northern countryside of Hama.

A field source said in a statement to SANA that 13 terrorist were killed including Abdul- Naser Younes Khattab, deputy leader of al-Izza gathering in al-Latamneh.

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages that Khattab was killed along with the terrorist Mohammad Heitham al-Kateb al-Mahmoud.


The Syrian Air Force carried out airstrikes on hideouts of ISIS terrorists in al-Qaryatain city at the outskirts of the Badiya desert 85 km east of Homs city, destroying a number of their bases and vehicles.

A military source told SANA that the Syrian Air Force also destroyed hideouts and concentrations for terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and other terror groups in Teirma’ala 7 km north of Homs city.


An army unit bombarded the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists’ gathering in Tal al-Sahen, 40 km southeast Sweida city, a military source told SANA Saturday.

The source added that the army unit also destroyed a number of ISIS vehicles, some equipped with machineguns, in the countryside of the southern Sweida province.


A military source told SANA that Army and Armed Forces units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, established control over the villages of al-Tefahiya, Hilwa al-Gharbiya, Hilwa al-Sharqiya, al-Amlik, Beit Arab, Beit Ablaq, and Tal Asholan along with all the hills surrounding them in Lattakia’s northern countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army units and defense groups killed and injured many terrorists in the aforementioned villages and the hills around them, destroying their fortified positions, weapons, and munitions, while engineering units combed the areas and dismantled explosive devices and landmines left behind by terrorists.


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