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Monthly Archives: January 2016

Synthetic Reality Nation

There are some stories the Folks who really run things will not allow published in the Mainstream Media and broadcast on the Network News because this truth would quickly erode the Establishment's lies, propaganda and false-narratives which have produced a synthetic, false reality over the last 50 years.

Metaphysics of the New World Order: Contempt for Morality and Practical Reason

When you are operating within a system which denies objective morality, you will inevitably become the antithesis of your own moral and intellectual existence.

US Man Charged in Mass Murder Plot Aimed at Church of Scientology

The Illinois resident allegedly vowed to murder the controversial Scientology leader David Miscavige, as well as “every single” member of the church in threats...

Obama Calls on Turkey to Withdraw Unauthorized Forces in Iraq – White House

US President Barack Obama called on Turkey to withdraw any military forces not authorized by the Iraqi government during his call with Prime Minister...

Syrian Dissident: Execution of Saudi Cleric Plotted in Tel Aviv

TEHRAN (FNA)- A prominent Syrian dissident leader says Israel has persuaded the Riyadh government to kill prominent Saudi Muslim cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. "It...

Cologne Muslim Assaults Now Cited as False Flag

Editor's note:  VT has its own reports which tell of police standing around with their hands in their pockets while nightclub bouncers come to...

Zionist vs. anti-Zionist Debate: Why are Saudis burning down the Middle East?

“The extremist forces in Saudi Arabia together with the extremist neo-conservative forces in the United States have decided to set the Middle East on fire and it has been burning ever since the World Trade Center was blown up with explosives on September 11, 2001.”

VT Nuclear Education: North Korea Fission-Fusion (Hydrogen bomb) Device Claim Doubted

One of two things happened, either North Korea exploded an atom bomb, fission only, and lied about it or they exploded a small and highly advanced tactical fission-fusion (Teller type) device, which means something entirely different, something far more threatening than is being discussed may have transpired.

NEO – Pipeline wars heat up in Eurasia

Jim W. Dean - Eurasian countries are now walking a tightrope between economic and political consolidation and regional competition. Will energy pipeline competition really help create peace, or bitter economic rivalries?

VT Turkey: ISIS is a Vile Terrorist Organisation for the Majority of Turkish People

VT Ankara, Turkey - Democracy, equality and rule of the people are just words in the Constitutions of countries, but in reality the people have little say in their governments.

Veterans Bills Push For More Benefits, Services

A new bill aims to help homeless veterans receive state aid, if they do not qualify for federal benefits.

LA County approves $7 million to help homeless — especially women, veterans

The Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved $7 million in funding to help get homeless individuals -- particularly women and veterans - - off the street and into housing quickly.

Iraq Big Victories in Anbar, ISIS War Minister, 250 other Terrorist Killed

On Tuesday, Iraqi fighter jets pounded a terrorist base in the town of Barwanah killing the purported Daesh war minister, identified as Samer Mohammad Matloub Hussein al- Mahlawi, along with three of his close aides

North Korea Confirms Successful Testing of Hydrogen Bomb

North Korea announced a successful test of a hydrogen bomb in a special statement broadcasted by the country's central TV and South Korean TV channels.

US warned Saudis of Nimr’s execution in advance

Jim W. Dean - The Saudis had to have a big reason to roll the dice on killing Sheikh al-Nimr. I can think of a couple, starting with they were desperate to get media attention off their being state sponsors of terror.

Washington Lied: Evidence Proves USSR Downed KE007 Plane by Accident

Jim W. Dean - We have had a rare event with the Japanese declassifying diplomatic documents that prove the Soviets shot down the Korean 007 airliner by mistake, thinking it was a US spy plane ignoring all requests to change course.

Veterans Say Trained Dogs Help With PTSD, But The VA Won’t Pay

At a warehouse near Dallas, a black Lab named Papi tugs on a rope to open a fridge and passes his trainer a plastic water bottle with his mouth.

U.S. Small Business Administration offers help to veterans

The U.S. Small Business Administration has resources available for veterans who want to start their own businesses or for small businesses that may have been affected by employees who have been deployed.

Iranian Report: ISIS Marketing Kids as Suicide Bombers

Tens of thousands of young Muslim boys are being bought and sold as suicide bombers for up to £30,000 by jihadi militants, it has been claimed.

WHY did the framers of the Constitution choose the word “INFRINGED” for the Second...

Jim W. Dean - John Anthony Hill challenged Britain's version of its 7/7, the July 7th London bombings. This got him arrested on charges of "perverting justice" and put on trial, but he was acquitted by a jury. Mr. Hill's charges are now part of that official court record for all time.

Secret UN Security Council Meeting on Turkish Role Aiding ISIS

The United Nations Security Council will discuss delivery of weapons from Turkey to Syria on Tuesday at Russia’s request

Inner Logic of Pentagon: U. S. Sees Russia as Enemy—But Russia Should Not Return...

If officials at the Pentagon really mean what they say, why can’t they abide by international law? Why are they willing to destroy democratic countries like Syria, where Assad won the presidential election by a landslide?

Crimea turns on gas supply to freezing Ukrainian town

 Gas has begun flowing into a southern Ukrainian town that pleaded for Russian help during a bitter cold front. Amid regular blackouts caused by...

Yes, Putin: They’re Going To Realize What They’ve Done

Just as a bell starts another round in a boxing match, the Sixth Trumpet of the seven described in the Book of Revelation brings in the Sixth Time Period. During it, World War 3 breaks out

Rag Radio: All-Star Musical Jam with Powell St. John, Spencer Perskin, Maryann Price

Features rousing performance by iconic 'old school' '60s blues-rockers.

Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt

Judaism and its Israelite stories of militant raids are as genuinely Arabian as Islam and its tales of holy wars and jihad

Apartments In Ohio Being Remodeled For Homeless Veterans

Volunteers in Campbell, Ohio began remodeling two apartments on Delmar Avenue on Saturday for veterans that don’t have a home.

January 4, 2016 Intel Drop

I don't know where to start and that's not a good thing. We can begin with the break in relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Rogue Pentagon Officials Thwart White House Efforts to Close Guantanamo

An investigation has revealed the tactics used by Pentagon officials to prevent the transferal or freeing of prisoners from Guantanamo, despite the wishes of the...

Three Months of Russian Aerospace Forces Operation in Syria in Details

On September 30, 2015, the Russian Federation Council unanimously supported President Vladimir Putin's proposal to authorize sending a Russian task force to Syria. Daesh’s 90-Day...

Syrian group withdraws from coalition to focus on fighting Assad

Rebels of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front captured the Syrian city of Idlib last May. AFP photo A member of the Islamist Jaish al-Fatah (Army of...

Police State Turkey: Erdogan Seeks Arrest of Kurdish Political Opponents

  ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--In the latest row between Ankara and the Kurds of Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for the lifting of immunities...

Afghanistan: peace talks and conflict escalation

  By Masud Wadan, for VT The root cause of today’s endless conflict in Afghanistan dates back to the day when soviet forces set foot on...

A Reasoned Response to Reader About Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Robert Spencer, and...

You cannot reason a person out of an idea which was not born on the basis of reason, particularly when that person cherishes that idea so much that he would almost die defending it.

Who Stole Dubai’s Gold?

The latest scandal!

Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over embassy storming

Jim W. Dean - Now we know why the Saudi Royal family executed Sheikh al-Nimr this weekend. It would set off anti-Saudi demonstrations all over the world, as cover for an internal crackdown on all dissent and will divert the growing media attention on the Saudis being state sponsors of terror.

Saudi head-choppers are worse than ISIS

The Zionist-dominated Western media is covering up for the Saudi head-choppers.

America’s criminal justice system is a hoax

One of the most common ways people develop perceptions and/or form judgments about certain events, people, and/or occupations is by how they are portrayed in the corporate-controlled media.

Will Kiev’s New Foreign Propaganda Network be Able to Stave Off Disaster?

Last week, President Poroshenko signed a law 'on the foreign broadcasting system of Ukraine', aimed at "defeating the lies of the aggressor" (guess who that is?) and creating a new state-funded channel – Ukraine Tomorrow.

Is There a Secret US, Russian Compromise on Syria?

'Did he or didn't he?' That's the essence of the latest back and forth dispute between American and Russian diplomatic observers, sparring over President...