Color Revolution

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA - MAY 04: Commander and chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters and South African presidential candidate Julius Malema greets supporters as he enters the Lucas Moripe Stadium for an Economic Freedom Fighters presidential campaign rally at the Lucas Moripe Stadium on May 4, 2014 in Pretoria, South Africa. The rally comes prior to the South African presidential elections which are scheduled to be held on May 7, 2014. (J. Countess/Getty Images)

by Katherine Frisk

The US Embassy is involved in “irregular activities” in order to advance regime change in South Africa.

Monday 22nd February: ANC following up on US ‘regime change’ concerns:

“Johannesburg – The ANC says it is using diplomatic channels to address its concerns that the US embassy is involved in “irregular activities” and is trying to advance regime change in South Africa.

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe told an anti-racism rally in Pretoria on Friday that he believed the US embassy was meeting regularly to mobilize for a change in leadership in the country, similar to the Arab Spring.

He also said the government was aware of a program that took young people to the US for six weeks and then “plants them everywhere” when they return.”

I cannot say that I was surprised. I have been expecting it for a number of years as I have watched the tensions build in South Africa and the games being played in other parts of the world, all in the interests of “Freedom and Democracy” and let’s not forget, “American Interests” of course!

Outright war under false pretenses has become passe, instead what has been designed is a “color revolution” with a propaganda machine behind it in major mockingbird Western media outlets that blows away any truthful, honest or accurate reporting. Please educate yourself on this international virus that pops up in almost every country on the planet. See HERE. HERE. HERE. HERE.

What is the objective? There are a number of them which I will list below.

Through infiltration and subversive tactics, demonstrations, riots, and acts of aggression, the duly elected government of any country is overthrown and in its place are politicians who have been educated, trained, and are on the payroll of the major American corporations. Here is a sample list:

Bain Capital; The Carlyle Group; Blackrock; Vanguard; Goldman Sachs; J.P.Morgan; Chevron; Barclay’s; Deutsche Bank; AIG; Beyer; Monsanto. These companies are all connected to what is known as the Vampire Squid, or: The 50 Corporations That Rule The World 

Once into power, they do not act for the benefit of the people who have elected them, for the benefit of the country and its people, but for the benefit of these corporations and pass laws, health, education, environmental, banking, and legal that are in the interests of these corporations and their profit margins.

These corporations have devised a new political system which is known as the very secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Trans Atlantic Trade And Investment Partnership whereby corporations, which include the banking sector will have the same rights as governments with their own courts and legal systems and will not be answerable to anyone except themselves. They will be tax exempt and should the laws of any government interfere in their profits, be that environmental, health, minimum wage etc, they will be able to sue those governments for loss of profits. They can even sue those governments for future loss of profits.

ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe. (Amanda Khoza, News24)

Once the duly elected government is replaced by bought and paid-for puppets of their own, any country that has not signed into similar TTP and TTIP agreements will now do so.

In real on-the-ground terms, what does this mean? It means the privatization of all institutions that were once paid for by the taxpayer and for the tax payers benefit.

From an environmental standpoint, these corporations will buy out any and all resources and will not have to comply with environmental laws. Fracking for example, which is a destructive practice will be allowed and the companies who Frack will not have to comply with environmental or wage laws, and should they be forced to do so will be able to sue the government for loss of income in secret law courts of their own and the bill will be duly presented to the taxpayer.

All hospitals, schools, police, and I might add, law courts will be privatized. In the case of the law courts, if you cannot afford someone to represent you, nobody will be provided to defend your interests. Tough takkie! They will function not as a service to the tax-paying public, but as profitable entities that are not subject to paying tax and who have the same rights as governments.

Farmland will be appropriated by large corporate giants like Monsanto and small-scale private farming will be abolished. All food sources will be patented and put into the hands of these corporations. Bill Gates intends to own every seed, every plant, and the patent of every animal. Up to and including your own DNA. You will have to pay to have your own children one day.

In the case of South Africa, the country is not currently part of any TTP or TTIP agreements and is part of the BRICS banking system, which is not part of the fiat dollar but is based on gold-backed securities. This is anathema to American corporations and they intend to break it up and destroy it.

If the coup in Kyiv in Ukraine is anything to go by, a subversive and underhand “color revolution” is currently taking place in South Africa. In the case of Kyiv, the puppet government engineered by George Soros and Victoria Nuland handed over large tracts of land throughout Ukraine to the Fracking industry in which Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son has a major interest.

They also handed over large tracts of land to Monsanto for corporate genetically modified and patented farming.

This resulted in the people of Eastern Ukraine in the Donbas region rejecting the unelected new government installed by American Corporations in a coup under the banner of “Freedom and Democracy “ and “American Interests” in order to protect their own national interests, their farmland and their country from an American Corporate Fascist invasion. Because that is what it is. It is certainly NOT capitalism with checks and balances against monopolies.

The youth in Western Ukraine were rounded up and forced to fight a war against people who in many instances were their own relations. The farmers in eastern Ukraine were Grad Rocket shelled out of their homes and off their land. Over 1 million people fled to Russia for safety. Over half a million have been displaced. When the dust has settled, the land will be devoid of its farmers who have been their family after family for hundreds of years. Mission accomplished. So much for the glorious Maidan, which started out when snipers shot at protesters and police alike in order to get the whole nightmare rolling. This was and still is an extension of Operation Gladio, which is well worth informing yourself about.

Also See Noseweek, Soros, Zuma, and Putin.

So to my fellow South Africans, while you laugh at Jacob Zuma and toy for Inkandla, and scream about Russian Nuclear Power stations, which by the way, are designed to use Nuclear WASTE and recycle it in order to make it harmless, which means that Zupta will not benefit because Rosatom neither wants nor needs our Uranium or anybody else’s for that matter, you are setting yourselves up to become a province of the Corporate Fascist Giant Squid that is consuming country after country like a monstrous pac man. Scar has nothing on these guys. Nor does Sauron, or the Sith Lord for that matter. This is the “New Age.” Ask Gupta.

The next time America forces us to buy their rotten chicken and meat products that we do not need and

Homeland Insecurity
Homeland Insecurity

do not want, give that drought some serious consideration and do some research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification used as “weapons of persuasion.” These days these things do not “just sommer happen.”

The next time there is a “Marikana,” read between the lines and find out who started it and who paid who to ensure that it became violent. The next time we are beset by xenophobia search out the match that lit the fire.

The next time Eskom blacks out ask yourself if there is not some kind of covert internal and external sabotage going on in order to force the ANC to sell it to private offshore interests, in which case your electricity bill will quadruple in the same way that the country has now been burdened with toll gate fees. Similar to the Assault on the Rand, when Sasol and Deutsche Bank almost brought the value of the rand to its knees because they were of the opinion that the ANC was not privatizing fast enough!

The same goes for our rivers and dams that are now polluted with the accompanying war cry that they should all be “privatized.” Really? By who? Nestle?

What about our taxes? Read TPP: $3.5 Trillion Stolen, Gold Price Rigging, Colour Revolutions and Hanging out with BRICS and you may find some answers to that question.

The next time Julius Malema makes a fool of himself in Parliament, ask yourself who exactly is paying for all those Red Berets. Who coaches him, who teaches him his lines like some well-trained actor? And does he have a microchip in his ear dictating the next rant so that he does not put a foot out of step or need to read from a prepared script?

He sounds less and less African by the day and more and more like a trained Hollywood actor who thinks he can win an argument by being aggressive and shouting the loudest! 75% truth that you want to hear and drags you in, but beware of the 25% that you would normally reject and is the real agenda waiting to entrap you! And who stands to benefit from the cancellation of the Russian Nuclear Power stations? General Electric? SASOL?

Also, ask yourself why the Democratic party has done little to nothing to stop iniquitous and thieving Toll Roads, insist that GMO products are labeled or preferably banned altogether or has done very little to stand up in Parliament and prevent Fracking in the Karoo. Oops sorry, they have been too busy toy-toying Inkandla!

I think you might find that steering them behind the scenes is Soros and the Gang! And trust me, “Freedom and Democracy” is the last thing on their minds. “American Interests” and Corporate Fascism with a government that is bought and paid for and that will willingly sign into similar agreements as the TPP and the TTIP is their agenda.

The fear of “die communisss, die terrorisss, en die athiesss,” has blinded South Africans into thinking that this is capitalism when it is anything but! It is monopolistic Corporate Fascism at its best!

Putin_Church_putin_orthodoxchruchdownloadWhile we are on this subject, while Western nations are chasing farmers off their land through one means or another, Putin is subsidizing small-scale farming, handing over the land, and encouraging the development of organic food production. He has also banned GMOs.

While Western nations are banning religious education in schools and erecting statues in cities to Satan, Putin has not only been fully supportive of the Orthodox Christian church and Christianity taught in schools but he recently opened a Mosque in the center of Moscow. He supports religious tolerance and respect. The West pisses all over it.

While the West is hell-bent on ecological destruction in the oil industry along with outdated Nuclear Power Stations that are leaking high levels of Nuclear waste across the USA, now that they have lined their pockets and bank accounts they want to leave the mess for the taxpayer to pay to clean it up,  Russia has developed a patent for recycling Nuclear waste and making it harmless. We have now accumulated so much Nuclear waste that it can keep these power stations running for 300 years!

So much for “die terroisss, die communisss en die athiesss!”

And talking about terrorists, South Africans need to do a double take and keep in mind that people like Mitt Romney and Sheldon Abelson have their fingers in the pie of Boko Harem and they are under the impression that they can just walk in and buy up South Africa as though it is no more and no less than some paltry item in a flea market!  That the CIA has funded and supported ISIS on its rampage across Iraq and Syria where Christians, who you hear very little about in Western media, have been massacred, and crucified and their women and children rounded up, sold on slave markets, and raped. Coupled with this western companies have been buying illegal and stolen oil from ISIS and in effect have been funding them.


Who Owns ISIS

Is Vitol Buying Oil From ISIS?

IF South Africa ends up with any Boko Haram or ISIS extremists, you can be damn sure who is behind them and funding them! And they are not your friends as you presume to think that they are because they are hiding under a capitalist wolf’s clothing! Far From it!

So gat maar aan mense! Your Constitution, your Bill of Rights, and your Constitutional Court that you cheered on at SONA will mean nothing, neither will your vote. Welcome to the new South Africa Boet!

Let’s hear it one more time! Toy with me now!

Inkandla! Inkandla! Eish Zupta! Gupta! Inkandla! And do not forget your Red Beret!

Katherine Frisk is a freelance writer, political commentator, and the author of: Jesus Was A Palestinian.


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