John Kerry Unintentionally Destroys the New World Order Ideology

"You know, it is possible for the United States to posit contradictory statements at the same time and in the same respect. After all, that's how we are able to manipulate the masses."
“You know, it is possible for the United States to posit contradictory statements at the same time and in the same respect. After all, that’s how we have been able to manipulate the masses.”

…by Jonas E. Alexis


We have repeatedly argued that the New World Order is irrational and existentially unlivable because its representatives do not want to submit their appetite to what Immanuel Kant would call practical reason. In fact, the New World Order begins and ends with irrationality.

For example, the State Department has reported ad nauseam that Iran is the “top state sponsor of terrorism,”[1] despite the fact that the same State Department knows very well that Iran is also fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Listen to this indictment:

“Iran remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in 2015, providing a range of support, including financial, training and equipment, to groups around the world.”[2]

Interesting, isn’t it? A small country like Iran is able to provide a wide-range of equipment to terrorist groups “around the world.” The evidence? Well, it was nowhere to be found. And these people want to convince us that they do not believe in conspiracy theory? They want us to believe that they take scholarship seriously?[3]

Another sponsor of terrorism, the State Department tells us, is the Assad government, the very entity that is fighting ISIS in Syria! The State Department adds that Iran provided military support to “various groups in Iraq and throughout the Middle East.”[4] The report came out on June 4th of this year.

Just a few days later, John Kerry cut the State Department to pieces when he declared:

“Look, we have challenges with Iran as everybody knows and we are working on those challenges. But I can tell you that Iran in Iraq has been in certain ways helpful, and they clearly are focused on ISIL-Daesh [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL], and so we have a common interest, actually.”[5]

We have a situation here, sheriff. It is called a contradiction. But Kerry probably didn’t know that he was implicitly cutting the New World Order ideology to pieces. He did add a little pepper in the New World Order last April as well when he said that Russia played “constructive role” in the Syrian ceasefire.[6] And here we are faced with some inevitable conclusions.

Is Iran a terrorist state? The New World Order tells us yes. For the sake of argument, let us suppose that this crazy idea is true. Does that mean that the United States is a terrorist state for working with “terrorist” states like Iran as well?

You see, the State Department, NATO and even the Neocons cannot answer this dilemma because it is unexplainable from a rational point of view. Since the Neocons in particular want nothing but bloodshed in the Middle East, they have to invent implausible scenarios so that they can continue their aimless wars virtually everywhere.

As Jacob Heilbrunn of the LA Times rightly put it last year: “The neocon doctrine: Bombing and invading foreign enemies is a moral virtue.”[7] It was this “moral virtue” that compelled the Neocons to use Hillary Clinton, who in turn sent Libya into total “anarchy.”[8] And the same “moral virtue” has sparked an unnecessary conflict with Russia.[9] It was this “moral virtue” that allowed flaming Neocon Michael Ledeen to say:

“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We must destroy [our enemies] to advance our historic mission.”[10]

If “Creative destruction” is part of Ledeen’s ideological make-up, then it is inevitable that people like Ledeen will be in conflict with people of reason. That is one reason why Ledeen and his subversive brethren have been hated through the centuries.[11]

[1] “State Department: Iran is top state sponsor of terrorism,” Times of Israel, June 4, 2016.

[2] Ibid.

[3] For studies on these issues, see Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008); A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012); Gareth Porter, Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare (Charlottesville, VA: Just World Books, 2014).

[4] “State Department: Iran is top state sponsor of terrorism,” Times of Israel, June 4, 2016.

[5] “John Kerry unexpectedly admits Iran is ‘helpful’ to US in fighting ISIS in Iraq,” Russia Today, June 29, 2016.

[6] “Putin intelligent strategist, Russia played constructive role in Syria, Iran – Kerry on Charlie Rose,” Russia Today, April 7, 2016.

[7] Jacob Heilbrunn, “The neocons: They’re back, and on Iran, they’re uncompromising as ever,” LA Times, April 2, 2015.

[8] David Bromwich, “The Roots of Hillary’s Infatuation with War,” National Interest, June 29, 2016.

[9] For a recent development, see “Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia,” Russia Today, July 1, 2016.

[10] Quoted in Craig Unger, “The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed,” Vanity Fair, July 2006.

[11] For a historical study on this, see E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008).


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