Who’s Ruining America? Career Politicians!


General George S

Speer-Williams -Jsw4@mac.com

Term limits! We need Citizen Legislators, not Career Politicians.

Through surrogates,* the International Banking and Monetary Cartel secretly finances the political campaigns of career politicians for the presidency and seats in Congress.

*Surrogates: Jeffrey Katzenberg, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, George Marcus, Ronald Perelman, Steven Silberstein, Benjamin Klein, Mark Epstein, Bernard Schwartz, Michael Bloomberg, Donald Sussman, George Soros.

The mainstream corporate media of North America and Europe is owned and tightly controlled by the banking oligarchs; and that control is used to support the career politicians who will sponsor pro-banking/anti-citizen laws and Executive Orders.

This is done, of course, to keep paid puppets (career politicians) in office for the benefit of the banking oligarchs.

Without this oligarchical financial and media support, no one can be elected to high public office anywhere in the entire alignment of Western countries: this is particularly true in the United States of America.

These oligarchs are fascists, as the most basic definition of fascism is corporatists secretly controlling government.

Once a nation’s central government is completely known to be controlled by corporatists, that government is no longer a government that even slightly tries to represent the people, but is now a solid corporatism for the sole benefit of the oligarchs.

The oligarchs hide their creeping corporatism behind such words as Free, Trade, and Agreements, usually known as FTAs.

While the FTAs do free the oligarchs from having to obey national laws, the agreements also call for the enforcing of corporate laws on governments – such as huge financial reparations being paid to the oligarchs and/or their corporations from taxpayers, by way of their governments.

The ever more liberal (libertine) governance that comes smelling out of Washington, like rotten eggs, has long supported fascism and is well on its way of introducing full-fledged, full-blown corporatism into America. The alleged progressive voters (regressive voters) have always supported more and more corporatism, without ever knowing what they were doing. But call it liberal or progressive and the clueless libertines and regressives are all for it.

The liberal and progressive president, William J. Clinton, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. In 1994, President Clinton also signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The United States of America has been hemorrhaging jobs ever since those signings – signings that had been passed with majority votes by “bought and paid for” career politicians in Congress.

Senator Bernie Sanders accused his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton, of supporting disastrous free trade deals. And the senator was right. Bill and Hillary have both never been anything more than career sock puppets of the cartel of foreign banking oligarchs.

Hillary Clinton is the physical and mental embodiment of a graft-taking and blackmailed career politician. All career politicians have committed serious crimes for which they can be blackmailed by the bankers through banker control of the media.

Do it or we’ll expose you on Fox News and all other media outlets. Then you’ll be indicted on your way to a long prison term.

Americans who can see through the media’s political machinations know what to expect with a Hillary Clinton presidency; it’ll be much more of the same, but far worse. Lady Clinton has been accompanied by a deplorable and arrogant recklessness all her personal and public life. Another president named Clinton will most assuredly continue our agony, with no ecstasy possible.

So far, the Obama administration has been successful in not getting us into a nuclear war with Russia or China, even though the Neocons* in the US Defense Department have been trying their very best to provoke Russia and China into World War III.

*The Neocons are predominantly dual Israeli/US citizens, who share a passion for human slaughter with their familial masters – the International Banking and Monetary Cartel.

Hillary Diane (nee Rodham) Clinton has already said we should start WW III, with one of her typical psychotic statements: We should shoot down the Russian planes in Syria.

Does the lady not understand the Russians were destroying the war machines of the terrorists? Did she not understand that downing a Russian plane could bring about a nuclear WW III?

Surely a President Hillary Clinton will continue America’s “humanitarian” wars against humanity.

But once again, it looks like we’ll have another congenital liar as president;  the lady has had a long and tortured relationship with the truth.

And with her native belligerency and lack of spirituality, the nuclear option will always be in a President Clinton’s To-Do basket. The woman is a threat to all life on earth.

It is not unreasonable to suspect Ms. Hillary Clinton to be behind the recent and mysterious deaths of four of her top-level Insiders. These were key advisors, people who had access to condemning evidence concerning Ms. Clinton: Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, Victor Thorne, and John Ashe are no longer among the living.

In point of fact, the Clinton body count has steadily increased over the years from Vince Foster, to Walter Scheib, to Mary Mahoney, to James McDougal,  and Charles Ruff – plus forty to one hundred and twenty others.*

*Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service recently released a report that the father (Vincent Fleck) of Hillary’s physician (Dr. Daniel Fleck) was found dead just twenty-four hours after he released a summary of Mrs. Clinton’s medical record which included Complex Partial Seizures and her Subcortical Vascular Dementia.

Born on the 26th of October, 1947, Mrs. Clinton grew up during the Cold War of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with the Soviet Union. But perhaps the lady does not know that the nuclear bombs of today are 17,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs that existed at the beginning of our long Cold War with the Soviet Union. Or does the former American Secretary of State have such an affinity for war that she is willing to overlook the ghastly reality that the US/NATO/Israeli and Russian/Chinese arsenals are full of thousands of such horridly powerful bombs?

Destroying countries that are too small or weak to fight back is one thing, Mrs. Clinton, but a war with Russia or China is something else entirely.

Hillary Clinton has supported every American foreign war or military escalation for the last two decades. Such rash, reckless militarism has given her the support of the Israeli dual citizens (Neocons) who have controlled the US foreign policy for unilateral wars of aggression since George Bush, the elder, was president.

Additionally, as president, Mrs. Clinton would most likely inherit the power to name three to four US Supreme Court justices, which would mean the death of our American Constitution.

As Madame Secretary of the US State Department, Mrs. Clinton proved her obvious incompetence and her total obedience to her oligarchical masters with her Benghazi scandal and the major part she played in bombing Libya, the country with the highest standard of living on the entire African continent.

Did Hillary fly the bombers that utterly destroyed the Libyan nation and its people? Did she personally bomb and destroy Libya’s Eighth Wonder of the World – their deep underground river project that held the real potential of turning the deserts green with food?

No, but she played a major part in the destruction of a sovereign nation and proved it when she spoke on CBS TV.

After Libyan Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi was brutally assassinated by Hillary’s assisted Al-Qaeda terrorists, the woman went before worldwide TV cameras and cackled demonically: We came. We saw. He died.

Few who saw and heard Mrs. Clinton’s confession did not feel icy chills up their spines. Her voice and demeanor, at that moment, gave us all a look into the dark absence of any soul within  Hillary Clinton.

Now, due in large part to Mrs. Clinton, Libya is not only a failed and chaotic state in the midst of a full-blown civil war, but ISIS has taken root there. “Thanks, Hillary.”

It was during this period of Hillary’s State Department career that the Clintons became wealthy – extremely wealthy. When leaving the White House, Hillary bemoaned that she and Bill were broke. But as Secretary of State, Hillary began, in earnest, her play-for pay practice of using public office for private gain, which solved her monetary problems with her self-styled, tax-free Clinton Foundation – a true racketeering enterprise protected by racketeers too important to indict or jail. There are a hefty mounds of empirical evidence that would throw Hillary into prison in any kind of just judicial system not controlled by the monetary and banking oligarchs.

At something resembling warp speed, the Clintons became super wealthy. In spite of always being on government employee payrolls, the Hillary Clintons suddenly had over $300 million and a Foundation of over $3 billion. How do government employees become super  wealthy?

The Clintons figured out ways of cashing in on their past and current governmental positions. They sold favors to everyone from thugs (trying to stay out of prison) to leaders of adversarial countries wanting an edge on America.

High-rolling globalists and foreign governments (especially Saudi Arabia)  have poured over three billion dollars into the Clinton Foundation, with little of that money ever going to charities or doing any charitable work.

CNN claims that corporations and foreign governments gave Hillary and Bill (for their Foundation?) twenty-six million dollars for speeches (and the use of their private jets).

The Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments with poor human rights records and even poorer histories of violations against women (think Saudi Arabic, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman).

The most burning question with regard to so much money going to the Clintons and their Foundation is a simple question – what did Hillary and Bill promise, do, or exchange (other than giving speeches) for so many undercover dollars flowing indirectly to them by way of their Foundation?

Will American citizens end up paying off the Clinton chits?

Needless to say, the Clintons have no need for food stamps. Hillary and Bill’s daughter, Chelsea, married hedge-fund owner Marc Mezvinsky in 2010. Their wedding ceremony is said to have cost the Clintons over three million dollars.

In the spring of 2016, the New York Post lambasted Mrs. Clinton for her wearing of a $12,495 Armani jacket during her New York primary victory speech. In that speech, Clinton went on and on about the awful inequality of incomes in the United State of America. The poor woman has little shame and  I suspect has less common sense. She certainly has no charisma. Has anyone ever witnessed a more boring, tiring public figure?

The kind of legislation a President Hillary Clinton would sponsor would not simply be fatuous, it would be  obstructive of any kind of economic recovery or of even a slight reversal of our police state toward our personal freedoms. If Hillary attains the White House, it would mark the nadir of our once great country, both in terms of personal freedom, and prosperity.hillary

None of the above exposures of Mrs. Clinton’s inadequacies for the highest office in our land touch upon Hillary’s rather extensive homosexual past and present, which may or may not be germane, if the woman confessed to her sexual proclivities. Otherwise, as president, Clinton would be open to blackmail, especially considering her rather close relationship with the suspected Saudi Arabian agent, the beautiful seductress – Huma Abedin.*

*Huma Abedin was Hillary’s Deputy Chief of Staff at the US Department of State and is currently Clinton’s chief advisor and sole roommate on the presidential campaign trail.

The frumpy Mrs. Clinton is a fishwife twin of Germany’s traitorous Angela Merkel. Hillary is the face of special interest corruption in government.  Some people think Hillary Clinton is either incompetent or criminal; I think she’s both.

In essence, fundamentally, and in summation, I’d say Hillary personifies the 3Ds: Dirty, Dangerous, and Dull.

The very fact that Hillary Clinton was allowed to run for the US presidency, rather than being imprisoned, should have been a loud alarm to all of us. But those whom the gods wish to destroy first turn into Hillary supporters.

Hillary, however, will be our next president for two reasons: we have too many uneducated voters in America; and the electronic voting machines will be fixed.

Expect financial chaos and civic paralysis during yet another Clinton presidency.

The one-percenters (the Controllers  who will make Hillary president) have a motto: Ordo ab chao (Order out of Chaos). They already have chaos, but they want more. They want hellacious levels of chaos in America. Ms. Hillary Clinton will help to provide them with as much chaos as they want.

And as the malapropism king, little George Bush, once said, “It will take time to restore chaos and order.”

Hillary Clinton will become the titular head of a country that has fallen to the oligarchs, far from the divine grace and glories of the Andrew Jackson presidency.

The despotic/con-artist cult that is controlling and ruining our federal  government must be routed out of Washington – out of our country – if our traditional way of life has any hope of survival.

The United States has been fractured culturally and economically during the eight years of the Obama presidency; as a result, the Global Peace Index has ranked America at No. 103 among the most peaceful nations in the world.

And with all the “pay-back” due us,  created by the Bushes and Obama with their destruction of so many countries in the Middle East, America has never been less secure.

Still, none of the Bushes or Obama got us into a war with Russia or China, something Mrs. Clinton is subject to do.

But during the years of Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama, we have had exploding unemployment, greatly increased welfare dependency, more unilateral wars for the bankers, along with increased racial tensions.

Barack Obama doubled our national debt, matching the indebtedness of all preceding US presidents combined. During the Obama years we lost six million small businesses, acquired thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, and saw home ownership fall by 5.6%.

But you gotta love a guy who takes some time off. Thus far, Mr. Obama’s vacations have only cost the American people seventy million dollars.

And the guy keeps with tradition: such as handing his successor more foreign policy disasters than he inherited.

And while many Americans overlook the fact that Obama has bloodied his hands with millions of displaced, impoverished, dying, and dead in the Middle East, the man, for eight years, committed cardinal sins: he continued the Bush practice of torturing human life in some of the over 700 US military bases around the world.

Some of Obama’s unpardonable crimes include the torture of children in front of their parents. Our President Obama and former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, should both be tried as war criminals, as only God can forgive them.

John KiriakouFreed CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou says, “I would do it all again” [to help expose torture].

Torture has proven time and again it does not work: torturees will confess to anything. Torture is worthless in obtaining workable intel data. So why has Obama allowed so much of it? His actual statement was … I don’t want to offend the [United States/NATO/Israeli] intelligence community.

Appearing to be inoffensive is about the kindest yet most honest truth anyone can make concerning Obama.

I still, however, do not think the man understands what he reads off his teleprompters.

It is embarrassing to see Barack stumble around hemming and hawing when his teleprompters go on the blink. You would think an American president would have some slight or insignificant understanding of the events of our day.

Today, we have but two realistic choices for the US presidency: one a known screaming negative, the other a possible positive.

trump v hillarySounding like a bully, a braggart, and a buffoon is not the best way to conduct a political campaign; but, I prefer a clown with a soul to a practically soulless psychotic, who has a lust for using public office for personal gain, no matter the cost to those she swore to serve.

Perhaps as a presidential candidate Mr. Trump is merely “wingin’ it”. But even so, he could very well throw up a bit of a roadblock – even if temporarily – blocking the oppressive march of the banking oligarchs toward their iron-fisted despotism and planned poverty.

Donald Trump is an outlier. He has never been one of the throng of career politicians who have so long been ruining our country. And as a non-career politician, Mr. Trump is not only our best chance, he may be our last chance.

Post Script: Call him a mountebank if you like, but Mr. Trump had one sterling attribute this past primary season none of the other candidates had – he had absolutely no political or governmental experience.


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