Is it just a coincidence that every debate Trump is involved in turns into a nasty confrontation name calling insult affair? Of course not! This is his motis operandi (M.O.) and how he gets things going his way. But what is his way?
To save his drowning PussyGate presidential campaign, as expected, Reckless Confessed Sexual Assault Sniffler and now Banana Republic Nixonian Thug Trump went full nuclear at last nights presidential debate.
The absolute worst and very serious part of the nastiest debate in history was when he threatened to put his political opponent in jail. This is very serious! This is the absolutely the newest low in our modern American democracy.
What makes our country different than small Banana Republic dictatorships is that we don’t put political opponents in jail when they lose. An imperial presidency is absolutely Un-American.
What Nasty Imperial Trump did was embarrass our country in front of the whole world giving signal to everyone watching that the USA under an Imperial President Trump will be a Banana Republic putting all political dissidents and advocates against his will on his revenge list.
Clearly Dictator Trump does NOT understand how our system of law works. But like all things Trump, that doesn’t matter because its’ about him and nothing else.
In fact, it looks more like Toxic Trump is pivoting to become the new anti-Hillary coalition and make a new Roger Ailes media network to make money over the next 4 years under President Hillary.
Polls today are reporting 11% widening lead for Clinton over Trump. And House Speaker Paul Ryan just announced he won’t be defending Trump. Money is going to dry up immediately now! Down ticket Republicans now have permission to reject Trump without repercussions. In short, it’s every man for himself now.
It was incredibly selfish for Trump to drop the political nukes without consequence. He is destroying his campaign, the GOP, and everything else he touches. It’s not funny not matter how much we hate our broken government. Revolution is NOT a joke and it’s not a pretty sight. So let’s be very careful what we really ask for.
What really got me and undecided voters was this zero class confessed sexual assaulter claimed again “Nobody Has More Respect for Women Than Me” after trying to explain away his PussyGate. Really? Unbelievable contempt!
He tried to say we did not hear him correctly and that it was just locker room talk from a 59 year old boy playing fun with his lil’ buddy.
This after Confessed Sexual Assault Trump trotted out rape accusers of Bill Clinton to make the a dramatic point that Bill is a worse guy than him because he rapes and Trump is just a locker room rapist!
And wore, idiot Trump is on record on video calling Paula Jones a loser! What a dick! Contempt! This guy takes that whole cake!
Oh and by the way Mister America’s Number One Misogynist Bill is NOT running for President. The woman to whom you are stalking, menacing, and dismissing in the debate is the candidate. She’s a woman you dismissive jackass.
But you know that because you were stalking walking behind her with your big manly frame trying to intimidate her. Every woman out there gets that you ignoramus weakling! You stupid arrogant fool!
By the way, I did fact check and surprise, Hillary is the candidate for President; not Bill. I guess no one told the Dismissive Confessed Sexual Assault Menace Trump. Oopps!
To me, what we saw last night was just flat out depressing, sad, and frankly has become a national emergency.
Granted Hillary was NOT perfect. She did miss many opportunities to hit back against the Nasty Confessed Sexual Assault Imperial Trump. And she made a few false statements as reported by non-partisan fact check organizations. So we must call her out on her faux paux.
But Trump? What kind of stupid strategy was that? Is he that dumb? Isn’t Roger Ailes behind his strategy? Oh there you go! He’s running to start his his own media $$$$ network to be the Anti-Hillary money machine! Now that makes cents! Much smarter! I mean, being President is NOT really that profitable!
I mean, yeah he gave his Alt-Right rebel TrumpBot base orgasm calling her the devil and declaring he would put his political opponent in jail. I mean, yeah, I could see TrumpBots going nutzo thinking how cool that he called her names on National TV. They were clearly rolling on their rebel floors, giving high fives, and screaming at the top of the lungs. It was their Breitbart night to shine for sure.
Unfortunately, Confessed Sexual Assaulter Trump did NOT do a darn thing to win over undecided voters that he truly needs to win.
In fact, his demeanor, disposition, and timbre was so nasty so menacing that he actually turned off even more voters. Plain and simple, he was gross and disgusting! That kind of special Trump nasty is a turn-off to most people who don’t harbor the TrumpBot ethos.
And worse, he never presented an aspirational vision for the United States further solidifying him as the nasty guy in the room who just bitches about the other person. In short, he did NOT move the needle that he absolutely needed to do to win. TrumpBot orgasms notwithstanding, what was the point of the Confessed Sexual Assault Trump‘s Alt-Right strategy? And does it really matter?
I mean as it stands, the Confessed Sexual Assault Trump has virtually NO Republicans on his side. He’s a political pariah within his own party. But maybe that is the point of his candidacy? I mean, the GOP is right now in a full fledged civil war. The oldest political party in the world is in danger of breaking up and being destroyed. This is a serious national crisis and national emergency.
And now, Confessed Sexual Assault Trump threw his VP Pence 2020 under the bus dismissing and completely contradicting Pence 2020’s foreign policy on Middle East. What was that about? When was the last time we saw such a disconnect between the Presidential Candidate and the Vice-President. That was really bizarre.
Of course Pence 2020 tweeted the typical “congrats” to Trump but has canceled all public events today. It appears that Pence 2020 is going to meet with the GOP at their post-debate panic meeting to decide what to do about the most toxic candidate in U.S. History. We are awaiting the Pence 2020 reaction to Paul Ryan’s abandoning of Trump. Will he join Team Ryan or join the Trump Ailes TV Network and cash in on the big bucks?
What really made most every undecided voter angry with Trump was that the moderator Anderson Cooper gave the Confessed Sexual Assault Trump an early path to be contrite and apologize sincerely; to put himself on the mercy of the American people without qualifying. But in true Jackass Trump form, he crapped out on that as well again dismissing his confession of sexual assault as just a 59 year old man engaging in locker room talk.
Worse he pivoted from PussyGate to ISIS. It was a sad rambling. We needed him to give us previously undecided voters a real apology that was contrite and serious. Instead, we got more of the irresponsible Trumpism crap.
And what’s with the dark she has “Hate in Her Heart” hyperbole? What a bizarre jackass no class statement! Again TrumpBots had another orgasm but everyone else? Ewwww!
One can disagree with others on position but to say someone has “hate in their heart”? Really? Wow! That was super ugly and way below the belt. Worse, not very smart if one is trying to convince undecided voters. But apparently he’s not trying and does not care what we think!
Oh and now he cares about the Gold Star Khan family? LOL! Comedian Trump is NOT funny!
Oh and Intelligence Insulting Trump claimed he never sent out a tweet asking voters to see the “Miss Piggy” sex tape. I mean, seriously Donald? Really? Maybe he was on coke and doen’t remember what he tweeted? I mean insulting our intelligence is not a way to win hearts and minds. Urgh!
To me it was a dark and depressing debate that was unable to articulate aspiration. That was sad for everyone. But that was because Trump went nuclear attacking Hillary constantly in a desperate tactical move to convince us that she’s the enemy, worse than him. This instead of presenting a vision for our country. Ewwww!
And finally, on TV it was creepy watching Trump walking, sniffling, pacing, and standing behind her when she was talking looking like he was angry and trying to intimidate her. Non-partisan early polls from voters say the optics were the lasting impression and that was not good for Confessed Sexual Assault Trump.

Bottomline: Did he move the needle of undecided voters needed to win? NO!
Unless I missed something here, it’s game over already because reality is in play. Demographics are real not a lie. And TrumpBots are NOT the majority. So overall, a very stupid strategy if one is trying to win. Just Stupid!
For me, I was undecided and was leaning on voting Jill Stein as a protest vote. I have NEVER voted Democrat. But really, PussyGate notwithstanding, Trump wants to turn our nation into a Banana Republic. This is no joke. There are serious consequences to a complete change from a republic to a dictatorship under Imperial President Trump. To me, it’s become a national emergency.
So for me, I will now be voting Hillary and when she becomes President, will immediately engage in activism and protest against all policies that are anti-liberty, freedom, humanity, and anti-citizenry.
For me, very sad because Trump had the Right Message but is the Wrong Messenger! Sad!
As for Trump, his nasty disposition made me physically sick to my core. He is a seriously a sick nasty socio-pathetic predator with no sense of consequence or personal responsibility for anything he says or does. He is a disgusting human being!
Now get ready for more video from Trump calling black people NIGGERS! Yep! GOP media has already been notified that it’s out there and will be released. And more is coming too! Did you really think there was only PussyGate from this vulgarian? Really?
As for Hillary, soon I hope to address the important hacked released letters in an VT article this week including her comments on open borders. Stay tuned.
About Johnny Punish: Former punk rock lead singer from 90s underground band Twisted Nixon (1996-2002) Johnny Punish is now pushing his artistic boundaries into the 21st century creating diverse music that matters. In addition, he’s also engaging around the world as a global social justice political activist, eco-activist, socially responsible businessman, and syndicated writer. Since 2000, Punish has produced his own music from his home studio using the latest technologies that allow for expansion of ideas and new directions exploring the tough themes that pop artists have to run from.
To share his music, Punish has created the record trilogy “The Strange Story of Johnny Punish, Volumes 1,2, and 3″; a collection of his solo music from 2000-2016. His music is available on on Itunes, Amazon.com, bandcamp.com and all digital platforms. As a cyber journalist and activist, Punish has penned over 300 articles on freedom, liberty, and justice around the world writing opt-eds for VeteransToday.com and other truth telling web sites.
Punish Resources: ReverbNation – Music – Facebook – Twitter – Join Mailing List

Johnny Punish founded VT in 2004. After 20 years at the helm, he “retired” from the daily operations in late 2023 passing the ball over to the new owner of VT, Chief Justin Time. He now writes for VT as “Writer Emeritus”. He is also a global citizen eco-activist, visionary, musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, podcast host, and syndicated columnist.
Punish is an ethnically cleansed Palestinian-American whose maternal family was evicted from their home in Haifa, Palestine in 1948 by Irgun; a Euro-Zionist Settler Terrorist Group. The family became part of the over 1,000,000 Palestinians who are Al-Nakba refugees (The Catastrophe). The family fled to Beirut Lebanon for 13 years eventually emigrating to the USA in 1961 via a Brasilian passport obtained by his Palestinian Brasilian-born grandmother (In the early 1900s, the family was sent to Sao Paolo Brasil as guest workers in the mining industry. Punish’s father is Italian-American from New York City. Punish’s paternal great-grandparents emigrated to the USA from Naples Italy and Marineo in Sicily in the 1890s. Punish was born in the Bronx, New York in 1963.
Punish was educated at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (1980-81) and California State University Fullerton (1981-1984) with studies in accounting and business. Before the “internets” had been invented, he owned and ran (5) national newspapers in the United States of America from 1987-1998. From 2004 to 2023, he owned and managed VT Foreign Policy retiring at the end of 2023.
Punish is also a recording artist. He has over 100 original songs written. He records and produces music. A member of ASCAP, Punish has several songs placed in feature films. His music is promoted worldwide and played on all digital networks and net radio.
He is also the founder and owner of Global Thinkers, a freedom media that helps free thinkers create real wealth.
Resources: Facebook – YouTube – Apple Music – SoundCloud – Spotify – X (Twitter)
Read Johnny’s Full Bio at JohnnyPunish.com >>>
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