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Yearly Archives: 2017

The “One State Movement”; Calls to Actions

“In fact, the two-state solution was never real or fair. It has disregarded justice for most Palestinians, but even this unjust “solution” was systematically...

My New Year Predictions

Happy New Year everybody! I think it will be a good one, but with so many fundamental issues, including the shutting down of the...

Brain Eating Ameba, Yes, It Exists!

Health Editor's Note:  The last thing you want to think about when taking a refreshing dip to cool off, is that you can be...

MSM “Expose”: Facebook an Israeli Intelligence Service

Editor's note: A consortium led by Cohen and Zuckerberg of Google and Facebook has, for years now, employed military contracting firms in two dozen...

TRUTH JIHAD: “Dangerous Phase of Terrorism: Trump’s Israeli Connections Proved” with Sajjad Shaukat

First 40 minutes: Sajjad Shaukat discusses his recent VT article "Dangerous Phase of Terrorism: Trump’s Israeli Connections Proved."  The article points out that Trump's...

Uri Avnery – Children of Stones – Why they resist

FOR GOD'S SAKE, are they crazy? by Uri Avnery,  ... with Gush Shalom, Tel Aviv - First published ... December 16, 2017 - They congregate in...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 31, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

Gun Violence in America: A Venerable Tradition (Kevin Barrett on Press TV)

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, VT Editor Most of the world doesn't understand American gun culture. So trying to explain it to an international...

Argentine ‘death flight’ pilots get life for 100s of junta opponents thrown into ocean

... from Russia Today, Moscow - First published ... November 30, 2017 - Judges in Argentina have given life sentences to the former ‘death flights’...

Intel Drop, December 30, 2017

... by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor - First published ... December 30, 2017 - Trump policies on Saudi Arabia and Israel have made him enemies...

Henry Ford vs. Donald Trump and the Oligarchs (Part I)

…by Jonas E. Alexis Trump continues to reassert his role as an agent of the oligarchs and the capitalist system, which the Republican Party always...
California Fires Boosted by Accelerant from Japan

MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires

Are you in a city that gets a Million Counts of Radiation a Week? First, how on earth are you going to find out? Folks, that is a secret, isn't it?

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 30, 2017

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Jerusalem Post: 2017 was “the year of Putin”

...by Jonas E. Alexis The Jerusalem Post has recognized that Vladimir Putin was the man of the year. On December 14, journalist, writers, reporters, and...

Peace and Love at Woodstock-Paris Style

Peace and love are the themes of the musical journey of the play "Welcome to Woodstocok" at the Comedia theater in Paris.

Judge Roy Moore gets to eat Alabama political dirt

Jim W. Dean - I am waiting for the backstory to come out on this Ron Moore story, one I suspect will show that his his eye for young girls had been known for some time, but saved to use at a critical time.

Jerusalem belongs to us all!

2018: World must save Holy City from Israel, fearlessly confront false claims, challenge cruelty and expose the lies. Campaigners for justice, including civil society in all countries, need to re-frame Palestine-Israel narrative and demolish Zionist fantasy

Notes on What to Expect

Gordon Duff - What we have really found is that "watchdog" organizations, several, have blackmailed sex criminals for over $250 million in recent months only.  This is a ton of cash for people tied directly to Steve Bannon.

Russian Comics Spoof Nikki Haley about saving Fake Country, Binomo – She buys it

Jim W. Dean - Nikki Jihad-Haley got a special Christmas present from two Russian comics, Vovan and Lexus, famous for the phone pranks they have been pulling off, but this punking will go down in history.

Israeli teens to Netanyahu: We ain’t serving IDF; free Palestine first

...by Jonas E. Alexis Sixty-three Israeli students were brave enough to sign a letter saying they “would defy mandatory military service despite the risk of...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 29, 2017

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How money impacts elections in developing world?

The principal fault in democracy, as it is practiced all over the world, is the election campaign funding part, because individuals and corporations that...

Sigmund Freud, Slavoj Zizek, and the Feminist Game

...by Jonas E. Alexis Slavoj Zizek reminds me of Tevye of the 1971 movie A Fiddler on the Roof. Like Tevye, you never know what...

End of ‘Terrible Siege’: Aleppo Returns to Pre-War Normalcy-Analyst (PHOTOS)

*  - December 23 marked the first anniversary of the liberation of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo from terrorists. Syrian political scientist Kemal Jafa has...

China Tests New Ballistic Missiles With Hypersonic Glide Vehicles

  The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force has conducted two flight tests of a new ballistic missile attached to a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV), US...

‘We were on their tail, which means victory in dogfight’ – Russian pilot on...

A Su-35C fighter Russian pilots always managed to get behind US-led coalition fighter jets they encountered in the skies over Syria, a Russian ace said...

Battle Truths, Russia and Syria take on US and ISIS (videos)

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have provided RT’s Ruptly video service with footage confirming reports of a hundreds-strong Islamic State convoy leaving its...

A short but important story

Jim W. Dean - This was a big surprise, the realization that money was better spent helping African countries fight human smuggling at the source to cut the flow of illegal immigration.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 28, 2017

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“Alice Donovan” sparks anti-alt-media witch hunt — is “she” a false flag?

By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor Did an obscure internet writer somehow put Donald Trump in the White House? That is what the Washington Post seems to...

Sergey Lavrov: No need for US to go to war with North Korea

...by Jonas E. Alexis Newsweek has recently quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saying that there is no need for the United States to get involved...

Look Out for Hepatitis C (Updated)

Health Editor's Note: Baby Boomers (people born from 1945–1965 are at least five times more likely to have hepatitis C than other adults. Hepatitis...

Understanding Trump


Syrian opposition groups reject Sochi peace talks

Jim W. Dean - The hard line Syrian Jihadi opposition is playing out their hand as expected, as pawns of the US coalition backers.

NEO – The Real “Bad Guys”

Those of you on depression medicine, take an extra dose and wait a couple of hours before reading this, as it ain't pretty. Regular VT readers already know.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 27, 2017

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The Third Hijacking of America?

Preston James - For many years you were never supposed to find out most of the contents of this article. But now all things have changed and there is a new sheriff.

General Robert Neller to US troops: Expect “a big-ass fight” against Russia

...by Jonas E. Alexis “I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” said General Robert Neller to his US troops stationed in Norway. “You're...

Thank You Mr. President You Made Our Day

You could not imagine, how happy you made us when you announced and declared that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel and that you will move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.